How true. My grandmother was the like of some of the elderly you mentioned. We must remember as someone posted here said. They are people. They are people who had a spiritual desire to worship God. That is a good thing and shows they opened their hearts like little children.It is sad the they were not taught the true Jesus and deceived by the evil one.
AGain, there is many things that I am thankful for. I have become who I am from the experience. I perhaps never would have been born again if it were not for having come out of the organization. The fluency of scripture I owe to the many years that I was involved with them.
Satan will use any means to take the gift of salvation away from Jesus and put it elsewhere. Mostly he does this thru religion. To do so he uses truth to deceive. His biggest weapon is deception.
A pastor said something once that is interesting.
How true that is.
agape love gold morning
JoinedPosts by gold_morning
a positive story about a jw
by peaceloveharmony inokay, i thought since us apostates have been called bitter and angry and unable to see both sides of an issue lately i'd share a positive story about a sister in my old congregation.. this sister was my best friend's grandma.
she was in general just a kind sweet grandma type woman.
every year, she'd put together a "give away.
After 70 years of sacred service........
by Makena1 infor a privileged few, you get an article with your lifes story published in the wt.
most at least receive a grand send off with a kh memorial service.. my father passed away a couple of weeks ago.
he was just shy of his 89th birthday.
I am so sorry to hear about you father. My father died 4 years ago from being faithful and not taking a blood transfusion and it seems like yesterday.
I am so glad to hear that you still treasure your relationship with God dispite the fact of such a hard past. YOu must have been very mature in your walk with God. Many Jehovah's Witnesses, active or otherwise cannot seperate the organization from God. The lines of communication are open between God and us and there is only one mediator.........Jesus Christ. Not a manmade organization.
The more I read, the more I realize it was not just me who saw how conditional there love really is. But why not? AFter all, they teach Jehovah God to be a God of conditional love. They show us that He can turn his back on his followers, even when they inheritently sin. Jesus came to forgive us of this inherited sin.
Still, have pity.... they are a product of their enviroment (the society)
Stay close to God and you will be rewarded. Remember, He loves us ALL!! He promises happiness. It is a gaurentee. Eyes have not seen, ears have not heard and the mind cannot conceive the glories that He has in store for us.
So much agape love gold morning -
Why the hell do I have this pathetic life?
by Nicolas ini' so tired of this.
sometime, i'd just like to say goodbye cruel world but, it would be too easy to do this.
when i was in the borg, they were telling me that when someone go out of the org, he have a lot of problems and that's exactly what happen to me.
Nicolas, and to all of you,
I cannot tell you how my heart goes out to you all. I have truly been there and may have even been worse off than you. Please listen.
Nicolas and any of you.... you need a friend to help you. I wish I had someone when I went thru this. There is HOPE!!!! For real.
I went to a counselor too when I was disfellowshiped. I was ready to throw in the towel and go back. It seemed easier than what I was going thru. I had lost all family and friends. The counselor said there was no cure for brainwashing. Brainwashing is a very serious condition of the mind. He said it was like death. There is no cure for cannot bring someone back.... but that just like when someone dies it fades with time and would get easier.
I suppose he was right. I lived in a limbo for 16 years sweeping under the rug the whole issue of feeling unworthy and how I would ever worship God again when the society told me He would not even hear my prayers.
I think the ex JWs that were involved with the organization because they really loved God in their hearts are the ones that take it the hardest. They hurt the most because something very precious is taken from them. No man or organization has the right to intervene in your salvation and your love from God.
Like I said, I was like that for 16 years. Wanting to be with God somehow, but having no where to go and actually disliking myself very much. For some unknown reason, about 4 years ago I began reading the bible. I felt VERY unworthy at first. I tried to pray and could not, but I kept reading. I know that God was working here. I don't mean to sound preachy, but things were falling in place. I had a friend that appeared out of no where and was invited to go to a Calvary Chapel church. (non denominational). I went and like you all mentioned, liked it much more than I thought. Although the Watchtower brain was still active after all those years and I felt guilty about going. I mean by attending I was truly an apostate if I already wasn't one. I was digging my grave deeper. I was really starting to believe in heaven. The bible says there is!! How could this be?
