Phew! At least mutual masturbation is OK still.
What? Hold on a minute. But what about those unpure thoughts were not supposed to have? And the WT Rag says were not allowed.
Watchtower May 15 1970, p. 315 Avoiding the Snare of Homosexuality
(see also Watchtower October 1 1970, p. 604)
Helpful in this regard, then, is appreciating the fact that autoeroticism or masturbation is no mere innocent pastime but rather a practice that can lead to homosexual acts. How so? In that self-induced masturbation may make it easier and more tempting for one to engage in mutual masturbation, which is a form of homosexuality. Sincerely striving against this practice will go far to protect a youth.
I think I've made my point!!!
Don't you love OPINIONS, how there's no scriptures to back it up.
This part is completely off topic - BS is tonite, once again I havent studied ahead of time, but I sure can't wait until the New "WT Comments you wont hear" comes out (for next Sunday) because it has so many opinions in it, that it will be completely torn apart.