Bi-polar, perfectionist, raised in "the truth" but when I was 40 he confided that he didn't really believe the dogma but it seemed a safe place to be when the system ended (he's still convinced society is about to blow apart, either from divine or human causes). Physically and emotional abusive, has mellowed with age where I enjoy the relationship (but only because I've become my own person and can relate to him more as a human being with some wonderful attributes and some hideous flaws).
Intellectual, brilliant thinker, sees the flaws in logic and interpretation and gets himself DAed for disagreeing with dogma. Suicidal when he's on the outs with the local congregation, angry at the hyposcrisy when he's in.
His own mom was physically and emotionally abusive, and this was spurred on by the "spare the rod and spoil the child" mentality of the faith. No wonder he turned out the way he did. Amazing I only inherited the mind and body of my dad, but somehow figured out the abuse could stop with me. Oh, and why does this church not understand that "the rod" is a shephard's crook, not a weapon of smiting?
I love it when I spend time with him, and love it that we live no where near each other. Mostly.
And he'll always be the dad I have, and I love him.