JoinedPosts by fukitol
Are the Governing Body Members Mentally Ill?
by Oubliette indata-dog: i believe that many of them would actually be considered mentally ill, if they were ever tested.. .
great question and intriguing hypothesis.
lets take an armchair psychologists view and see what we shall see.
They're just friggen brainwashed, man, in the same way that any religious leader of any church is. Stupid to tarnish them with the same 'mentally diseased' crap as they do to us. Don't descend to their level. -
Master piece!
by coalize inwhat we can read in the wt 10/15/2015... they have really no shame!.
Wow, it's becoming the North Korea of religions. The whole world's media and internet are slanderous and malicious when they speak against us. Kim Jong Un would be proud of that Watchtower propaganda.
A truly Orwellian mind-control religion.
Eternal life through brain transplant into an android body only a matter of time. Religion no longer needed.
by fukitol inhumanity doesn't need to continue believing in hocus pocus pie in the sky religious hogwash and pipe dreams to have hope of everlasting life.
nor is it necessary to find the fountain of youth or turn off the aging process.. it's only a matter of time until science achieves it.
maybe not decades away, maybe not even centuries, but eventually..... ....mankind will achieve eternal life through a transplant of the human brain into a future highly advanced robotic body.. already the scientific fundmentals for it exist.
A more orthodox and believable article here, showing that scientific experts are presently taking this very seriously and working on it: http://www.fastcoexist.com/3015553/futurist-forum/not-science-fiction-a-brain-in-a-box-to-let-people-live-on-after-death -
Eternal life through brain transplant into an android body only a matter of time. Religion no longer needed.
by fukitol inhumanity doesn't need to continue believing in hocus pocus pie in the sky religious hogwash and pipe dreams to have hope of everlasting life.
nor is it necessary to find the fountain of youth or turn off the aging process.. it's only a matter of time until science achieves it.
maybe not decades away, maybe not even centuries, but eventually..... ....mankind will achieve eternal life through a transplant of the human brain into a future highly advanced robotic body.. already the scientific fundmentals for it exist.
Humanity doesn't need to continue believing in hocus pocus pie in the sky religious hogwash and pipe dreams to have hope of everlasting life.
Nor is it necessary to find the fountain of youth or turn off the aging process.
It's only a matter of time until science achieves it. Maybe not decades away, maybe not even centuries, but eventually....
....mankind will achieve eternal life through a transplant of the human brain into a future highly advanced robotic body.
Already the scientific fundmentals for it exist. For example, science has already succeeded in creating a robotic arm that can be practically manipulated by pure thought.
Dolly the sheep was perfectly cloned years ago. They can now recreate certain body parts in a lab.The human genome is now mapped.
Even the Pentagon is investing serious money into researching the possibilities. It's no longer the stuff of pure science fiction.
See this article for example: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2175374/Russian-research-project-offers-immortality-billionaires--transplanting-brains-robot-bodies.html
Yes, it's only the Daily Mail and this Russian entrepreneur is probably wildly optimistic in his visionary opportunism, but the basic science is already there and has already been proven to an extent.
You can throw your Bibles, Books of Mormon, Korans, Baghavad Gita's, etc, out the window. Religion only exists for comfort and giving hope of something beyond our short life-spans.
When science eventually enables eternal life through transplanting the human brain into a cybernetic body, religion will no longer be necessary and die a natural death.
Why are JWs so against debate
by enigma1863 inif the jws follow proverbs 27:17 they should not be afraid of any tension or friction.. in order for iron to sharpen iron you need pressure, tension friction and a bit of heated debate..
The GB once had a mass debate on the subject of masturbate -
W 15 july - members of others religions not destroyed???
by paradisebeauty inplease tell me what do you understand from this quote that is taken from w july 2015, the article your deliverance is close paragraph 5.. i understand that not all members of other religions will be destroyed at armageddon.
i talked to a jw.
he says he understands differently: they will not be destroyed when the babylon the great will be destroyed but they will be destroyed in armageddon.
Even if the JW's are right and 98% of the planet's population are massacred at Armageddon, who the f*ck would want to worship a God like that? I sure as hell wouldn't.
Satan would be the one laughing, he would be the one vindicated. He would have proved that God had to kill nearly all of the human race at Armageddon. A global genocide against his own imperfect human creation. What sort of vindication is that? Satan would've proved that Jehovah and Jesus are planetary genocidal maniacs. Didn't Jesus say he came to save the world not destroy it? God may as well just have wiped out Adam and Eve at the beginning and started again, cuz after 6,000 years he proved squat since he had to wipe them all out anyway.
I may as well worship Pol Pot, Stalin or Hitler.
Apostle Paul admitted you don't need the scripture or faith
by fukitol inpaul basically admitted in roman's 2 that if you're not a christian but you follow your conscience and the 'law of your heart' then you are fine!.
screw organised religion.
it's bogus.
Paul basically admitted in Roman's 2 that if you're not a Christian but you follow your conscience and the 'law of your heart' then you are fine!
Screw organised religion. It's bogus. All you need is to follow your heart and your conscience. If there is a God, that's where he's put his imprint. It's not in any ancient, morally twisted, mythological old book of Jewish fables. In fact, that hoary old ancient book of so-called 'holy scripture' only perverts and corrupts one's conscience and natural morality.
12 All who sin apart from the law will also perish apart from the law, and all who sin under the law will be judged by the law. 13 For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God’s sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous. 14 (Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law. 15 They show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts sometimes accusing them and at other times even defending them.) 16 This will take place on the day when God judges people’s secrets through Jesus Christ, as my gospel declares.
If you were put in charge of the Governing Body tomorrow...
by FusionTheism inif you were somehow magically put in-charge of the governing body tomorrow, by jesus, with the rules being, you could not teach anything that would be considered outright apostasy and you could not teach anything that would be considered to cause doubt about god's existence... (so as not to arouse suspicion).
what "new light" or "clarified understandings" would you introduce first?.
and which later on?.
'the trinity' LMAO! wtf? -
Being shunned only increases my certainty that the WBT$ is a cult
by punkofnice inwell, i don't wanna rant too much but sometimes things cut you don't they.. a family member had a get together for the family, jw and non jw and of course i wasn't invited being da'd.. i understand why they couldn't invite me but it just made me think.
in normal society this wouldn't happen.
i'd have been there.. the shunning is so unnatural and damaging.
That's what I tell my relatives, that their shunning policy absolutely proves to me they are nothing to do with true Christianity, since true Christianity is about showing love to your enemies, especially your family, and shunning is anything but that.
It's proof they do not fulfill John 13:35
Why do members of this board debate what the W.T. /G.B. meant in their publications when its all going to be changed shortly.
by smiddy inits just a thought i had,why do we debate over what the wt publications say today when we know all to well that in a year or two they will say something different.. and put it down to new light .. everything charles taze russell said by word of mouth and in print , the so called , first president of the international bible students association (william h. conley was actually the first president ), later to be named the watchtower bible and tract society in his lifetime is discarded .. something like 40 years preaching and teaching throughout the earth , being the chief cornerstone of the foundation of the jehovah`s witness religion / i.b.s.a... nothing he said or preached or wrote about is accepted today by the jehovah`s witness religion as being relevant.. do they say he was wrong ?
no... do they say he was a false prophet ?
no ,... then what do they say about c.t.russell , well they do cherry pick some comments and take them out of context ,like he foretold 40 years beforehand about world war one.
The JW's have not totally discarded everything C T Russell taught, stop exaggerating. In fact, they have retained most of the core doctrines Russell originally first taught that distinguished them from Christendom.