Weeks ago at the KH; this sister - she's just done a part on the program; her voice is bewitching; it's a song - started lamenting about her relatives. How her father who's so nice won't make it to paradise. And the rest of them, how Jehovah won't have a choice but to destroy them... There was something like pity in her eyes... it's so sad. But me there said: we don't know, Johovah see sthe heart y'know, and he'll be the judge... Then four pairs of eyes bored into me. No one said anything, yet, we aren't judging, are we? ... But the bible teels us, doesn't it, brother? She asks. But we can't read His mind, can we? I ask... they left, together. Damn. My spritual weakness is manifesting to all...
Posts by Gozz
last week @ the hall...
by BATHORY in....so the meeting finishes and im ready to bolt to the new middle eastern resteraunt just opened around the corner, and this brother comes up to me, funny actually he rarely speaks to me.... it was after the last weeks watchtower study ( those there will relate to this ).....he comes and starts talking about the study, and how jehovah when he destroy's .999 times 6 x 10 9 of earthlings he will be within his wright because " they cant say they werent told and didnt have enough time to do something about it ".
..well bugger me, good afternoon to you to brother *cockburn...hungry ??.
anyhow this blokes gone on and on about how fair this last destruction will be.
A God's Music, and Not a Man's!
by COMF inwhy is clapton still alive?
is this a double standard, or something?.
"on a set day herod clothed himself with royal raiment and sat down upon the judgment seat and began giving them a public address.
Clapton obviously hasn't seen it.
Daily Text - Eccl. 3:13
by YoYoMama ineccl.
3:13 "every man should eat and indeed drink and see good for all his hard work.
it is the gift of god.".
Watchtower writers are experts at commenting on single verses of the bible. The basic assumption is that of amnesia. All other things forgotten, focus on the verse. And this makes the daily text somewhat attractive. They get into trouble all the time when they attempt to be original. If they've dug into Christendom's library, they would've got a broader interpretation, rather than the microscopic, fundamentalist interpretation that tries to validate the inconsistent opinions of quacks.
Silliest thing that Witnesses told you was wrong?
by gilwarrior inthere are two things.
in the early and mid 80s there were witnesses saying that the cartoon characters the smurfs were not acceptable for witnesses.
i had two smurf cartoon books and my mother made me throw them away.
Lisa, welcome back!
Awake March 22 1973, Page 14
Chess-What Kind of Game Is It?Some chess players have recognized the harm that can result from playing the game. According to The Encyclopædia Britannica, the religious reformer “John Huss, . . . when in prison, deplored his having played at chess, whereby he had lost time and run the risk of being subject to violent passions.”
The extreme fascination of chess can result in its consuming large amounts of one’s time and attention to the exclusion of more important matters, apparently a reason Huss regretted having played the game. Also, in playing it there is the danger of “stirring up competition with one another,” even developing hostility toward another, something the Bible warns Christians to avoid doing.
Then, too, grown-ups may not consider it proper for children to play with war toys, or at games of a military nature. Is it consistent, then, that they play a game noted to be, in the opinion of some, an “intellectualized equivalent of the maneuvers enacted by little boys with toy soldiers”? What effect does playing chess really have upon one? Is it a wholesome effect?Surely chess is a fascinating game. But there are questions regarding it that are good for each one who plays chess to consider.
Watchtower Propaganda
by JosephAlward inmany have argued that articles in awake!
in recent years show that watchtower was letting itself be told what do by the purple beast, namely, promote the united nations in its writings.
i can understand how many might quickly find support for this claim, for there are, indeed, many articles in awake!
The Watchtower is definitely smarter than just publishing an article about the UN without mentioning the kingdom of God as the solution to man’s problems. Those articles achieved a dual purpose: spreading the Watchtower message and meeting UN DPI conditions for information dissemination. The Watchtower’s opinion of UN efforts may not be the issue here, but that certain conditions have been met. As it has been noted over and over again, the tone of the articles strongly suggests a softening of Watchtower views of the UN. And for those who truly understand the language of the Watchtower, they are indeed favourable articles.
Zev's UN/WTS Scandal Web Site - Part 2
by hawkaw inhttp://www.geocities.com/plowbitch69/.
over 1,440 hits in a few weeks..
there's an important point in your argument that the non-provision of the forms signed on by the Watchtower cannot be taken as evidence that such really exist. Your claim in the articles on your link that the Awake! articles were written as propaganda for the Watchtower and not the UN is only half of the story. The Watchtower will ordinarily not do a favour without having something to gain. And it is standard practice for articles to be ended with invitations to readers to welcome Jehovah’s Witnesses. The UN departments are themselves not so naïve to think they’re doing a perfect job, and the requirements of the DPI do not mandate the Watchtower to necessarily advocate UN programs as the solution. Those articles served their purpose excellently, part of which was simply to disseminate information about the UN.
To conclude simply that the Watchtower was only naïve is to underestimate the extent of their guilt. The reaction of the Watchtower after their involvement became public knowledge is very much suspect (your argument states that since the Watchtower knew this would be the case, it getting involved with the UN was giving so much for so little).
Some critics of the Watchtower claim that it knew that it was getting into bed with the purple beast, and hid this fact from the membership. This seems very unlikely to me. Isn't what actually happened is that the Watchtower believed that it was merely making use of the resources available to the enemy; doesn't everyone, everywhere, in all conflicts, try to do exactly the same thing, if the opportunity presents itself? The Watchtower likely didn't realize that the papers some of its officials signed made it look like they embraced the ideals of the United Nations. Sure, they look foolish for having overlooked the fine print--if that's what it was, or for just being too lazy to learn the conditions under which organizations could use the UN's resources, but that's not the same as being hypocritical.
