Who knows the law? Shouldn't it be against the law to demand that insurance money is signed away as described above? No that I've first.-hand information about this happening, but if it's true, it should leave the WTS in a legally weak position.
kingdom ministry for october under: how can we help?
..."when donations are earmarked specifically for a certain disasters, it is necessary in some countries to use such funds only for the purpose specified by the donor and within a certain period of time, whether the needs of out brothers have been cared for locally or not.
(is this true and if so, isn't that the whole point of donating to natural disaster victims?
Who knows the law? Shouldn't it be against the law to demand that insurance money is signed away as described above? No that I've first.-hand information about this happening, but if it's true, it should leave the WTS in a legally weak position.
to be studied on febuary 5th.
blondie will do her usual "comment" later.
i just want to point out how they start the 2006 study article, the first paragraph only.. a young man wanted to be more useful in his congregation.
Hi Bryan, and friends:
what would be fair contribution for a CD? I smelled a little rat when I got a some WT Audio CDs; I asked for a fair "contirbution" (that's being fair, I think), the guy "suggested" about USD 5 for each; now, that isn't much, but considering the WT spends next to nothing on labour and distribution, I still thought it was high. What ya think people?
could someone direct me to a society publication or scan where the wt claims god picked them out of all the religions to be the truth?
what year did this supposedly take place in?
i'm prepping someone on how to talk to a jw they are in contact with.
Elementary, my dear friend.
Everyone knows that was 1919, the magic year. ;)
You're fodder for Armageddon if you don't believe that.
class 1
class 2
class 3
V. funny!
check this out: .
basically they are trying to gain a portion of the swiss banks settlement for their "holocaust education" work.
German XJW and others: good job.
Interesting an item about it was published in the German KM.
check this out: .
basically they are trying to gain a portion of the swiss banks settlement for their "holocaust education" work.
I stumbled on this document: http://www.swissbankclaims.com/PDFs_Eng/WatchTowerBible.pdf again this weekend and thought to search that it's been discussed on JWD. Certainly, this matter didn't generate much discussion, but I wonder why? The WT applies for funds in compensation for Holocaust evils, that should be some news, especially as the first post raises some interesting views.
i realize many here have (unfortunately) much more experience with this sort of thing than i do.
any personal insight, or direction to research material, would be appreciated.. there was a letter to all boes about 8-10 years ago, saying that if an appointed elder had any incidents of child abuse in his history, he had to step forward & admit such, so that his status as an elder could be reviewed.
none of the elders in this congregation said anything.. it was later (maybe 5 years ago) discovered that one of the elders had sexually abused his daughters some time in the 80's, before his appointment.
I must thank you for the article and links.
this may have discussed on a previous thread.
a few years ago, a watchtower article discussed the issue of jws who are employed in the health care domain and who, during the course of their legitimate employment duties, have access to private and potentially incriminating information on other jws.
i think the article used as an example confidential information on an unmarried witness's file that documents she has had an abortion.
One wonders which of the idiotic drones in the Watchtower writing department wrote all that nonsense, and the criminally-minded GB members that signed off on it. Morons.
could the watchtower and the jehovah's witnesses survive the discarding of their 1914 doctrine?
the doctrine that in 1914 the end of the gentile times took place, jesus took up rule in heaven.
for some reason the jws think the outbreak of world war i in 1914 is proof their prophetic calculations were correct.
Scholar wrote:
Jeffro, [y]our insults are of little consequence. You lose this discussion because of your ignorance and your predujice which blind you to past and present scholarship. As I have said before you need to travel and read more and go to Brisbane and use the big libraries there so that you will learn something.scholar JW
Who else thinks scholar's a guy with way too much time on his hands who gets a kick form messing with people on this board?? It's just almost impossibl eot take you serious, non-scholar; but there's lots danger in that. Sigh. .
on good morning america this morning, oprah was on and she is having a few shows in which callers can give tips to the where abouts of child molesters.
i don't watch her show myself but many do, obviously.
i know she feels very strongly about the issue and even went to congress to get the laws changed.
blondie: thanks for those links.