am i the only one that thinks this is waaaay worse than sparlock? i mean, these pictures are upsetting and distubing. its like they are really focusing on the violence with the kids stuff. is this what they were planning all along with the special stuff for kids? to bring out the most disturbing parts in the bible to scare them? i mean, you are suposse to sit down with your child and force him to read about a situation in which people are demanding Lot let them gang rape the men inside his house, and that lot instead offered to have his daughters be gang raped? look, i know the bible story book had some graphic pictures, but this is another level of sick. with all of the bible stories, why do these? whats next? connecting the dots of the pregnant women ripped open at the command of the all "loving" Jehovah? its rare watchtower does something that suprises me, this is really shocking.
EDIT: i missed page 3 of this thread, i am not the only one that thinks this is worse than sparlock, and i read a post that i think sums this up perfectly and i dont feel its it any way exaggerated:
"In my mind these guys on the Governing Body are worse than a pedofile when it comes to emotionally abusing very young children for compliance to their own selfish gratification.
These guys are real sickos with out a conscience."