JoinedTopics Started by Hipraptor
Child Abuse cases (research for assignment)
by Hipraptor ini used to be a jw years ago and i am at the moment just doing a short course on 'child protection', as part of this course i have to do a 1,000 word assignment which has to be a report on a real child abuse case, so i have decided to write one on the subject of jw's and child abuse, so what i am looking for is a really well publisized case that had had a successful outcome in the courts, however i also need the case example to be one of those that took time to come to light either because of failure of the authorties, school teachers etc to spot it.. obviously i will be trawling the net, but i have made my call here first as i know many of you here have much experience of such cases and might be able to point me to a case that has enough information to suit my needs.. ideally oen with lots of online court transcripts etc.. .
by the way sinc elaving the jw's i have overcome many mental health issues and even though in my late 40's i have seized the day and i am have over the last two years qualfied as a teacher and am still involved in learning for myself also by continuing going to college, something jw's used to frown on when i was a youngster among them.. .
thank you in advance for your help.. .
What Happened - Showed Mum the Feature from NBC News
by KW13 inwell i think its probably the best thing we've had happen in a long time.. mum was stunned to say the least and apart from a few lame reasons why this could possibly happen, she was pretty speechless.. she tried to say the society had dealt with it the moment they heard of the sexual abuse themselves but a second run through the video pretty much dealt with that, as the first pedophile mentioned was known to have abused since the 70's and the society were aware of him existing.. she then said well in some states as the video says it isnt necessary to report it and that witnesses dont condone abuse but i said to her, neither do individual catholics but it still went on and that law isnt an excuse if you claim to be no part of the world.. wow!
she was just taking it all in and couldnt really do much about the whole thing....first time ever i've seen her like this, just totally defeated and the whole time she was here she was deep in thought....
HDR photography anyone? (pics inside)
by Jourles indoes anyone employ hdr(high dynamic range) photography in their bag of tricks?
in a nutshell, you take several photos of the same scene but at different exposures - from dark to very light(your aperture needs to remain exactly the same).
you then merge them together.
single JW's and sex
by Hipraptor ini am if it is the norm, but in my teenage years i must admit, i ahd no problem in going beyond kissing with quite a few jw girls, some even pioneers and talking to some fellow male jw teenagers at the time, many other where for sure going beyond kissing, makes you wonder how many jw's who get married are actually virgins, on a side note i also landed up in front of a committe one time for well bonking and hey i am sure they only do these so that they can here all the nitty gritty of illicit sex for soem reason or another, by the way i pulled the wool over their eyes and still remaind a bit of alad, lol.
September Dawn
by Hipraptor ini have just watched this movie http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0473700/ and i never knew that the mormons had engaed in such an atrocity, just another example i guess of religious zealots going ott, darn am i glad that when i left the jw's i chose to be done with relgion once and for all and so the light that there is no god etc.
by badboy inthe millionaire giving them moneywas raised as a jw.
have u ever wonder why sisters wear skirts to the meeting?
by XOCO insomeone had told be the reason b4 but that was billions of years ago.
any way so why?.
xoco (ur annoyin' lilttle youngin').
by Hipraptor inok, just foudn this forum, been left the jw's 11 years now and never looked back, i am a male 46 from the uk, while being a jw i was depressed and had no real goals in life, except what they wanted.. now i have been at college these last 3 years, got a teaching qualification and now doing a degree, oh and i also have my youngest son who is 10, enagaging in motorcycle racing, another no no for them jw's.. and hey he leaves two expensive motorcycle in the paddock most times unattended and dfoes anyone steal them, nope, hmm seems that jw's do not have the monoploy on hoesty, not that many of then are that anyways.. .
by Mary ini can't remember if it was discussed here, but michael porter, a witness in good standing in london, england, pled guilty to being a pedophile and was originally given a conditional sentence which outraged many.. anyway, his leniant sentence was just overturned, and it looks like he better not drop the soap in the communial shower for the next 18 months: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/7094591.stm.