The bible says there is only ONE LORD and ONE GOD. All the rest are either demons or simply nonexistent.
So I guess I should have asked you then; Do you believe in the Bible?
thought you all would enjoy this.. i went to a b'day party for a friend who is a bible-thumper in the worst way!
(10x worse than most jw).. i'm sitting around like a zombie while everyone is talking about how "blessed" they are to "know christ" blah blah blah blah blah.. then my interest got peaked as one of the women started quoting scripture talking about how the reason her life is blessed is that her great great grandmother was a russian mennonite blah blah blah and the bible says that god will bless your offspring if you come to know him.
blah blah blah.. so i start asking a few well placed questions like "well what does that mean for the poor muslim sop whose great great grandmother was a muslim?
The bible says there is only ONE LORD and ONE GOD. All the rest are either demons or simply nonexistent.
So I guess I should have asked you then; Do you believe in the Bible?
thought you all would enjoy this.. i went to a b'day party for a friend who is a bible-thumper in the worst way!
(10x worse than most jw).. i'm sitting around like a zombie while everyone is talking about how "blessed" they are to "know christ" blah blah blah blah blah.. then my interest got peaked as one of the women started quoting scripture talking about how the reason her life is blessed is that her great great grandmother was a russian mennonite blah blah blah and the bible says that god will bless your offspring if you come to know him.
blah blah blah.. so i start asking a few well placed questions like "well what does that mean for the poor muslim sop whose great great grandmother was a muslim?
Blessings and love to you, sweet one.
I have provided many bible passages, I think in another thread, actually, to show the truth that Jesus is Lord and GOD.
How about, to keep things short, Rev. 1, Isaiah 9:6, John 1:1 John 8:56,58, 1John 5:7, just to name a few examples.
Do you believe that there is only ONE LORD and ONE GOD?
Greatest love to all of you, Lotsa kisses too!
coz you are all yanky scum!!!!.
i love yemin............long live sultain yemnata!
Hmmmm...not all of us are Yankees either....I happen to be Canadian.
Hugs and blessings to you Devilman in the name of the King, Jesus Christ. You can write to me anytime if you need a friend.
thought you all would enjoy this.. i went to a b'day party for a friend who is a bible-thumper in the worst way!
(10x worse than most jw).. i'm sitting around like a zombie while everyone is talking about how "blessed" they are to "know christ" blah blah blah blah blah.. then my interest got peaked as one of the women started quoting scripture talking about how the reason her life is blessed is that her great great grandmother was a russian mennonite blah blah blah and the bible says that god will bless your offspring if you come to know him.
blah blah blah.. so i start asking a few well placed questions like "well what does that mean for the poor muslim sop whose great great grandmother was a muslim?
I will teach only what I know to be the truth, confirmed to me by the Holy Ghost. I will never deny the truth that my Lord Jesus Christ is GOD.
It is only that I have had a hard time learning that you can only talk about certain things for just so long; after that you push people away, and that hurts the cause of Christ Jesus the King.
People have told me time and time again that they cannot accept that Jesus is God, but they will not back up their statements. They can only say that they do not like the idea.
What you choose to believe is entirely your business in the end. I will love you anyway, for I did not come here to judge. But as long as there are other people on this forum who have questions and are willing to listen, I will not abandon them. I will be there for them as long as they need me. Even you too if you ever have any questions. I am not going away until the Lord directs me to move on. I go by His will and His alone.
Hugs and kisses to you and every single one of you here!
i have not shared my "story" with you yet.....i will give you the just of it right now, and go into further detail later.. i was baptized three months ago.
i started having doubts right away.
i am currently inactive and have no plans to return.
Peace and love to you, OPENMIND
Listen, I never was a JW, but I'd reallyl ike to be there to help you if I can. Especially if you have any bible questions in particular. I do not pretend to be a genius, But, you know, write to me anytime, and I will be there. Even if you just need a friend. I would like to be there for you.
i officially quit all spiritual functions with the jw's almost 5 years ago,at the time i was a ms, my wife and kids are still very active however i have never been announced as deleted are anything.
dosen't there have to be an accounting of my inactivity?.
any thoughts!
But why worry about what mere men think of you?
god is by definition all knowing.
as an omniscient being, what is there that would require faith on god's part?.
god tells us in the bible to be like him... "be ye perfect, even as your father in heaven is perfect".. .
Faith for the godly person has to come first; Knowledge is one of the fruits of faith. Sweet blessings to you of you sweet ones! Love and kisses to all of you.
thought you all would enjoy this.. i went to a b'day party for a friend who is a bible-thumper in the worst way!
(10x worse than most jw).. i'm sitting around like a zombie while everyone is talking about how "blessed" they are to "know christ" blah blah blah blah blah.. then my interest got peaked as one of the women started quoting scripture talking about how the reason her life is blessed is that her great great grandmother was a russian mennonite blah blah blah and the bible says that god will bless your offspring if you come to know him.
blah blah blah.. so i start asking a few well placed questions like "well what does that mean for the poor muslim sop whose great great grandmother was a muslim?
I still love you anyway.
i recently started doing some studying of jehovahs witnesses, and i find most everything so logical, and the people involved have been so nice to me.
i'm 30, and currently am not associated with any denomination.. what i don't understand is how the word "cross" got translated into the bible if it's not right.
aren't we supposed to believe the bible?.
Hey sweet one, how's your studying coming along? I've missed hearing from you!
I do not want to leave you in the lurch if you have any questions. You are still welcome to write to me personally anytime.
i don't know why i'm writing this post.... it's not for sympathy...please do not offer any.... after 33 years of marriage, my parents have finally decided it's all over.
they seperated last week.. i won't go into details....but it's what they both want.
in a sense i feel happy for them.
You can write to me if you need a friend. Hugs and kisses to you in Jesus's name, dearest one.
[email protected]