KW: I'm not wrinkled, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not! I'm DISTINGUISHED.
JoinedPosts by VoidEater
You will see Old age
by KW13 ini told mum yesterday that i'd carry on my so called 'anti jw' speak when she is an old lady of 80 years old.
her words "i dont think this system will last that long".. i have a long time to wait but i shall be proven right!.
Why Some Can't Understand
by writetoknow inif i love my children, i don't make them suffer.
why should god be any different?.
"you may participate in the divine nature" (2 peter 1:4).
Mmm...suffering...great stuff!
God is in control of the cosmos. Nothing has happened or ever will happen that God has not specifically allowed and ultimately caused to happen.
I am now completely redeemed. I am now wholly spiritual. My suffering tells me so.
The underlying "truth" to be had is that God wants us to suffer - tut, tut! Yes, you DID say that. All that happens is God's will.
Hypothetical Scenario... (Of a CULT, OMG!)
by saywhat29 inokay, this hs been going on in my head for a while, and though i should be focusing on my finals and papers, this little scenario keeps playing out in my head and i wonder if it is just my biased that "omgz it's an effing cult!
" or if there is some truth to it.. say they actually did pass out styrofoam cups with 'true christian' kool-aid... and told them that they would be in the new system after they took a swig.... do you think that the majority would do it?
one would always do it in any religion as all have to have their die-hards, but i think the real identifier of a cult is the idea that *most* would and could not help to do so without question.. because i can't help but *know* that my mother, my grandmother, and my sister would be bodies after the end of this little scenario of mine.
OTWO hits it on the head -
brainwashingbringing new light to the masses is done incrementally, a little at a time. It might go something like this:It's better to have never known the truth than to have known it and fallen away
Avoid falling away
Avoid the temptation to fall away
Many now living will never die spiritually!
Many now dead are already alive spritually!
Those that have already physically died and gone to the common grave (sheoul) while remaining faithful are in the best position of all!
"Many Christians of good conscience are now choosing to end their lives at their peak - pioneering for a year, and then - while their spiritual strength is strongest, taking away the opportunity for Satan to lead them astray"
Manna! At the next circuit assembly! Contains arsenic!
OK, Let's think this out
by purplesofa inlet's say.......there is no god, the bible is not inspired by god........ but.
what is written is being played out.. is what is written being played out?.
why don't we change the future?.
Hi Purps:
I think its easier, the lazy approach to just let things happen and play out.
Sadly, true. Momentum is usually easier than manifesting change, and taking responsibility for change. True change comes about from the individual level, and begins when we change ourselves.
We believe so much that God is going to come in and fix things, we are content to continue to let destruction continue to happen.
Let's "wait on Jehovah". But maybe God changes the world through us, all that really has to happen is our taking up the mantle and getting on with it. Either way, it's up to us to create the world we want (with or without a prophetic book to inspire us). It can really be rather pragmatic - I want to live in a better world, so I better start making that world. The evidence I have is that God has not stopped the suffering - particularly of those in his churches - so let's look for alternatives toa stopping the suffering.
We feel we are hopeless to change anything. The few people that do actively try to change things meet with such opposition its unreal.
And sometimes there is success. Inertia is hard to alter; but once started, it gets easier.
We debate what is right and wrong, what is moral and what is not, instead of what really works!!!
I get trapped in the boxes sometimes, too. But the pragmatist in me wins out in the end.
Sometimes I wish every sign, law, rule, regulation, commandment, the slate was wiped clean, Then how would we make it, how would we go on, how would we get along?
My point, too. If we stopped treating each other as means to our personal wish fulfillments, might we start treating each other as if we were part of the same organism? Would that just become another box - but would it be a better, larger box where better things happened? In theory, Christ did away with all laws but two - both of which are to love. Love is an experience.
Would we simply love our neighber as we do ourselves? and love God with our whole soul, thought, and might?
I'd like to try that experiment.
Think and feel what we know really works? Would we see two young boys hung and killed for a homosexual encounter? Would we steal from another if we were starving? or would we love our neighber and feed the starving?
We wouldn't care what two people consent to do between themselves. We would share what we have and go through the same trials and honors together. At least that's how it works in my world.
Over the twenty years I have been exposed to the truth, even they have developed so many rules its too much to keep up with.
A religion of rules rather than a community of love.
We all are living in very teeny tiny boxes. Busting to get out!!!
Boxes and labels are generally restricting and painful.
If there is an inspired god, he is manmade, IMO, and the disasters that happen to the planet are the living planet that it is still evolving and changing............If a "god" steps in, it will only be mankind coming to their senses of whats real, the core of life, stripped of all the scripting. We will have no more excuses.
We have no excuses now - only wounds that limit our responsiveness.
OK, Let's think this out
by purplesofa inlet's say.......there is no god, the bible is not inspired by god........ but.
what is written is being played out.. is what is written being played out?.
why don't we change the future?.
Purps: Thanks for the thread - sorry to hear you're rather out of it today.
I guess today I wish we could be just connect to the core of who we are, no labels, no athiest, no fundies, no democrats, no republicans, no history.
