Oh, Farkel is sooo right! So how does Farkel know? Brilliant Farkel, all wise and knowing was in the Organization for decades, the same for scores of apostate activists. For several years, these men and women gave their all to the organization they loved, for the selfish hope of everlasting life. Some who would describe themselves as discerning came out, they undertsood that it was a ruse, no? So what if Farkel and apostates like him think there are people in Brooklyn who think it's not the truth? You don't know! How do you? You take the easy way out; not that they are men doing what they believe to be best, like you and others did as you toiled for the organization before the scales fell off your eyes. Now on the other side, it's easy, smooth, to accuse them of knowing they're knowingly perpetuating an error. So much for what you know.
Posts by Gozz
Who ARE These People?
by Farkel init bears reminding people that there are a number of very high ranking men in brooklyn who are quite aware that the practice of disfellowshiping for just-about-anything is totally unscriptural.
they are aware of stories like the young girl who committed suicide did so because her sister caught her smoking a cigarette and threatened to turn her in.
they are aware that their blood transfusion policy is not supported by scripture and that approximately 10,000 jws were not given a chance to save their lives as a result.
Peer Pressure - the WTS Greatest Weapon
by hillary_step inin my early years of questioning wts theology and methodology in the late 70s', i was entirely on my own.
i knew that something was seriously wrong with their doctrines, but there was no internet, no discussion groups, and in my particular area of the uk, no listening ear.
in fact everybody seemed so pleasantly in love with the truth and so drawn along by collective enthusiasm that i seriously began to question my own attitudes.. sometimes i would wonder if i had gone quite mad, lost god's spirit, or had accomplished some dark deed in my past, that unknown to me was stripping me of my faith.
If any lurker is inclined to think I am exaggerating at the above use of the word deliberately;, I suggest an experiment.
Befriend somebody in writing;. Ask to see the manual that the WTS provides as instructions as to writing techniques. Look at the section that deals with "trigger"; words and phrases. Write down these words and phrases and then befriend somebody else, this time in an Advertising Bureau. Show them these written phrases and words and ask them what they are designed to do to the human mind.
Sounds like a grim experiment... It would be a reflection of the surreal, like in a conversation with the dead.
Trigger Words - Words influence how we view the world. These are so-called "trigger" words because they trigger a reaction inside us and, consequently, cause us to lose perspective when we most need it (when someone pushes a button or we respond favorably to a stranger or source, thinking we know them or share values, simply because they have used a certain word).
That there's a regularity in the style of Watchtower writers tells 'something' about your use of 'deliberate'. And it fools most of the people most of the time. The pervasive use of the exclamation mark, expressions like "Think about it!", which in actuality is an invitation to the reader to stop thinking for a moment, make Watchtower writers a bunch of indecents. -
WT U-Turn on "Great Crowd" (May 1, 20...
by stevieb1 inthe following is taken from questions from readers p.31 of the my 1, 2002 watchtower.
it is the wt response to the question: "when john saw the "great crowd" rendering sacred service in jehovah's temple, in which part of the temple were they doing this?".
The date of 1935 is quite clearly indicated in the scriptures. Apostates would argue that for a date to be so clearly indictaed, there would have to be some definite pointer to it, other than the regular development of biblical history, as evidenced in the fulfillment of prophecy on the true Christian Congregation, even at this crucial time of the end. For one, the ingathering of the holy ones, which had begun in Pentecost 33 CE must at some time come to a conclusion, indeed, the complete number of the main ones of the 144,000 must end. That number, again the bible indictaes, must come to its full at the time of the end. How do we know this?
As Jesus' words clearly indicate, the anointed ably represented by the faithful slave, must be doing the work of feeding both the domestics and the sheep at the time of his inspection. This conclusively shows that there must be some form of difference in the functions of the two groups, and this was merely to exist in principle. At about the mid thirties, there came to be a great influx of the desirable things, making it apparent that the ingathering of the anointed ones must have come to a definite conclusion. Doubtless, this was clear to the number of those at that historic convention, since, in an act reminiscent of the reaction to preaching the word during the first century, thousands made an unequivocal declaration for being of the great crowd. The ingathering of the Israel of God was complete in the main! The nucleus of the great crowd of the other sheep was being formed!
