The letters were a spoof? I was just about to send an e-mail to this place to say what idiots they were.
"I have so much love to give, but no one to give it to."
William H. Macy - "Magnolia"
has anyone stumbled across the following site:.
it includes such gems as "are cats for true christians?
The letters were a spoof? I was just about to send an e-mail to this place to say what idiots they were.
"I have so much love to give, but no one to give it to."
William H. Macy - "Magnolia"
while listening to a radio programme this morning i heard an anglican clergyman, whilst relating the account of noah and the flood, say that a hole had been made in the side of the ark and this related to jesus having a wound inflicted in his side too, therefore jesus is the spiritual equivalent of the ark in noahs day.. now i prefer that version rather than the jw line that the organisation is the spiritual ark.
i have read the account in genesis both in the living bible and the king james and cannot find any mention of the ark ever having a hole inflicted in its side.. .
i wasn't paying much attention to the radio it was just going on in the backround but this got my attention because i was brought up a methodist and i seem to recall something about this in my dim and distant past.
Maybe they were refering to a window, anyway say hello to James Bond for me moneypenny.
"I have so much love to give, but no one to give it to."
William H. Macy - "Magnolia"
hey all.
i came across a new extreme sport.
too bad the borg doesn't allow extreme sports or this would be perfect for jaydubs..
Extreme ironing? Heck, I do that everyday. Pants, shorts, shirts, I'm good at ironing all those.
"I have so much love to give, but no one to give it to."
William H. Macy - "Magnolia"
i am, and always have been, intrigued by human behavior.
i love people watching!
on my first date with neil, we went to a restaurant and sat at a table in the bar.
Andi, as I read the list I was hoping that my name wouldn't be on it. Thankfully, it wasn't. But if it was it would read something like this:
Gilwarrior: In school was the shy, quiet guy would sat in the back of the class, hardly saying a word. Has finally removed the shackels that have been tieing him down all these years and is having fun. Oh, and he thinks a lot about sex too.
Sorry I didn't see you at Apostofest. I hope to meet you soon.
"I have so much love to give, but no one to give it to."
William H. Macy - "Magnolia"
they are an honest bunch all right.. i lived in a smaller city in wisconsin.
there was yet a smaller city right to the south and there was a restaurant that was owned by the uncle of a witness.
this restaurant was robbed one day by a non jw guy and his jw girlfriend.
I heard about this one Witness in our congregation who supposedly picked up abandoned car along the road and would sell them for scrap metal.
this article taken from the ny post should suffice to make you sick to your stomach.. .
why the west is better .
by mark goldblatt .
Those bastards!
i have been out of the org., for over a year now.
i raised my child in the org., and she is now 14. i started smoking pot a month ago, and my daughter found out.
of course she was taught that this is sooo bad.
Hey Bea! I know this is none of my business, but in your post you mentioned that you are a drug addict. I hope that you were joking. I don't want to read on this post one day that you overdosed or something. May you live many more years.
"I have so much love to give, but no one to give it to."
William H. Macy - "Magnolia"
hello all... i'm a newbie...first time on this site...a friend of mine who has also left the borg told me about it... while sitting on the phone together, i read some of the stories to her and we had a good laugh...all is true....
welcome to the board. You are in for great ride.
one payday, mr. goodbar wanted a bit-o-honey so he took miss hershey's behind the powerhouse on the corner of clark and 5th avenue.
he began to feel her mounds with his butterfinger.
that was pure almond joy.
One PAYDAY, MR. GOODBAR wanted a BIT-O-HONEY so he took Miss HERSHEY'S behind the POWERHOUSE on the corner of CLARK and 5TH AVENUE. He began to feel her MOUNDS with his BUTTERFINGER. That was pure ALMOND JOY. It made her TOOTSIE ROLLS and he let out a SNICKERS as she screamed "OH HENRY" while squeezing his PETER PAUL. Miss HERSHEY'S said: "you are better than the 3 MUSKETEERS." Soon she was a bit CHUNKY and nine months later had a BABY RUTH.
reliable matrix 2 info plus script
The script has me going for until the part about the poo. It was pretty funny.
Oh, and bye way David Cronenberg, not John Carpenter, directed "Existenz."