Hey guys, I’m inactive (as far as meetings go) in my local town. However, I have friends outside of my local territory that I hang with. Anyway, about three weeks ago I went to hang out with this large group of witnesses and there was this girl that I meet who asked for my number. I didn’t really think it was that big of a deal, so I gave it to her. She’s been texting and calling me quite a bit since that time (didn’t really think all that much about it). It wasn’t that big a deal up until a few days ago when she asked me if I was interested in her. I told her that I honestly wasn’t (wrong thing to say), she went off! She went on about I how I should have known what her intentions were, and that according to the society that if you talk with someone of the opposite sex on a daily basis that you are technically dating them. Is that actually true about the societies definition of dating???? Long story short, I talked with one of my friends from that area (who knows this girl) and he said that she was going to most likely get the elders involved, because she felt that I lead her on. Seeing how I’m a “closeted” apostate, I could never bring myself to even think about dating or marrying a hard-core J-dub (let alone a pioneer); I just don’t want any trouble with the elders. But my question is this; is that actually a rule if you talk with someone you’re considered dating them? I need your help, just in case they start hassling me!
JoinedPosts by superman
Is this really a J-Dub rule???
by superman inhey guys,
im inactive (as far as meetings go) in my local town.
however, i have friends outside of my local territory that i hang with.
Anyone Here from Wisconsin?????
by superman inlooks like a few of you here are from wisconsin!
if your from wisconsin(but want to keep your id secret cause you are still in the org) feel free to send me a private message.
maybe one day we can have a great big apostafest in the great "cheese" state.
KLS, I used to go to Ocononmowoc all the time and visit friends. I like to call it the OC! That's a really nice area of the state. It sounds like your husband is still in, you don't have to post names, but do you have any kids that are in???? I'm just wondering if I might know them!
Anyone Here from Wisconsin?????
by superman inlooks like a few of you here are from wisconsin!
if your from wisconsin(but want to keep your id secret cause you are still in the org) feel free to send me a private message.
maybe one day we can have a great big apostafest in the great "cheese" state.
Looks like a few of you here are from Wisconsin! If your from Wisconsin(but want to keep your ID secret cause you are still in the org) feel free to send me a private message. Maybe one day we can have a great big apostafest in the great "cheese" state. Anyone else here live in the mid-west close to Wisconsin???
What are your lame memories of events growing up as a J-Dub?
by superman insorry this post is so long but i had to tell this story like most of you here, i grew up as a j-dub and have many memories of many extremely lame events that we had to endure (mainly because of some bone-headed elder, or holier-then-thou pioneer).
i'll never forget probably one of the lamest things that took place growing up as a j-dub.
this one kid (bless his heart, he really tried hard to be cool) in a neighboring hall tried to throw a get-together for all of the young kids in the different local halls.
SORRY THIS POST IS SO LONG BUT I HAD TO TELL THIS STORY Like most of you here, I grew up as a J-Dub and have many memories of many extremely lame events that we had to endure (mainly because of some bone-headed elder, or holier-then-thou pioneer). I'll never forget probably one of the lamest things that took place growing up as a J-Dub. This one kid (bless his heart, he really tried hard to be cool) in a neighboring hall tried to throw a get-together for all of the young kids in the different local halls. There were a lot of kids and the age groups were from as young as 13 up to about 25 (plus older elders/pioneers to oversee the event). It was going to be at his parents house and there was going to be music and dancing. Like most JW things, you weren't allowed to have too much fun (wouldn't want Satan to sneak up on anyone while they were distracted by fun) so of course anything remotely enjoyable about this event was killed instantly. Because the crew of kids liked R&B and Hip-Hop (it was supposed to be a dance party after all) they played R&B/Hip-Hop music. But, the kicker was that it was all instrumental music (I have no idea how he even got all instrumental songs) with no lyrics what-so-ever. Even songs that didn't have swear words, sexual or violent lyrics he played as instrumentals. You can imagine how lame that was when he put the first song, and everyone was getting ready to sing along, and NOPE NO WORDS. Well, anyone whose ever listened to rap music without words, knows that the beat gets real repetitive after a while and the songs are pointless without the lyrics. But, that wasn't the worst part. There was alcohol