JoinedTopics Started by looloo
when you were a jw did you believe in cavemen ?
by looloo ini was wandering round the natural history museum in london last week and saw the early man skeltons and learned about how they lived and what they ate etc and thought about the adam and eve who i was taught about at the kingdom hall that seemed to just ignore the fact that people lived many thousands of years ago and not just 6000 .
as a jehovahs witness how did you feel about early man skeltons being found and the dinosaurs etc and how did you manage to explain it in your own mind never mind to anyone else ?
i was told by an elder that if your given a plate of food and dont like something on the plate do you just leave it all ?
when someone "gos back " to meetings why arnt they treated like the "prodigal son " ?
by looloo inif jws claim to live by the bible then why do they not welcome back repentent ones straight away ?
is there anything in the bible about still ignoring people despite their "heartfelt " repentence and making them sit at the back of meetings etc.. feeling isolated and so sad , if its not in the bible to do this then why do they do it ?
its not what jesus would have done it is cruel , cult like and controlling !
i gave a "good witness " yesterday !
by looloo ina workmate was telling me she had a friend who became a jw years ago and one day the jws hubby was doing some work at my workmates house when jws started preaching she thought it funny that despite being a jw himself he was actually hiding from the jws !
i told her that an awfull lot of jws are a little embaressed about their beliefs and dont even enjoy actually knocking on doors and you will find they usually walk very slow and i explained the reasons for this (handing in a slip of paper recording the amount of hours ) and then i went on to explain about shunning , the crap child protection policies , victims of domestic violence told to pray to be a better wife etc.., satan and demons on the internet telling lies !
she told me that because her jw mate is so down to earth and gets drunk etc she had thought being a jw must be ok really !
after 14 years out i think ive finally found "the truth" reincarnation !
by looloo ini have read many books on reincarnation recently and no longer fear death , or the death of loved ones anymore , there are so many childrens stories of past lifes , children who have no knowledge of reincarnation etc that have come out with things like "mummy you were not my mummy last time i lived were you ?
" a 3 year old child coming out with such a thing is amazing and the reason i started looking into it was because my own 7 year old casually told me that" we have all been here before mummy but we just forget " i asked who told her that and she replied "nobody told me mummy i just know " it all makes sense now and is much more fair than jws "truth " any one else here looked into reincarnation ?.
i could never understand what was "good " about the "good news "
by looloo inas someone recruited in my 20s and spent about 6 years "interested " though never baptised , i just felt depressed after the lovebombing i received at first , i felt trapped by knowing "the truth" and wished i hadnt heard about it .
i couldnt understand what was good news about billions of innocents dying including poor children who have suffered enough in countries where there is famine etc... and all my relatives were doomed along with them !
i was a much happier person before i met jws believing you go to heaven after your death and live with god jesus and your loved ones .
who believes in reincarnation ? my 7 year old told me " mummy did you know that we have all been here before but we just forget "!
by looloo ini asked her who told her that as i knew the school would not have covered that subject , she replied " nobody told me , i just know it "!
i have heard that children have a better memory of that kind of thing but i was still amazed !.