You probably assume that because the information about Watchtower’s association with the UN is ‘public’ information, then it would be exceedingly dangerous for the Watchtower to believe it would remain concealed. That is plausible, all things being equal. But the peculiarities of the subjects of the matter make this premise false. The Watchtower organization knows its members. In 1991/92, the Internet has not assumed the active importance that we have seen in recent years. The Watchtower also has a rich history of being able to get away with almost anything by way of explanation to its membership. If you are familiar with Watchtower-speak, you would see outright contradictions looming out of the pages of the magazines. It is not about logic or rationality, it is more about thinking on a plane that ordinary humans don’t. And that is a different story. You probably should get more familiar with Watchtower methods. Regular Jehovah’s Witnesses will accept things from the Watchtower that they never would if it were from elsewhere. The leadership knows this. And they bank on that all the time.Foolishness is about out of the question. The array of lawyers in the Watchtower den can read and understand the fine print. The Watchtower does. They are not lazy. An admission that they do not, or that something was somewhat overlooked in getting involved with the UN DPI will ruin a lot of their ‘spiritual’ claims. They know this, and they know the membership knows. The Watchtower was simply not using the resources of the enemy; they overstepped limits, and the evidence suggests they did so with their eyes open. It is my opinion that there will be more to emerge from the UN/DPI mire. The Watchtower has been hypocritical. And they have hidden the information about the UN/DPI affiliation from the membership. They are currently putting measures in place to ensure that the information remains concealed. Currently, one of the fastest ways to be officially reproved among Jehovah’s Witnesses is to ask probing questions about the UN issue. The reaction of the Watchtower to has been extraordinary.
the intellectual laziness in jh, ks & follo...
by elke inthe words: intellectual laziness.
recognize this trait?
ahhh,many who apostasies from the one truth, shall we say ,adopts this trait-and transforms into epitomies of intellectual laziness...they construct the premise there is no true god to mislead others...they proceed to construct arguments to support these prefabricated conclusions with the building blocks of false logic...they convince intellectually lazy individuals the odds of a creators existence are remote...a lie recognizable to any form of honest intelligence.. craig rusbult, ph.d. explains why god refuses to provide irrefutable proof in his existence on the web page http://www.asa3.org/asa/education/views/proof.htm - "although it isn't stated directly in the bible, god seems to prefer a balance of evidence: there is enough reason to believe if we want to believe, but not enough to intellectually force belief against our will.
did you read about Craig Rusbult?
This website is an extension of my PhD dissertation, which is
You do just like your masters in the writing Department of the Tower. Search the Net and the UN library for whatever it is you want to show, copy, paste, and print; new light. Leave Craig Rusbult alone, okay? He's humble enough to explain the origin of his works.
a synthesis of ideas (mainly from scientists and philosophers, but also from sociologists, psychologists, historians, and myself) about scientific method. In a long process involving multiple revisions, these ideas have been changed and rearranged, summarized and colorized, and extended from science into other areas of life.Degrees:
BA (chemistry, UC-Irvine),
MS (chemistry, UW-Seattle),
MA (history of science, UW-Madison), and
PhD (curriculum & instruction [science education], UW-Madison). -
Just Another Day on the Board...
by Farkel inwaiting: simon, i just reached 100,000 posts.
logical: .
logical: im ugly.
great post. And thank you for the link.
Another question about the Governing Body
by ballistic inwhat is the actual mechanism by which god reveals his truth to the governing body.
the governing body have admitted to having made mistakes so it can be logically stated that this mechanism is by nature flawed.. while true that god only has very imperfect people to act as "the faithfull and discreet slave", there is no reason why he would use a flawed or imperfect method of transferring this "life saving" information to them.. the governing body has been very quiet about what this method actually consists of.. surely they must also be aware that delusions of a religious nature are common in various mental disorders such as schizophrenia.
is there any way of judging whether truths are the product of ones own mind, if not the product of the devil.
What is the actual mechanism by which God reveals his truth to the Governing Body.
There's simply no mechanism. Brooklyn collects information from CO's and DO's about what people are thinking or what Apostates are saying, or they get some really disturbing letters from a congregation, or they have an agenda about what should become official policy... then Writing goes to the libraries (if the ideas are not generated by them)and begin to dig. If you dig enough into scripture, you get lucky, just. Like the one about the Slave in Matthew. And then the GB sits and votes. This is the big one. There must be two-thirds majority, just like in most democracies, only that the elite, the ruling class, self-appointed representatives of the annointed are allowed to vote, and only men too. If there's two thirds, then it is Truth. Then maybe it goes into print. If there isn't, then it's dead light... it could be some other way... God does not reveal his truth to this Governing Body.
The Governing Body cannot even discuss the matter in clear terms. It's a catch 22: make God a liar, or admit they've been writing thoughts of their head? They know what they do to manufacture New Light. How will they let JWs know? They can't afford to.
Baby is here! Photos attached!
by LDH in11-19 3:30 pm 7 lbs 13 oz, 21 in.. i don't how how to add the photos, but if you want to see pictures, go to http://www.webphotos.com/list_albums.asp?mi=1&smi=1.
i think this is right (mommy help me!