Something moved me on. I did start to pray and ask God. I started out just plain old reading the book of John. I did not read it to memeorize stuff to debate with people like in the old JW days. I read the bible like a good read. Just for enjoyment and to get to know the character Jesus. Oh my was like nothing I had never done before as a witness. I mean, we use to know all about Jesus. You know... all the facts. After all, we had to aquire bible knowledge to gain everlasting life. It is different to know all about someone and to know them personally. I was beginning to really love God and Jesus like never before. Jesus was becoming my friend. Did you know, He calls us His friends. I found that in reading the book of John that Gods character was one of such love!! Not this fearful God that I was raised to believe in. It was so awesome!!
Well, I kept at it. There is so much I can tell you all, but I was born again on October 27, 1999. Gone was the quilt, the unworthyness and I was filled with a peace I had never known. Ever... not even when I was a witness!!! I was born again in a big way. No one could have ever, ever told me I would be alright in the head again. I mean really alright. My mind was free to read the bible with out the watchtower glasses on.
There is NO RELIGION that will save you. None. The only way you have this gift of life is thru Jesus!! Period.
I hurt so bad for you. I am there if you ever need me or have a question. My e-mail address if [email protected].
Hang in there and get it right spiritually with God to be cured.
agape love gold morning :) :) -
Hitting Rock Bottom
by gold_morning ini am sure we all have been hurt by being so devoted to the organization.
usually there is one instance that sticks out in your memory forever as your lowest time.
either while still active or after leaving, via falling away or disfellowshiping.
I am sure we all have been hurt by being so devoted to the organization. Usually there is one instance that sticks out in your memory forever as your lowest time. Either while still active or after leaving, via falling away or disfellowshiping. Sometimes just hearing others stories helps you, because you realize you are not so different after all. I would like to share mine with you.
Disfellowshiping came very hard for me. I was raised a JW and was a good daughter, wife, mother and pioneer when I was active. I knew nothing other in my life but the JW doctrines and WAY OF LIFE.
After being disfellowshiped I had absolutely no self esteam. I still believed they were the true religion and I was the one who got weeded out because I could not live up. I was unworthy!! I was wrong and they were right.
The seriousness of how low I sank and how unworthy I was never hit home more than on a dark rainy evening. There was a small plaza next to home and a small J C Penny store was there. I had tried on a million clothes and was tired and could not decide what to buy. The store had already made a few announcements that they were about to close. Most of the lights were shutting down and in frustration I walked to the door to leave. The employee was waiting there with a key to lock the door after I had left along with the other three or four stragglers still leaving the last minute too.
I walked the dark rainy parking lot to my car and when I searched for my car keys I noticed a sweater I had not paid for was hanging over my arm. I got inside my car and looked toward the store. The employee was still there locking up and my first instinct was to run to the door and apologize for inadvertently taking the sweater. Instead I sat in the dark parking lot listening to the rain patter on the roof of the car.
There was a battle going on in my mind. Almost like a real conversation. That is when it hit me what a nothing I was now in God's eyes. The same God I was devoted to my whole life. I was the vomit out of the dogs mouth. Why return the unpurchased sweater. So what if I stole it!!! I was going to die at armegeddon anyway. I was truly going to die with the most evil of people. I was worthless. God no longer wanted to hear my prayers or have anything to do with me at all. I would never worship Him again. Never tell people about His kingdom again. I was the worst of people......AN APOSTATE.
I stole that sweater and did not keep it. I never wore it, as it was too painful a reminder of how aweful I felt about me that night. Panic attacks soon began to occur and that lasted for about two years. I disliked myself for 16 years and became an expert of building a wall against all emotion. Feelings did not exist for me.
I became so good at it that if a sad movie began to bring me to tears I could shut it of INSTANTLY!!
I have myself back again. Thanks to God and His son Jesus Christ. Thru Him I have learned that I am indeed worthy and entitled to His Gift. I am so grateful for Him showing me that it was this religion who taught me that God left me, when infact, He never leaves us.. we leave Him.
