I never shunned anyone that was disf.'ed.... I always smiled at them, handed them pictures of my children that I got taken, intentionally sat in front of them with my baby to make them smile at the hall, and would make them even be my waiter or waitress so I could have an excuse to spread them cheer. I NEVER agreed with the shunning arrangement, I thought it was the most cruel thing a christian could do. Now, I am dissassociated and greatly appreciate those who are kind enough to do the same to me, although it IS rare, very rare.
JoinedPosts by burningbridges
The Friends Ain't So Friendly
by StAnn ini've been thinking.
a lot of posts i read here say things about how the jws are all victims; how people feel so sorry for them; how people believe that the jws they know are really good people who are trapped in a lie.
then i read a lot of other posts about the cruel things the jws do, like shunning, ignoring df'd people on the side of the road with a flat tire, refusing to be charitable to their fellow humans, delighting at the impending deaths of millions of people, and blaming all of their coldness and heartlessness on the fact that they're just following orders from the gb.
A grave contradiction?
by dark angle innotion: .
all mankind has sinned because our greatx4 grand father adam sinned.
sin is passed through generation.
Numbers 14-
‘Jehovah, slow to anger and abundant in loving-kindness, pardoning error and transgression, but by no means will he give exemption from punishment, bringing punishment for the error of the fathers upon sons, upon the third generation and upon the fourth generation.’nice one huh? different saying here....
How do you start over again when marriage ends?
by Bubblie ini have been married a long time over thirty years.
my husband says he wants doesn't want to be married anymore.
he left dubs before me.
Oh and by the way, I am one of those "adults" whos paretns divorced after thirty five years of marriage. It is by NO means any less traumatic, if anything MORE to see your parents split after an eternity of being together.
How do you start over again when marriage ends?
by Bubblie ini have been married a long time over thirty years.
my husband says he wants doesn't want to be married anymore.
he left dubs before me.
I by no means said that SHE was lucky, please re read, I said it was simply lucky there was no other innocent parties being dragged into it, as she herself said there was no children involved. Anyone who has divorced and gone through a a nasty custody battle knows what I mean. I apologize if that was misunderstood, but please understand that it would of course be much more traumatic for everyone involved, her included, as well as her husband, if there were children to drag through it. Obviously she is not "lucky" to go through a divorce.
How do you start over again when marriage ends?
by Bubblie ini have been married a long time over thirty years.
my husband says he wants doesn't want to be married anymore.
he left dubs before me.
With the no kids thing your lucky, I am divorcing a dub and the custody battle is MURDER. I would rather decapitate myself than go through this again. COnsider yourself blessed than you are not draggin other innocent and precious people through this, it is only compentent and capable adults who can adjust and move on.
Being shunned by JW's who you know have done worse than you
by milligal inokay-here's one i was thinking about the other day-after reading some of your posts.
have you ever been shunned by a jw who you know was doing (or had done) some really devious things?
for instance when i was df'd the first person to give me the five minute long evil eye at the grocery store was a sister who had five children by two different fathers and a sixth child who was molotto (she was white) and she insisted that she had no idea why he came out so dark skinned.....she was never df'd.
I go through this!!! I disassociated becasue I refused to teach the 1914 doctrine. I told the olders it did not make any sense and i could not and would not accept it. They would not have to keep on revising the new generation teaching if it made any sense. So they said I would have to lie and say I accepted it or be disf. Well I refused to say I accepted it and decided to dissaccociate instead because of the ridiculousness of the whole situation. I am now treated like a leper who is worse than Judas all because I refused to lie!!! Pretty shaddy huh?
trying to remember an old post, can you help?
by burningbridges ina while back i found a great post on the blood issue.
someone took a lot of time to reason out why they felt in their concience that blood was ok. part of the reasoning was due to the examples that jesus provided, for example, no one other than the priests were to partake of the sacrafices at the temple, and yet he ate of them and fed them to his disciples because they were hungry.
also, he pointed out healing on a sabbath and a man pulling out his bull from a pit on the sabbath and christ commenting that who would not pull him out immediately?