that was served, but because it was JW gathering the amount was EXTREMELY limited (I'm talking probably ONLY 2 beers per person, at the most). So right before they actually even started playing the music, this one elder who was there (overseeing the gathering) made an announcement that he didn't want anything to get out of hand, so anyone who had been drinking wasn't allowed to dance (Don't want to have a big drunken orgy, with sexual, lyric-less rap music). So since just about everyone over the age of 21 drank, pretty much the only people that could dance were minors (or close to being minors). So, just when we thought that this "party" couldn't get anymore lame, the lameness was sent to a new level. As you can imagine, due to it being extremely difficult to find instrumental music, they ended up playing the same couple songs over and over again. Well, the elder had had enough of this demonic and lyric-less "worldly" rap music. So he put an end to the music and stopped the party ASAP. He started lecturing everyone about how the "beat" of the music could lead some "weak ones" into wrong thinking or immorality/loose conduct . So me and two other guys who were at this "wild party" left, went home, changed and a few hours later went to a real club downtown in our city (And in case you were wondering the DJ let the songs keep their lyrics). To bad we did this, because we stayed out so late that night at the "worldly" club, I overslept and didn't go to the meeting the next day (Sunday) and apparently missed the real entertainment of all the elders and parents "hounding" this poor kid because he threw a wild party with drinking and rap music. About two weeks later we had a local needs talk about not mimicking the "world" at Christian gatherings. The kid who threw the party told me later that he was privately reproved, for promoting "loose conduct". I can remember telling my non-JW co-workers about this and them telling me how "lame" that must have been (Only they didn't say lame, there was a lot more cursing involved)! Anyway, I know that I'm not the only one who experienced a "kill-joy" event as a JW. Please share some of your experiences, it will be interesting to see who has the worst (or best) funny stories to tell!
JW's and Homeschooling
by superman inin the mid-to-late 90's i remember the new trend was that a lot of the people that were jw's started pulling their kids out of regular public school and started homeschooling them.
the absolute worst were the kids who had been homeschooled from kindergarten all the way until they graduated.
those poor kids were the most weird, unsocial, naive,sheltered, unadjusted, and uneducated kids i'd ever met.
In the mid-to-late 90's I remember the new trend was that a lot of the people that were JW's started pulling their kids out of regular public school and started homeschooling them. The absolute worst were the kids who had been homeschooled from kindergarten all the way until they graduated. Those poor kids were the most weird, unsocial, naive,sheltered, unadjusted, and uneducated kids I'd ever met. At least the ones who had spent some time in normal school got to have a partially normal childhood (about as normal as you can have growing up as a JW). Anyway, looking back most of the homeschooled kids that I knew of actually ended up taking longer to graduate then they would have had they stayed in public school, and most of them ended up screwed up anyway. My question to all of you (my fellow apostate friends) do you have any funny, weird, or interesting stories of kids you knew who were homeschooled? Or did any of you end up getting stuck having to be homeschooled?
JW's and Homeschooling
by superman inin the mid-to-late 90's i remember the new trend was that a lot of the people that were jw's started pulling their kids out of regular public school and started homeschooling them.
the absolute worst were the kids who had been homeschooled from kindergarten all the way until they graduated.
those poor kids were the most weird, unsocial, naive,sheltered, unadjusted, and uneducated kids i'd ever met.
In the mid-to-late 90's I remember the new trend was that a lot of the people that were JW's started pulling their kids out of regular public school and started homeschooling them. The absolute worst were the kids who had been homeschooled from kindergarten all the way until they graduated. Those poor kids were the most weird, unsocial, naive,sheltered, unadjusted, and uneducated kids I'd ever met. At least the ones who had spent some time in normal school got to have a partially normal childhood (about as normal as you can have growing up as a JW). Anyway, looking back most of the homeschooled kids that I knew of actually ended up taking longer to graduate then they would have had they stayed in public school, and most of them ended up screwed up anyway. My question to all of you (my fellow apostate friends) do you have any funny, weird, or interesting stories of kids you knew who were homeschooled? Or did any of you end up getting stuck having to be homeschooled?
