I was just at a JW funeral this past Sat. I wonder if it was the same one?
Posts by cognac
The JW funeral talk outline - poor taste or REALLY poor taste?
by Mr. Falcon inso i attended a funeral for a jw who passed away (non-"annointed) and i would have to state that although i have heard the standard funeral talk outline for dozens of funerals i've attended, i never really took the time to listen.
and my god, i was cringing.
the outline is essentially broken down like this:.
Seems the Watchtower is becoming more pushier / cult-ier...
by garyneal indid anyone have to endure the wt study today at the kh?
i did and boy it was a doozy.
saying things like "christendom deserved destruction for misleading people spiritually...." talking about false prophets, etc... the irony of all of this is that their judgements on christendom apply to them.
Omg Blacksheep... That's so funny. I did that once when I was in the beginning stages of getting out. I was at a quick build and a brother wanted to do the WT as a group cause we were doing parking which was away from where the WT study was. I announced that we can't do that because CLEARLY it was against scripture. In front of the group he argued with me and quoted the scripture about where there is 2 or 3 there is Jehovah's spirit and that I was completely wrong and what I said was in fact against scripture...
A brother quickly took him aside to talk to him. The confusion on everybody's face was priceless. We got outta doing the WT that day, lol.
European Court of Human Rights to hear JWs tax case against France
by AndersonsInfo inhttp://www.expatica.com/fr/news/french-news/europe-court-to-hear-jehovah-witness-tax-case-against-france_99836.html.
europe court to hear jehovah witness tax case against france 9-29-10. the european court of human rights said wednesday it had agreed to consider a case brought by the jehovah witness christian sect against the french government over taxation of donations.. in its request, the group alleged an infringement of the right to religious freedom saying the french government had tried to curtail its activities by demanding in may 1998 taxes on donations from its followers.. the sect said the move was an attempt to end the autonomy of religious communities.. french authorities say the donations were not raised from a religious source and so were subject to the same rules as other donations.. the 1998 demand was for 45 million euros (61 million dollars) at the time, but this amount had since reached 57.5 million euros, according to france.. it involves donations from 250,000 people over four years, an average amount of four euros per person a month between 1993 and 1996.. the court, based in the french city of strasbourg, however rejected a case of religious discrimination against the jehovah's witnesses.. .
2010 afp.
In Russia: 17 hearings already
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Bookmarked. Thanks for posting this.
New ex-JW memoir coming out...
by brizzzy ini don't post a ton here because i'm kinda shy.
that's the amazon link (which is currently the most affordable, i believe, but it's also available for preorder at b&n, borders, indiebound, and indigo-chapters if you're in canada, if you prefer one of those retailers).. .
Yeah, I'm gonna order it to. Congrats!
Don't you DARE to get up!!
by stillin9 ininteresting points from this week's wt study (dec 15 2010 study edition):.
par 12: "do i encourage my children not to view the song between the theocratic ministry school and the service meeting or the one between the public talk and the watchtower study as a sort of intermission,an opportunity for them to leave their seats unnecessarily, perhaps just to stretch their legs?".
why do they have to make such a big deal out of everything?
I'd like to go to that meeting just to yell out right when the song starts, "Break Time!!!" and then take my daughter out to run around. lol
What do you think being in-love is?
by cognac ini'm kinda thinking its an illusion and something thats doesn't necessarily mean forever unless there is such thing as a soulmate.
something that probably means something different to everybody.
for example, some people think to be in-love means to be completely exclusive.
I'm kinda thinking its an illusion and something thats doesn't necessarily mean forever unless there is such thing as a soulmate. Something that probably means something different to everybody. For example, some people think to be in-love means to be completely exclusive. Some want to be able to explore different things like 3-somes and still feel they could be still in-love with each other.
Some people think it involves a lot of romance while others feel like its more being best friends. So, what are your opinions?
by elder-schmelder incan someone email me a link to download the new eldersbook.. .
i need it asap.. .
Ok, I just saw this. Can I have the link also?
Hubby told Elders I thought JWs were brainwashed...
by cognac inguess cause i'm considered inactive?
well, he moved to a new hall and went to 1 meeting with him.
didn't even stay the whole time.
Yes, ML. I had a long discussion about it with him. Honestly, I think he goes back and forth about his feelings about us in this relationship. I think he wants out so he can be with the person he can live forever with but at the same time he has a certain amount of love and comfort with me. I think he's confused. So am I...
Hubby told Elders I thought JWs were brainwashed...
by cognac inguess cause i'm considered inactive?
well, he moved to a new hall and went to 1 meeting with him.
didn't even stay the whole time.
I know Moshe. I told him if he ever puts me in a situation where he would put me in a situation where I could be dff'ed, I'd be done with us. If I get dff'ed, it will be me who does that, not him.