You must remember that statistics has never impressed God, The Society has severally stated this, but numbers play some role in the outworking of the dicvine purpose. Can you deny that? -
Open letter to Ciro Aucilino
by belbab indear friend,.
your talk, what the future holds for us, delivered, i believe, to a select audience of jehovahs witnesses; the twenty pages of which i downloaded from the internet, has raised for me some serious questions and since the scriptures exhort us tomake sure of all things i am writing this open letter to you.
You put the bible's words about peace and security in context. That's quite a good job. You not a Witness?
UN vs Watchtower Society
by joelbear inthe watchtower has pronounced the un as being the disgusting thing because it is trying to bring about world peace instead of putting its faith in jehovah to do that.. the watchtower claims to be jehovah's tool and itself attempts to unite the peoples of the world into a united organization going so far as to monitor and punish the behavior of individuals around the world.. how are the watchtower's actions different from the united nations actions?.
AMarie wrote:
On account of the question you ask, and the pledge made by me to respond, I am making this offering. You willdo well to think about this expression, especially in the context in which it has been proven.
You said "The head of the United Nations, himself a human of flesh and blood, failing to recognize the place of God's people in these momentuous times, voiced the gloved attack on the efforts being made by publishers of the good news." Can you give more information on this?"The idea that there is one people in possession of the truth, one answer to the world’s ills or one solution to humanity’s needs has done untold harm throughout history." - Kofi Annan
Are these words spoken by the Secretart General of the image of the wild beast to be taken lightly? May tha not be so! For this can clearly be shown, inter alia, to be a prelude to greater things. Apostates seek a mighty sign in the fulfillment of prophecy. Will they get it? again, there will be no sign except the sign of a son of man. Carefully consider these things.I must at this juncture apologize that there has been an extraordinary demand on my time in recent days, but I shall try to make good the vow to fully comment. Perhaps you can make known your feelings before then.
The story of Samson
by Simon injust a few things in the account that don't make sense and lead me to believe it's just a made of story (really?
a guy with superhuman power?
who would have thought... ).
Will Power,
you clearly miss the point. Do you suppose that the name that is called today is indeed what it was from the beginning? Are you not in the know, that the four glorious letters of the word, as recognized on our earth do not altogether declare the magnificence of the one bearing the name? are you at all aware? It is human thinking to have added vowels to those glorious letters, in a bid to make them pronounceable by mortal tongues. Indeed, studious and hardworking scholars have invented other possibilities for The Name, which seems not to suffer fromthe deficiency the concordance you refer to suggests (I must truthfully inform you that I have not had the time to invetigate, nay, check, the same refence, so that you probably might be in error with respect to your assertion).
But I shall rapidly ask a question in relation to the concordance definition: Will the removal of the letters "o" and "v" significantly alter the meaning attached to the truncated 'hovah', which as you claim, means 'mischief'? Could it be that there exists some equivalence between the English Language and that form of th ePure Language, which is, again, in our current tongue, called Hebrew? Your honesty in answering the above questions will determine the continuation of this informative exchange with you.
The story of Samson
by Simon injust a few things in the account that don't make sense and lead me to believe it's just a made of story (really?
a guy with superhuman power?
who would have thought... ).
it is indeed impossible for one to not feel the compulsion to commend you for the brilliant analysis you have done. While you do not come to the same conclusion as those having unshakable belief in the inspired expression (see the yeartext, which exhorts all christians, and others who wish to take to mind the Written Word to Stand firm with Conviction), your meditation on the inspired account must be commended. This shows, clearly, that you have spent time, doubtless prayerfully, to carefully consider this account; this can be compred to the 'roving' that was prophesied by the great Prophet Isaiah regarding the end of times. You are well aware of the activity of the Faithful Slave in this selfless pursuit.
As the one named dungbeetle has clearly pointed out, the word translated 'fox' can doubtless not refer only to the animal known today as the fox. No, that cannot simply be so, or else, the account might prove to be in error, as you have shown. May it here be then suggested that you take a closer look at Hebrew words, for a clear understanding of their deep and varied meanings. This will undoubtedly be of great help to you, seeing that you are much given to great learning and careful consideration fo the inspired word. Could it be also that you have missed out the prophetic significance of the account involving Samson, the Judge? could it be that in your search for physical coherence, you miss out the larger reality of the account? Really then, the story need a closer look, with more prayer and meditation.
