by Mister Biggs 80 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    During the book study last night, I was really struggling to stay awake. Ironically, we were discussing the watchman who stays awake night and day.
    Anyway, something was said that made me awaken and pay careful attention. Please, if anyone else who got this same information at their book study, please share it.
    Here goes:
    There was a picture of a man standing on the watchtower keeping on the look out. It was sunny and there was lots of sand or dirt way out in the distance. The books study conductor then asks, "What kind of watchman would you want? One that is easily distracted and lethargic or one who is attentive and alert?"

    The response was they wanted the attentive and alert one.

    He then asks, "Who is the watchman today?"

    Someone answers, "The faithful and discreet slave."

    "Now, if this watchman saw dust kicking up way in the distance, even though he couldn't see what was causing the dust to stir, would you want him to sound the alarm or would you want him to wait and see until it got close enough?"

    The conductor's wife answers, "We'd want him to sound it immediately even if it's a false alarm. It's better to be safe than sorry. And today, people try to say that we are false prophets because of, say, the 1914 thing. But the faithful and discreet slave were just trying to sound a warning because it could have meant the lives of those involved. So, we should appreciate that they are eager to help us, even though at times they may be wrong. They are really just trying to take precautions just in case danger may be in the horizon."

    "Exactly!" (Gee! Do you think they studied together??? LOL!)

    "Now, does the Society hold back from telling us any new light or new developments or do they wait for some time to pass?"

    Someone comments, "They tell us immediately!"

    "So, we should be happy that they love and care for the flock."

    I don't know about the rest of you, but I don't want 80 and 90 year old men being my watchman!

    I left my Isaiah publication at home so I will scan the lesson tomorrow.

  • YoYoMama
    I don't know about the rest of you, but I don't want 80 and 90 year old men being my watchman!

    That's the point, you want to have the right to choose. But in this case Jehovah chooses, not humans. He uses who HE wants.

  • mindfield

    Oh yeah, I never thought of it that way. So it was a good thing people didn't have an education because the end might have come in 1975. It's a good thing people's hopes were shattered to bits.

    The watchman analogy is faulty, by the way. The analogy is saying that the "faithful and discreet slave" tell us when there are new developments and new light. The watchman, though tells us when there might be a chance of people trying to kill us all. Different situations, different times.

    Does the watchman make prophecies? No. Does he scream everytime a small cloud of dust appears? I hope not. Watchmen are not fools. They don't jump at every little incident, or else everyone would be real annoyed quick. Is that the same thing as the GB? Uuummm... let me think..NO.

  • LDH

    OH. MY. GOD.

    Yes, it's better to be safe than sorry. ONCE. More than that, and you are "The boy who cried "WOLF!"

    One mistake would have been acceptable. There are myriads and myriads.......of mistakes!


  • jolly_green_giant

    kind of reminds me of 'the boy who cried wolf'

  • TR

    I've heard this analogy mentioned several times before as a JW. I went, "Uh, duh, yep yep yep yep yep!"


    I hold it to be the inalienable right of anybody to go to hell in his own way.
    --Robert Frost, 1935

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    LDH and j_g_g-
    Right on!

    Thank you for that contribution.

    Your credibility is low. Nothing you said has any weight. However, you're assuming God chose the GB. Prove it to me. Until you do, your argument trying to justify it doesn't hold water.

  • flower

    LOL this is unbelievable stuff. I think these guys lay awake at night thinking of new ways to cover their asses and get off the hook for all their false predictions. This is a new twist to me though.

    I dont remember any of the articles I read in their publications from back before 75 saying anything like 'we could be wrong, the light isnt very clear yet, we're just warning you 'just in case'.

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    I never heard it put in those words. I mean, I never heard it put that way to excuse false prophecies.
    I've always heard 'New Light' or 'His Organization is a progressive one'.
    Thank you for bringing out your past dealings with the Org.

  • RunningMan

    It sounds like the rationalization machine is operating at full capacity. That is a huge crock of BS, even for JW's to swallow.

    I suspect that your conductor and his wife have recently been taken to task on the false prophecy issue, and have found their own imaginative method of justifying it.

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