A while back I found a great post on the blood issue. Someone took a lot of time to reason out why they felt in their concience that blood was ok. Part of the reasoning was due to the examples that Jesus provided, for example, no one other than the priests were to partake of the sacrafices at the temple, and yet he ate of them and fed them to his disciples because they were hungry. Also, he pointed out healing on a sabbath and a man pulling out his bull from a pit on the sabbath and Christ commenting that who would not pull him out immediately? The poster reasoned that how could Jesus not likewise know that we as weak humans would do anything to save our children and would not expect us to remain so hardhearted to them if he in fact would be so flexible in so many situations. Anyone know where this post it? I couldn't find it, too many to search through!!!!
Shock and Awe Doctrine/Changes- Watchtower Comments
by burningbridges inhey everybody, i wanted to compile some watchtower / book references of doctrine changes or absolutely horrific comments the watchtower has said to show to my soon to be ex husband (i'm trying to get him to drift, so far it is not working, like at all, but i'm hopeful.
) here's a good example of something that did shock him though!!!!
the watchtower said this about apostates and how they would like to be able to kill them: .
Watchtower 1963 Aug 15 p.497 Each One Will Render an Account
8 All children of Adam need correction, and at times firm discipline requires the rod, in the administration of pain. "Foolishness is tied up with the heart of a boy; the rod of discipline is what will remove it far from him." (Prov. 22:15) Jehovah's discipline is thus not a watered-down discipline such as that advised by some worldly authorities who would always hold back the rod. But the literal rod is what is basically meant at Proverbs 23:13, 14: "Do not hold back discipline from the mere boy. In case you beat him with the rod, he will not die. With the rod you yourself should beat him, that you may deliver his very soul from Sheol itself." At times, then, a parent will need to speak to the child by the administration of pain. This pain, God's Word assures us, is not going to kill the child; but it will have beneficial effects, protective benefits for the child, protecting "his very soul from Sheol."
[Emphasis Added]
Shock and Awe Doctrine/Changes- Watchtower Comments
by burningbridges inhey everybody, i wanted to compile some watchtower / book references of doctrine changes or absolutely horrific comments the watchtower has said to show to my soon to be ex husband (i'm trying to get him to drift, so far it is not working, like at all, but i'm hopeful.
) here's a good example of something that did shock him though!!!!
the watchtower said this about apostates and how they would like to be able to kill them: .
Found what you were refering to from the lovely link provided up above!!!!
Watchtower 1960 February 1 p.80 Mildness and Self-Control Yield Peaceable Fruit
17 There may be rare instances where a child is so hardened in its stubbornness that even the rod of correction cannot drive it out. In the days of Israel parents were instructed by Jehovah to take such a rebel to the city fathers and they, in turn, took the incorrigible one out and stoned him to death. There were no juvenile delinquents under such a system. (Deut. 21:18-21) So also today, the New World society of Jehovah's witnesses can not and will not tolerate juvenile delinquency to exist in its midst. So, to avoid a possible death-dealing blow by being disfellowshiped from the congregation, wise theocratic children give heed to and follow what God's Word says: "Children, be obedient to your parents in union with the Lord, for this is righteous." "You children, be obedient to your parents in everything [this leaves nothing out], for this is well-pleasing in the Lord." "Listen to your father who caused your birth," the Proverb says, "and do not despise your mother just because she has grown old."-Eph. 6:1; Col. 3:20; Prov. 23:22.
[Emphasis Added]
OMG SO MANY TIMES!!! I'm divorcing a witness, (i dissacociated seven months ago) His WHOLE family is lying, stalking me, videotaping me, weaving webs of bull, ext. Its all in an attempt to get custody of our daughter becasue i'm apostate. I guess when they end justifies the means, its ok to LIE LIE LIE. Like to my face, to my lawyer, to his lawyer, bad bad lies. Its so pathietic!!!!! They are so no above lying.