I have not enough time to engage in a repudiation of the deceptive reasoning in your current post, but will give you a complete reply, carefully thought out, in due course. In the mean time, may you take to heart the following words, uttered to another who has furiously, and consistently attempted to destroy confidence in the written word. (A topic was started along the same lines by one who has made it his occupation to needlesly string stories together, in an effort to discredit them. As you would cleary see in the same thread, even those viciously opposed have stood up for the truth. This indeed, may the beginning of an openingpf eys for such ones, for they engage in fruitful activity, namely, standing up for the truth and what is true). Could it then be that these things are simply too wonderful for you to discern? Be careful so that you are not carried away, just as Eve, the mother of all those living, was also carried away by the deceptive resoning of the Devil, who is also called Satan.
I wish you the peace that transcends all human understanding.Farkel
You do a good job of casting doubt on the Bible, but you keep forgetting about the abilities of the One that inspired it. Regarding your conclusion that there was absolutely no way that Jonah could've survived such an ordeal, don't you think that its possible that the One that directed the fish so that it would swallow Jonah could at the same time provide the means for Jonah to survive while inside the fish, in the same miraculous fashion?
by Mister Biggs inironically, we were discussing the watchman who stays awake night and day.. anyway, something was said that made me awaken and pay careful attention.
please, if anyone else who got this same information at their book study, please share it.. here goes:.
there was a picture of a man standing on the watchtower keeping on the look out.
I must conclude you did not read the post following the first one I posted. We are botha ware with the taking away of the priviledge of editing post. I shall have no more comments on that event at this time. But it was pounding blood, as your and mide do, even at this time. So we must let pass your surprise at the use of such an expression. Since time exists to the extent that we make it a master over us, I might not be able to always edit. But I shall try, so that we will possibly avert misundertsandings of this nature.
But Seeker, what have you with this manner of writing? Annoying? It is abundantly clear that I do not wish to sound pompous, expression simply being what it is. You wish that I use your style, unlearn the one I have? It certainly is not a most pleasant style, as I can see from what you write, but you too must keep your eye simple, and focus on what is important.
you fail in your feeble attempts at infuriation. You must address the important issue that your prounouncements against the person of Jehovah is not also a disrespect to fellow humans who worhip him, or believe in him. You show total disrespect, and you blasphame. For how long will you continue on that self destructive path?
by Mister Biggs inironically, we were discussing the watchman who stays awake night and day.. anyway, something was said that made me awaken and pay careful attention.
please, if anyone else who got this same information at their book study, please share it.. here goes:.
there was a picture of a man standing on the watchtower keeping on the look out.
and if you will be kind, may you let me take a look at the thread you refer to, so that the subject may perhaps be fully dealt with?
by Mister Biggs inironically, we were discussing the watchman who stays awake night and day.. anyway, something was said that made me awaken and pay careful attention.
please, if anyone else who got this same information at their book study, please share it.. here goes:.
there was a picture of a man standing on the watchtower keeping on the look out.
what is it that you seek? You dislike my manner of expression; must I condform to your atndard in the written word? Do you deny that Farkel, like all mortals, may be desribed as being of metling flesh and pounding blood? Why must you resort to this kind of tectic? The issue is simple. Even if Farkel claims belief in God, or a god, his pompous pronouncements on Jehovah cannot be rationally excused. He hides behind the thin curtain of 'Jehovah of the Watchtower'. What is the meaning of this? The desecration of Jehovah's name, cannot be exused by man, even if the Watchotwer claims to speak for Jehovah and Farkel finds things below a standrad he would like to see. Ther can be no excuse for the use of such words. Or do I take it that this is what you wish to excuse? Address Farkel's statement about Jehovah, even if it is Watchtower's Jehovah. His expression transcends non-belief (or disbelief, as you wish, since he used to believe) in Watchtower's Jehovah. There are limits to such expressions, and I stand as a testimony to one who would point it out in this community obsessed with conformity.
As for the nature of my writing, whether it is satire or not, you are a Seeker, and a Reader too. Can you not use discernment? Must you seek a sign? Ther will be no sign, except the sign of a son of man. Do a separation. Look at the issues. Address the issue of Farkel's disrespect and blasphemy.