Hope you all share :) agape love gold morning -
by Mister Biggs inironically, we were discussing the watchman who stays awake night and day.. anyway, something was said that made me awaken and pay careful attention.
please, if anyone else who got this same information at their book study, please share it.. here goes:.
there was a picture of a man standing on the watchtower keeping on the look out.
Thanks Mister Biggs....thanks Matty,
I know what you are saying.."There is no where to go"
I wish I could wave a magic wand for you and show you that there is, but you would not believe me. Once you are a witness it is so difficult to seperate your inner spiritual peace and you salvation between religion and God. The two just do not have any connection. Really.
I was indeed like where to go. I was born and raised a JW. Most of my family was JW. I was a pioneer sister and believed it was the only true relgion, even after I was disfellwshiped. Because I could not seperate God and religion I lived with that feeling there is no where else to go. I lived like that for 16 years. Not praying, worshiping or loving God. There was in my mind no where to go because I believed them!! .....But....God never leaves you......we leave Him.
Any way.. I spent 16 years away from God and for some reason I started to read the bible. I also started to pray again. I was amazed at how different the things in the bible were compared to what the JW's teach. Of corse, I still had the JW mind, even though I no longer belonged on their rolls, so I felt quilty questioning. I kept at it though. Who knows why........God's holy spirit I assume.
I met a Christian friend. You know, the ones the JW's dislike. The apostates on earth. LOL LOL I was invited to attend a non denominational church. I had much quilt about going there, and was very guilty that I liked it.
To make a long story short, I was able to seperate Jehovah God from Jehovahs Witnesses. Something that I never thought would ever happen for me. I became born again on October 27 1999 in a very big way.
I canot tell you how wonderful it is to be cured from the brian washing!! The peace my spirit has is just awesome.
Never doubt for one second that you do not deserve a relationship with Jesus........a personal relationship aside from organized religion. They do not have a direct connection to Jehovah. You are promised by Jesus that YOU DO. That is true and pure salvation and all that is required.
All you have to do is accept the gift God gave you and love His Son and repent from your sins. He was so good and did nothing wrong, but died for the things that we do.
I know it is hard, but no person, whether wife, mother, or friends should take away your free mind and choice of salvation. Your life depends on it.
I will not say the road is easy......but God is with you every inch of the way.
I do not mean to be preachy!! Honest. It is just that my heart goes out to you and I know the stuggle you are going thru internally. It is aweful. Know that there is hope for your tired minds. There is hope and peace for the internal struggles you are going thru because of the severe brainwashing.
If ever you need to talk, my e-mail address I have set up for this is [email protected].
I wish you the very best. Don't settle for less, God knows you deserve more. agape love gold morning -
by Mister Biggs inironically, we were discussing the watchman who stays awake night and day.. anyway, something was said that made me awaken and pay careful attention.
please, if anyone else who got this same information at their book study, please share it.. here goes:.
there was a picture of a man standing on the watchtower keeping on the look out.
Is a formal group. Is it like an inside spy group to keep up with what is going on..or is this just a personal conviction of what you feel you should do.
Do you try and teach them the word correctly? Is this like an outreach? Curious. gold morning -
by Mister Biggs inironically, we were discussing the watchman who stays awake night and day.. anyway, something was said that made me awaken and pay careful attention.
please, if anyone else who got this same information at their book study, please share it.. here goes:.
there was a picture of a man standing on the watchtower keeping on the look out.
Hi all,
I have read many, many posts on different topics. I have comment on some of the forums when I found it interesting.
I do have just a question on this one. As an ex JW I am amazed that some of you have such good points to make here on what you have heard at your book studies. That leads me to assume you are still active JW's. How can you be disputing what you learn by them, and yet remain in this religion? It is definatly a religion that expects exact conformity. You dissagree yet remain involved with them.
I am just curious. Not judging here, really. Just confused.
Can you share why you are still involved and attending their meetings?
agape love gold morning -
Women are Not the Glory of God
by JosephAlward inno teaching in the bible is clearer, more consistent, than the one which teaches that women are inferior to men.
below i show that it is taught that the woman was created from man, for man, that man is the glory of god, but woman is not.
furthermore, the evangelist paul says that he'll not abide women teaching men, and he refers to genesis to explain why.
