I just want people to hate me equally.
JoinedPosts by gravedancer
Is this how we want to be perceived?
by Joyzabel inthis quote is from someone who lurks on jwd!
sorry for the long email, but this has been therapeutic and i just may post this on the db one day.
(lol) but i have to get up the nerve, because those people can be a little mean at times.
Is this how we want to be perceived?
by Joyzabel inthis quote is from someone who lurks on jwd!
sorry for the long email, but this has been therapeutic and i just may post this on the db one day.
(lol) but i have to get up the nerve, because those people can be a little mean at times.
I am a mean nasty SOB. Stay away from me.
I hate you all! Ex-jw's are a bunch of $&^%...
by sleepy ini hate you all!
ex-jw's are a bunch of $&^%& style posters, all seam to have one thing in common.. they never stick around for a proper debate.. just fire away some accusations, and leave.. gets on my nerves.. why wont witnesses stay and make their point against reasoned arguments?.
I blow my nose on you...
I don't want to talk to you, no more, you empty-headed animal, food trough wiper. I fart in your general direction. You mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.
Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time...
advatage of being JW,to JT
by happy man ini send this in yesterday as an answer to jt, cant find it now so i put it inn again,i see also no real answer to my messege,only this crap that i am blind,i am not blind my eys are wide open,i think hate make some of you blind sometime, who comes that nobody take my topic and give me answers,i am waiting,and no blind talk peopel,evrything is not white and blake,and you have a point ther jt when you say i am inn here,i enen suggeston onother bord tha broklyn must have internet our on moday for exampel.i think this cuold bee very usefull,if there are problem you have a fantastic chans to see what it is about here.. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
this post is a very good exampel on desinformation,and putt a messege.
you want to the reader widh taking forward only negative things,you can do this widh evrything, take only negative things never say anything good,but as human beeing we now that ther is a frontside and a backside, and this who only take one side and show this side as a fackt is a lier.. i have been jw fore many years,and i now that we have some things who not is so good,likte this dfd thing, this system´in cong who very easly hurt peopel, even if it is not the purpus.. then we have some good things, 6 millons who are brothers and sisters from all over the word, nationalism no politics, make us unik,.
It is obvious JW's are moronic else they would know that there are tools they can use to check their spelling.
My Dad sent me this; anyone got a sick-bag?
by Abaddon injunk dubbie mail from my dear dad (who i have quite a good relationship with, as i can ignore stuff like this);.
subject: satan's convention----theme: "keep them busy".
satan called a worldwide convention.
Thank goodness for Satan.
We could of course resist his evil power and start farming and digging holes and reading our watchtowers and praying...now that is so exciting I just shit my pants.....gotta go
GD -
Why the disrespect for Jesus?
by MavMan innow i understand completely that most in this forum are 100% against jws and the watchtower.
what i don't understand is the disrespect that has been shown for such a sacred occasion that is the memorial (last supper).
whether you agree with jws or not, the fact is that the last supper has a lot of meaning for christians.
Jesus will come again......
but only after someone goes down on him this time!!
So Why Bother To Go At All, Then?
by Englishman inok, so it's the memorial tonight, i believe.. i need some help with this one.
i know that jesus said to "keep doing this in remembrance of me", but, what i don't understand is this:.
just where does jesus say to "keep doing this, everybody turn up, but only one or two of you can take the emblems, everybody else must watch the proceedings and not join in"?.
It is an act of voyeurism....except everyone there is fucked!!
Each Must Render Whose Account?
by ozziepost incomparably, for more than a century now, the anointed brothers of christ, those with the heavenly hope, have served as "a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to god.
" (1 peter 2:5) they have taken the lead in dispensing bible truths to others.
as you have learned truths that they teach, have you not found from experience that the very law of truth has proved to be in their mouths?
"Comparably, for more than a century now, the anointed brothers of Christ, those with the heavenly hope, have served as "a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God." (1 Peter 2:5) They have taken the lead in dispensing Bible truths to others. As you have learned truths that they teach, have you not found from experience that the very law of truth has proved to be in their mouths?"
What are spiritual sacrifices? And how do you know when he approves of them.
resurrections- The Dubs are WRONG.
by refiners fire inthere is a passage in scripture that has always bothered me.. it is in revelation 20, where satan is loosed after the 1000 years and misleads masses of perfect people yet again, into warring against god.. these are perfect people, not misled in regard of facts, how could the vast majority of them be misled, again?.
after a reading of rev 20, ive decided the dubs interpretation is flat out.
wrong.. from the dubs own bible verse 3 says that "satan cannot mislead the nations anymore until after the 1000 years".. so those nations must be there, after the millenium.. verse4: .
How do you know a thing is bullshit?
For me just being able to smell it is enough evidence that I am not interested.
Others need to play in it, roll in it and some have to eat it.
Effectiveness of Psychotherapy
by larc inon a previous thread, the question of the effectiveness of psychanalysis came up.
since then, i have done some research.. a recent article* summarized the results of three literature surveys, and the author came up with the following conclusions:.
1. for major affective disorders, and major psychoses, psychpharmacological treatment works best.. 2. for symptomatic anxiety based disorders, such as phopias, generalized anxiety disorders, panic disorder, obsessive complulsive disorder, and post - traumatic stress disorder, cognitive and behavioral treatments work best.. 3. for personality disorders and complex comorbid disorders with an underlying personality disorder, long term relationship therapies work best.