JoinedPosts by gravedancer
Ozzie's Weekend Poll
by ozziepost inwell, it's sunday and we've done reading the sunday papers, so thought it might be nice to poll the worldwide community on some important issues.
no, it's not meant to be fluff, i'm serious in inviting opinions from exdubs in many places, so please respond.
this week i've chosen the question especially for the large worldwide da/df community: what is the main reason for you not wanting to return?.
When will you die?
by gravedancer in
sadistic friday, april 18, 2003 .
pessimistic monday, april 3, 2023 .
Sadistic Friday, April 18, 2003
Pessimistic Monday, April 3, 2023
Optimistic Thursday, June 22, 2051
Normal Tuesday, April 17, 2040 -
I am a Kultologist undertaking a new study...
by Tallyman ini am a kultologist (the study of kults) and conducting a study.... ...and the grouping of people here affords a wonderful opportunity.
to explore an area of research i've recently undertaken-.
and that is the (growing) phenomenon of x-jws who have ostensibly "left".
You are joking right? That's why he still is a kultist with his residual homophobia...remember how he attacked you for that? He is a fine example of LOVE isn't he.....what a fine Xian huh? He follows his masters call to love (Matt 22:37,38).
He is the one preaching hatred against PEOPLE.
I hate certain abstract ideology....he hates people...
I attack concepts...he makes personal attacks...There is a difference!
I am a Kultologist undertaking a new study...
by Tallyman ini am a kultologist (the study of kults) and conducting a study.... ...and the grouping of people here affords a wonderful opportunity.
to explore an area of research i've recently undertaken-.
and that is the (growing) phenomenon of x-jws who have ostensibly "left".
I strongly suggest Simon lock this thread too...before you really get me started on picking on your maggot infested carcass.
I am a Kultologist undertaking a new study...
by Tallyman ini am a kultologist (the study of kults) and conducting a study.... ...and the grouping of people here affords a wonderful opportunity.
to explore an area of research i've recently undertaken-.
and that is the (growing) phenomenon of x-jws who have ostensibly "left".
Tally (AKA Mendler)
FYI, my moniker has nothing to do with religion but has to do with a more powerful human subject: MONEY. Figure it out if you think you are so smart!! But thanks for the ideas...
There are some other important things to "figger" out too:
didn't you leave with your tail between your legs loser?'t it because you are a hate filled homophobic? for me to start my study on homophobic Xians (Christians)...why they continue to hate others...
What is your reality?
by Billygoat inim just kind of thinking out loud as i type this.
for those of you patient enough to read through the whole thing you win a prize!
this post has a threefold purpose:.
In his book "Religion Explained: The Evolutionary Origins of Religious Thought" the author (Pascal Boyer) examines closely how brain synapses are important as to the fact that human beings have religion in the first place. It is only now, with recent contributions of the cognitive and neural sciences and evolutionary biology to the understanding of the nature and origins of the human mind, that we are in position to successfully provide such an explanation.
Religion, he suggests, is a by-product of the way our minds evolved to negotiate the natural and, more importantly, the social world.
Is God all in the head?
by sleepy inthrough out time and nearly all human cultures and civilizations people have believed in god or gods?.
did this develop purly as a means for us to explian the world , or is there a part of the brain that causes peolpe to be religious?.
there is evidence that in fact certain parts of the brain are highly involved in religious beliefs and feelings.. its possible to actualy stimulate certain parts of the brain with a device that generates a strong magnetic field.. aim it at the front of the thalamus and you might experience a orgasm.
great post sleepy!!!!
The professor's (Ramachandran's) work is impressive. He has documented cases of brain stimulation whereby patients even thought parts of their body did not belong to them such as when a patient was asked "whose arm is that" he replied "it's my brothers arm".
He shows clearly (as do other scientists) that our spiritual feelings of God and our sense of certainty come from the brain's temporal lobes.
Here is an interesting one:
...pain also comes as an illusion from a construction of the brain just as any other sensory experience. Even people with missing arms or legs can feel intense pain in their phantom limbs
But his most remarkable work comes from the discovery of God. Patients who have deeply moving spiritual experiences, including a feeling of divine presence and the sense that they are in direct communion with God. Everything around them is imbued with cosmic significance. They may say, "I finally understand what it's all about. This is the moment I've been waiting for all my life. Suddenly it all makes sense." Or, "Finally have insight into the true nature of the cosmos."The most interesting part of the work to me is this: that religios belief, discovery of God originates from limbic structures concerned with emotions rather than from the thinking, rational parts of the brain that take so much pride in their ability to discern truth and falsehood.
That is why it is almost impossible to REASON with people who have faith and deep seated conviction. When one equates faith to mental illness (as I have done) some find it highly offensive but either I am mentally ill for not having it or they are mentally ill for having it. To quote your cherished book "...let the reader use discernment".
What is your reality?
by Billygoat inim just kind of thinking out loud as i type this.
for those of you patient enough to read through the whole thing you win a prize!
this post has a threefold purpose:.
Interesting thread and concept...
Based on what you wrote, Billy, then Individual Reality (IR) = the personalization of perception/reality for an individual.
If that is true then IR is also highly framed in accordance with state and time. The persons mental state at a point in time. That means someone who is drunk will experience and personalize a reality at a point in time depending on their level of intoxication (their state).
If one experiences frequent state changes and shifts in stste do they have differing realities?
If realities change then - is there a "danger" point at which the person starts "living" in different worlds, while the REAL world likely has not changed much at all? That would definitely seem to be the case. If the differential in individual reality is marked from collective reality on a high scale we assign terms on all sides of the spectrum ranging from "insanity" to "genius" to the individual.
One can then look at the factors altering state such as drugs, brain chemistry, music, religion, faith, romance....and on and on.
We are all affected in some way by changing states and therefore have differing realities...learning how to change the states can change our realities. Changin the realities can in turn change the next level of states....
These levels become patterns in our lives. We have heard the term "downward spiral" or someone is "on his/her way to the top". Those individuals are basing their states on perceived reality and using that to launch to the next IR.
I could go on but it gets personal from here so I will refrain.
edited to crosslink this thread which seems highly relative to this subject
QUICKBOOKS PRO - any users????
by waiting inhowdy ---- i'm stumped.
i've been using quickbooks 99 since 99 - updated about a month ago to 02.. got a payroll question, about paying my liabilities - i've been sitting here for 2 friggin' hours trying to figure it out.....and i'll bet it's so damned obvious to *someone else.
thanking in advance,.
whats the ?
gravedancer has gots to be a jehovah Witness.
by Tallyman ini've gotten strange vibes from this joker, ever since it appeared here.. first, the moniker, "gravedancer"-.
what the hell kind of weirdo hangs around graveyards .
in order to dance on graves?.