To all,......especially Joseph
Interesting how many here spend countless hours, and for some of you bible scholars, may I say years, disproving and discrediting the Bible. There seems to be a deep desire to do away with the concept of being accountable to a higher being than yourselves.Perhaps the time would be more wisely spent analyzing why you put so much energy into disputing a God that could very well mean life or death to you forever. I mean have you put as much thought into the "what if it is true" as well as "what if it is not true?" Could it be that you are afraid of what you personally are, and the ramifications of what it would mean if He really did exist?
I wonder what you would come up with for us if you took a more positive outlook on the written word and shared it with us instead of using your knowledge to stir up rebellion.If he is indeed the Almighty God, and lets assume that the bible is correct in saying that He is a perfect and Just God........than as his creation we should accept how He wants things done. Period. It belongs to Him. If one does not like that idea, which the bible makes it clear the vast majority won't.....then so be it. What is the big deal. Why so much effort. Are you like the roaring lion seeking to devour everyone? He forces No one!!! If the bible is true, and it very well could be......than there is eternity with Him.....or eternity away from Him in darkness. I can't help what it says. I won't twist it to say something different. It is the way it is. There is no gun to your heads..male or female. Life your life here and go for all the gusto you can. You may have a long life, than again it may be short. Who knows, but you can die happy not having to clean up your act or answer to anyone. Here on earth that is.
But,for a smart person, and I don't mean knowledgeble, it is a no brainer!!
I feel the love of His promise when he says.."Eyes have not seen, ears have not heard, no mind has concieved what God has prepared for those who love Him"
Joseph, you walk a very dangerous line........not from men........but a dangerous line with regards to God.
"Who ever rejects the Son will NOT see life, for God's wrath remains on him."....john3:36
Be Careful........... I say this because I care...agape love gold morning -
How is Salvation Achieved?
by JosephAlward insave yourself with good works.
jesus says that one will inherit eternal life if one does the following things: obey the commandments, and give to the poor all that one owns.
faith is not enough.
Consider Acts 10;34........Peter said"I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism, but accepts men from every nation who fear Him and do what is right."
We were commisioned to preach and sprend the hope of salvation thru Jesus Christ. If we were predestined there would be no need to spread the word to people.
Romans 14:12 says that each of us will give an account of himself to God. Again......if we are "pre saved" there would not be an accounting for anything. If we are accountable for what we have done then it stands to reason we can chose what we do....and do not do.
Romans 2:6.."God will give to each person acording to what he has done."God being the almighty and residing in us.....IS ALL KNOWING. There is no getting around the fact that our salvation is based on our hearts. Only he knows what you REALLY THINK.
Spend the time opening (softening) your heart to Him personally. Making him your friend and not worry so much about all the technicalities of everything in the bible. If you need answers to every little thing you will miss out. If is interesting to study scripture, but not essential to be saved. He wants good people who love Him, not bibical scholars. The scribes and pharisees were such and it got them no where. Legalism is a handicap when it comes to having salvation and peace from within about God.John 5:39 has Jesus saying this very thing, how some would study the scriptures to get eternal life and yet they never KNEW HIM.
Study will indeed help you know all "about Him"....but not really know Him personally.One more interesting thought. I know the it is very important to JW's to aquire knowlege. They use John 17:3 which their NWT bible says this. "This means everlasting life, their taking in KNOWLEDGE of you...........
They read......."This means everlasting life, their knowing YOU the only true God and your son Jesus Christ.
BIG DIFFERENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AGAPE LOVE gold morning -
hello from new person
by monkey inhi, im a young annointed also!!
no just kidding.
im not a jw, i was on this board a while ago as morrigan, we have gotten a new computer and all that stuff.
Hi new person. I go by gold_morning. There is an excellent group for you all in yahoo. There is many there with JW related problems. There is support, friendship, understanding and a varity of problems we share. Try it out. Would love to see you there. agape love gold.
The link is below