You point to two different domains we humans live in - the mental/labels/boxes versus the experiential. I often see our egos as the tips of mountains rising from the ocean - and beyond that I experience we are all connected at the sea bed. If we lived as if we were all connected, what might the world look like? I'd have to treat everyone as if they were a part of me.
Nvr says:
People that smoke can be accurately referred to as smokers.
People that don't smoke can be accurately referred to as non-smokers.
People that smoke occasionally can be accurately referred to as occasional smokers.
True. And useful for some discussions that help us make sense of the world through labels. But I wonder if we didn't pay much attention to the boxes, then how different we might treat each other. When examining the boxes of "hitting women", I too am satisfied to be in the "has never hit a woman" box - but I wonder how much hitting comes about because of "box thinking" - if instead we had the the connection Purps talks about at the forefront of our awareness, perhaps we'd stop hitting each other.
Not that we seem capable of it (yet), but maybe if we had a Bible that told us of a different reality, we'd become different. If the Bible is just a reflection of us, maybe we should write a new one every hundred years or so.
But really, if one thinks God is manmade, which is what you said, doesn't that mean that one thinks He does not exist outside of our imagination?
I think that would make one an atheist.
Patience! I think I may be getting there. But beyond that, my experience of God has been completely internal (imagination? just a different domain?). My concept of him (which is only based on "God is love", as far as scipture is concerned) has led me to act nicely, but the only evidence I have is that he hasn't done anything for me in the outer world. That makes him rather internal, and if that limits Him to my imagination, then I guess that must be where he resides.
Who knows, when the apocalyptic predictions of Jehovah's Witnesses and other fundamentalist groups continue to go unfulfilled, they may themselves assign them a "spritual" fulfillment, to save face. They're quite good at that sort of thing.
Amen. Another helping of INVISIBLE second coming, anyone? i missed the bright light from horizon to horizon (I may be misquoting here).
Regarding People Who Complain About Everything....
by minimus ini'm sick of them!
my mom was telling me of how her friend is upset again with the elders (and nearly everyone else) because they don't talk to her.
she waits in the back of the hall and watches everyone go by her to see if they'll approach her to see how she's faring.. i know of a certain woman who regularly comments on how certain persons are "giving her a look".
Makes you wanna slip some Prozac in their coffee...
Just a phase? I think not!
by tsunami_rid3r inas everyday passes by being alone, i am enjoying it more and more.
i have grown distant from friends, and the only contact with others i have is at work and in the lab.
i do not talk to most of my classmates except the ones i am in an assigned group with.
This doesn't sound like a problem per se.
Since our needs for solitude and our needs for group involvement vary, you may find the pendulum swing back towards a balance of alone/together.
Unless this causes some kind of upset within you, enjoy it.
Are We Kind Because It's the Right thing to Do/Or Because "God"Tells Us To?
by flipper inin seeing the " debates " the last couple days of religionists debating with atheists i couldn't help but start a thread on what i have noticed since leaving the jehovah's witnesses religion.
personally just to set the record straight on my views personally i consider myself a strong agnostic, perhaps a weak and learning atheist, if that makes any sense .
while in the witnesses, i was always annoyed ( for 44 years i might add) by some who considered themselves very " spiritual " being kind to others in a facade kind of manner.
"If a person doesn't claim to be Christian, what are they going to use as a standard or how would they define kindness? "
By the expression on others' faces.
As Gopher knows, my own inquiry into the subject is, "Why do I feel I need God as an excuse to be kind?"
Perhaps the answer is just my personal history, where many with the same history turn into cruel people. Somehow I've needed an excuse to let my "higher self" manifest.
But I haven't used God as a stick to make me do well - tho' I have used my internal view of God as a model to follow.
If You're Annointed and You Know It Clap Your Hands...
by VoidEater inok...i see there are a fair number of posters here that have a "heavenly hope".... i can't help but wonder - what would it be like if a group of annointed (those that know in their hearts they will be resurrected to heaven) were to step up to the wbts, claim the authority the society vests in them as the true intermediaries between the great crowd and jesus, and try to give input to the gb?.
how could the gb posisbly say they are not part of the fds?
i suppose they would just paint everyone with the apostasy brush - "because i say they are and they disagree with me" - but wouldn't it be a marvel to see a group come forward to assert the authority and responsibility the gb says is vested in the fds?.
Oh! Sorry, Brent, here you go:
If you're Annointed and you know it clap your hands
If you're Annointed and you know it clap your hands
If you're Annointed and you know it and your GB's really blown it
If you're Annointed and you know it clap your hands
...that's all I know, though... -ve
Tecumseh's Every "20 Year Death Curse " on American Presidents
by flipper inthis is probably a bit of history some of you know, maybe some of you don't.
in the early 1800's there was a shawnee native american chief named tecumseh who was trying to make an effort to unify all the other native american tribes together against the invasion of the newly formed american government.
tecumseh was known as a brave, highly skilled communicator, and a good man wanting to share the land in peace with the new american government, but finding he wasn't getting much cooperation from them .
As for "W" - would what many might call "brain death" count?