Anyone know the rules on JW's and Tattoo's????
by superman ini'm an inactive fader (only fading and not da'd for the sake of my family) but i still have all of my privileges and haven't done anything (that the hounders know about) that would get me df'd.
however, a fews years ago before i was baptized i got a few tattoos.
i want to get some new ones and get a some of my old ones touched up.
I'm an inactive fader (only fading and not DA'd for the sake of my family) but I still have all of my privileges and haven't done anything (That the hounders know about) that would get me DF'd. However, a fews years ago before I was baptized I got a few tattoos. I want to get some new ones and get a some of my old ones touched up. My questions (For any active or former elders/M.S.) what are the WT rules about tattoos? Is it a "conscious" matter, or would I actually get DF'd if they found out I got some additional "artwork" done? Has anyone here been DF'd or been reproved for having some tattoos. Have any of you elders (Active or former) ever DF'd someone for tattoos? Thanks for the help!!!!
Got the new WT Video last night....so we edited it :) ENJOY
by iblowmynoseatyou inthe new video "pursue goals that honor god" was given to me last night at the hall.
it encourages young people to pursue spiritual goals, and not waste their time on foolish endeavors such as riches or education.
well, at least it used to have that message, until we had our way with it :) .
Too Funny!!!!!! LMOA
Need some of your help
by superman ini'm currently still attending meetings and am "considered" to still be in good standing.
i've cut back on how much i go, because to be honest i really don't believe any of it anymore.
some of it i do still believe is true and legitimate, but most of it i feel is bs.
Thanks guys I guess I'm not alone on this. I'm probably going to just fade away, slowly. My plan is to switch halls. I'm going to go to the next closest congregation, which is a lot more laxed, and just slowly slip into the backround, and eventually just stop. Waited pisses me off about the WTO more then anything is the whole baptizism and DF'ing process. It's almost like a gang mentility (Once your in, your stuck for life). What they do is isolate you from everyone that isn't a witness, and then if you leave all the witnesses cut you off. So your screwed into thinking, that "the world", is this big, scary, terrible place. To be honest I wish I could just stop going cold turkey and tell the elders to Fxxx OFF. I've plenty of so-called "Worldly" friends, and my non-witness girlfriend is more loyal, honest, and less sneeky then any witness girl I've ever dated. The only problem is my family. I don't want to lose touch with my parents because of the Bull Sh*t WTO. And the f*cked up part about this whole thing is that I could be doing all of the exact same things I'm doing now, and if I wasn't baptized every body would treat as if I'm no different, and they would all be "buddy-buddy". But because I got baptized that how I got screwed. Thanks guys, for all your post.
How old were most of you when you decided this wasn't for you anymore.
Need some of your help
by superman ini'm currently still attending meetings and am "considered" to still be in good standing.
i've cut back on how much i go, because to be honest i really don't believe any of it anymore.
some of it i do still believe is true and legitimate, but most of it i feel is bs.
I'm currently still attending meetings and am "considered" to still be in good standing. I've cut back on how much I go, because to be honest I really don't believe any of it anymore. Some of it I do still believe is true and legitimate, but most of it I feel is BS. I would rather just leave or DA myself, if the brothers knew only half of what I've done and been doing I would be DF'd anyway. I'm not "Anti-witness" I just feel like it's not for me anymore. The only problem is my family. I've got younger sister's who aren't baptized but in good standing and my parents are in good standing and baptized (My dad's an elder at another hall, in another town). I'm real close to all of the members in my family and even though they are not "Crazy" witness nut-cases like most of the others head cases I've gotten to know over the years. If I get DF'd or DA myself I will be labeled as an apostate and they will respect the arrangement and not associate with me. As much as I hate the WTO, I love my family and don't want to lose contact with them. I'm kicking myself for even getting baptized, becasue if I didn't get baptized and left they could/would still talk and hang out with me. But because I'm baptized I would be DF'd and labeled an apostate, and shuned by every one I know (Which doesn't really bother me, it's only my family that I don't want to lose). Any one else stuck in the boat as me? Any advice on what to do? Anyone else have this same experience? Thanks for your help!!!