Simply lovely.
Your writing touched me today.
Thank you.
we are sitting at lunch when my friend casually mentions that she and her husband are thinking of "starting a family".
"we're taking a survey," she says, half-joking.
"do you think i should have a baby?
Simply lovely.
Your writing touched me today.
Thank you.
the first 4 pages (part one) examines the arguments amnesian made regarding jw elder and non-elder culpability.
the last 6 pages (part two) address her disguised agenda, hidden in sassy-classy language:.
part one: are jw elders, who no longer believe the religion, culpable of wrong if they choose to stay jws for some period, even many years?.
My review of the Elders Culpability debate.
Both posters make good points. They also possess superior writing skills. In some parts, both parties substance was overpowered by delivery style. This tended to take away from the issues, themselves, and instead concentrating on the topic, personalities took center stage. This reader did her best to focus on the matter at hand, who's *mas* guilty (sorry folks, I don't know the word in Spanish for guilty), the rank and file, or those in positions of power(Elders, COs, POs, etc).
At this time, I am of the opinion that each situation is unique, and that a broad brush cannot to be used to judge elders, as a group, equally guilty of the perpetuation, and enforcement of the WT doctrines. Granted they are given power, that most with their lack of education, and training, are not able to use with wisdom and temperance.
So, now what? Seems to me we can debate the elder question indefinitely. Until the rank and file, themselves, start flocking away in droves, the WT, with it's good and bad elders, will remain intact in the forseeable future.
so, why not cowboy up, brother, and get your assets back here.
good on you, cowboy.. -amnesian
My review of the Elders Culpability debate.
Both posters make good points. They also possess superior writing skills. In some parts, both parties substance was overpowered by delivery style. This tended to take away from the issues, themselves, and instead concentrating on the topic, personalities took center stage. This reader did her best to focus on the matter at hand, who's *mas* guilty (sorry folks, I don't know the word in Spanish for guilty), the rank and file, or those in positions of power(Elders, COs, POs, etc).
At this time, I am of the opinion that each situation is unique, and that a broad brush cannot to be used to judge elders, as a group, equally guilty of the perpetuation, and enforcement of the WT doctrines. Granted they are given power, that most with their lack of education, and training, are not able to use with wisdom and temperance.
So, now what? Seems to me we can debate the elder question indefinitely. Until the rank and file, themselves, start flocking away in droves, the WT, with it's good and bad elders, will remain intact in the forseeable future.
before i begin, i want to acknowledge two people who drew out the implications of the findings of social psychology in understanding the dynamics of the culture of the jehovah's witnesses.
jang offered some exellent information on this subject.
I have become very interested in this subject since reading Cialdini's The Psychology of Persuasion. It is interesting how the dynamics of Groupthink also play out on this board at times. Especially, when it means possible negative consequences against the WTS. No matter how far fetched and absurd the story may be (There have been plenty of those here). We look for others to observe what our appropriate response should be in situations of that nature.When someone raises their hand to ask a question, it is quickly slapped down by the others. They are told to keep quiet. How dare you not follow the herd?!
The Latter Day Saints (as they prefer to be called), or Mormons, take group think to a new level. Back in the 19th century when their leader, Joseph Smith, was murdered in Missouri, they bound together even stronger in their purpose to survive and grow. Outside forces trying to destroy them only made them more determined to endure and in the coming years, thrive. So strong was their common goals.
Along with the military, I think that law enforcement also utilizes group think. Many police, and correction officers, come from a military background. They also have the "us vs.them" mentality. We, the "them", are "civilians". I understand because of the life threatening situations they are faced with on a daily basis, the bonds of separateness are natural. However, it becomes harmful when one sees wrongdoing and corruption within the ranks, and there is hesitation, and justifiable fear, of coming forward and reporting fellow officers. Whistle blowers in the ranks generally have their careers destroyed, and sometimes face threats of violence to themselves and their families.
I agree with Amazing that Groupthink works when there is a a single identifiable goal. The bottom line is,however, GroupThink's dangers far out weigh it's benefits.
for those who would like a synopses of this issue for what ever reason, i would like to try and put as many of the confusing pieces together as i can.
why they chose to do it at a kingdom hall is understandable.
mark made his post and revealed a few facts in this issue that were suppressed by the gag order.
One problem, Sk
Danni says she lives in Florida.
for those who would like a synopses of this issue for what ever reason, i would like to try and put as many of the confusing pieces together as i can.
why they chose to do it at a kingdom hall is understandable.
mark made his post and revealed a few facts in this issue that were suppressed by the gag order.
I also want to thank you for your efforts in being the liason between Danni and us. I have ALWAYS been neutral in this. I hope the efforts of all those involved result in a huge chip in the WatchTower facade.
for those who would like a synopses of this issue for what ever reason, i would like to try and put as many of the confusing pieces together as i can.
why they chose to do it at a kingdom hall is understandable.
mark made his post and revealed a few facts in this issue that were suppressed by the gag order.
A gag order issued by the WTS? I thought only the courts could issue those. So, the courts are already involved in this?
Just curious.
i must say i thoroughly enjoyed doing streetwork for the first time in my life!!.
it was really cold here in chicago yesterday,snow clouds looming in the sky.
about 10 am i decided to run home for my cofee break.. as i rushed down the main street,walking quickly,i saw 2 groups of jw's w/ their mags on the main street near home.. i haven't seen any around my territory since last spring.. humph i thought.. i double-timed it home,bundled up,grabbed my stacks of silentlambs posters and ran back to the main street.. i stood on the corner,several feet ahead of them and started saying hi to passers by.
I am in complete AWE of your efforts, and cleverness, in taking advantage of an opportunity!
Who's a cold weather wimp.
hey peeps, how are you?.
the name is mark, i've been hanging around here from time to time.
i read about the elders meeting with officer danni.s.
Yes, I did read your apology on the other thread. So much going on there, that I didn't acknowledge it. I will now.
I have much respect for you, and that has not changed.
hey peeps, how are you?.
the name is mark, i've been hanging around here from time to time.
i read about the elders meeting with officer danni.s.
Excuse me, MyMy, but no one has even remotely tried to "prevent" you from making a difference. It is my sincere hope that you DO make a make a difference of grand proportions. If indeed you do, I will be the first to be on my feet applauding you. However, some of us have questions, and concerns, and they are reasonable considering some of the things that have happened here in the past.
I am disappointed with the mob mentality of the other "meeting" thread. If one expresses doubts, they are called insulting names. "Doubters" (irony intended) if you will allow. They are taken to task because they express a dissenting opinion by those that claim to despise that very thing by the WTS.
I did get a chance to converse with Danni last night in chat. I found her engaging and curious. She was also very responsive, and seem sincere, when answering my questions about this whole situation.I hope that her job is not in jeopardy. Being a police officer is not like having regular job. In many ways, they are NEVER off duty.
So, I guess time will tell, eh?