Mine field,
On whose authority do you claim that? And please don't tell me the WT, or else I'll puke. (figuratively, of course).
******Why would you not recognize the aouthority of the Society being currently used to asseble the nucleus of the coming peaceful new world? For what reason? Evidently, the Society does more quality reaserach than you do, United Nations Library or not; it is just as the Congregator said, to the making of many books there is no end. You will not notice events you have decided to be blind too. There's none so blind, Minefield, as those who would simply not see.
And why couldn't the UN proclaim certain years to be good years? As far as I'm concerned, they've did a lot more to help the world than JW's ever did. When's the last time JW's helped with poor people? With children? With non-JW's, as a whole? Without striving to convert them? Read your Awake!, Gozz. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at all the things the UN has done in recent years.
*******To the proclamation of years of peace and plenty there shall be no end. There can be no end, yet there will be, for real hope exists, Utopia lies ahead, and it will not be at the hands of the disgusting thing that ultimately causes desolation. Witnesses are helping poor people. Contrary to what obtains elsewhere, God's people are humble and lowly, living life at near the poverty line in the third world. Their brothers in more affluent lands continue to support them in the finest wayu possible: spiritually. Happy, indeed, are those cosncious of their spiritual needs. The United Nations work what is good, but the failure of that human organization lies in the diversion they create in making people look toward the real hope for peace. And what have you with conversion? Imagine the good work being done all over! It cannot be calculated in the currencies of this hateful world. Inmates in prisons being helped (see a recent Awake! issue, at no cost to tax-payers, reasearches being financed for the furtherance of good health - even you might benefit, I wish you good health though,the help provided to the deprssed, the diversion from daily stress, and the steady stream of healthful spiritual food! You have to admit it, this very community exists at the magnanimity of the Witnesses. Just think about it! The many people you have met here.
Of course, the WT wrote all that just to further their own interests, but I think they have made many excellent points.
***the Society has indeed made excellent points, thank for for your kind, and gracious admission. Some good can indeed come out of Nazareth.
And what's this about me belonging to the Watchman Class? What the heck are you talking about? I was never baptized. I don't belong to any self-righteous cult. And if, by Watchman, you mean a group that carefully analyzes the facts before screaming bloody murder (figuratively) your little name is completely off the wall.
***This is a misinterpretation. And I am glad you do not claim to be in the Watchman Class. You counsel me to wake up, and keep my senses. It is clear that a responsible Watchman will not sleep, nay, slumber. He must remain Awake! to sound the alarm at favourable and unfavourable times. You have not been doing that, have you? So, rightly, you are not the Watchman. A careful reading of the post you refer to tells clearly who the Watchman is. You must not despise the Watchman, for 'he' serves faithfully, alert in his senses, and sounding alarm as he sees. Last week's Book Study makes that abundantly clear. Also, learn not to despise little things.
You are the one who needs to be awaken from spiritual slumber.
We could say that about each other all day. So why not substantiate ourselves with arguments and hard facts instead?
***I recant. What hard facts do you require, then? The words are abundantly clear, and have no ambiguous interpretation, and even then, interpretations belong, not to man. Or do you not agree?