1. How long were you a Jehovah's Witness? First contact March 1971 - 2001
2. Were you raised in it or become a JW later on in life? Later when I was 19.
3 Were you contacted via the door-to-door ministry? Through a friend who worked with one.
4 Initially, what intrigued or drew you to the Jehovah's Witnesses then? Friendliness, use of Bible
5. When were you baptized? Or if you weren't, mention that if you wish. January 6 th .1972
6. When did you start having doubts? A fter about ten years. Couldn't match up their teachings on Jesus with what Bible was telling me.
7. What else perhaps contributed to your leaving? Depression, the way they handled it. By telling me to leave home. I was deemed a "spiritual danger" to the family.
8. When were you disfellowshipped/disassociated? Attended last meeting August 1999. Disassociated September 200
9. Have you ever been reinstated? No, they did make an attempt to get me back.
10. Did you attempt to contact or have spoken with other active-JWs when you were DF/DA'd? Yes in fact they contacted me.
11. Have you ever protested/picketed a JW assembly/convention? No
12. Do you miss being a Jehovah's Witness? No
13. Do you still have family that are active JWs? Yes, wife and two daughters. Have no contact with wife since beginning of 2000. Daughters not since beginning of 2002.
14. Do you believe in god/God etc.? Yes now a Christian, belief stronger now, than as a JW,attend a Pentecostal church. I left a man-made organisation, not God.
15. Are you politically active or have voted? No never been politically minded
16. Would you say you have become more tolerant or open-minded generally speaking since you left? Yes
17. Do you think that the WTBTS will crumble? Crumble yes, but not disappear all together.
18. If you could say anything to the WTBTS and be listened to, what would you like to say? Do they rally know how much they have affected peoples lives by their legalisitc rules especially the shunning policy.Do they really know who God is?
19. What has helped you to cope, post-JW? Contacting groups like Reachout Trust, plus other ex-JW’s
20. Anything else you'd like to say/add? That someday people will see the Watchtower for what it is, nothing more than a man-made organisation. That has made false prophecies, lied about its dealing with UN, its wealth etc etc.