i was sitting in the back row of the back room, which has a window, so you can see the speaker, and there were about 4 other people in the room. the CO is giving the talk, one of the people 3 rows in front of me asks someone they knew behind them for some candy, the person gently tossed the candy to him. The CO then stops what he is doing (how he saw this all the way at the other end of the hall i'll never understand) and says "there is a group of young people in the back room throwing things around, please go back and handle this." I look at my wife like WTF did he just say? and the entire 150+ people in attandance look at all of us like we just murdered a child. Since I had nothing to do with this, while I thought it was insane and outrageous, I also was thinking "wow, thats rough for them". a group of about 5 elders and MS's run back to the room as if there was a fire, im sitting there, amused. They come in and say that they must go sit in the audatorium, which was rough because the only seats left were in the front row, so they would have to walk all the way to the front row in front of everyone. then to my shock, they look at me and my wife and tell us we have to do the same. i calmly explain that i was not involved and I am not a young person, so clearly he was not referring to me. And in a demanding tone they tell me we cannot sit here. I tell them not only was he not referring to us, but the only seats left and in the front row. Didnt matter, they COMMANDED me to go sit in the front row. I looked at my wife and looked back at this posse of nut jobs, and said, "na, i think we're just going to go home." So we packed up our sh*t and left. The looks on their faces was priceless. That was the last time we attended a meeting at the hall.
after that i got phone calls from people who were outraged by how we were treated but of course didnt agree with our stand to move to another hall. (there was alot of other stuff that lead up to this and this was the final straw) i am thankful that we did, because it made it easier for us to exit the cult.