and you still believe this storybook called the Bible?
God is a psychological crutch. Once you really understand that you know its all bullshit and that it allows men to justify their actions.
numbers 31.
31 so moses and eleazar the priest did as the lord commanded moses.
32 the plunder remaining from the spoils that the soldiers took was 675,000 sheep, 33 72,000 cattle, 34 61,000 donkeys 35 and 32,000 women who had never slept with a man.
and you still believe this storybook called the Bible?
God is a psychological crutch. Once you really understand that you know its all bullshit and that it allows men to justify their actions.
i thought this article about treating accused priests was interesting..
There is a special lead treatment for pedophiles that ensures they never commit the crime again...
what do you think of the item below i was e-mailed?.
how did various animals get from the ark to isolated places such as.
Noah's Ark was bullshit - thats easily provable.
Next time you cut and paste stuff....why not say where from though? Or provide a link so we can see it in a readable format?
as we know the bible records stuff till the end of the first century.. then we have the dark/middle ages....until 1870-something.. hence comes charles t. russell.
and the "organization" and "faithful and discreet slave" is here.. .
ok thats the reality..... i grew up a jw.
As we know the bible records stuff till the end of the first century.
Then we have the dark/middle ages....until 1870-something.
Hence comes Charles T. Russell. And the "ORGANIZATION" and "faithful and discreet Slave" is here.
OK thats the reality....
I grew up a JW. We were taught (when me being retard I am paid attention) this: "Who was the first Jehovah's Witness?"....."Answer: Abel".
OK....nice decoy. So Adam was the first. Then we have bible history (an oxy-moron) till 100 AD (or for the JW's 98 CE). Then.....NOTHING. In the first century God had an organization with a governing body according to the witnesses (ask them about Acts 15:29 regarding blood and they point to the governing body and the organization etc and try to use that as a "pattern" for today's fiasco).
So from 100 AD till 1870 something.......WHERE WAS THE FAITHFUL AND DISCREET SLAVE AND THE GOVERNING BODY? Why the almost 2000 year gap? Was it foretold? Was it prophecied?
In all my years growing up as a JW I never really found an answer...2000 years of "darkness"....then Russell comes out of nowhere with his whacked out beliefs about pyramids and shit and we have found God again?
What the fuck did I miss?
on kent's board there is a post by celtic.
on this board there is the same subject by invisible.
invisible the newbie with only 2 posts is either, celtic in disguise or a plagerist.
well at 29 years old, after a lifelong relationship/belief in/association with a higher power i called god, here i am very close to taking an athiestic or agnostic approach to the rest of my life.
it really hit me the other day although my doubts have been there but i just have been forcing myself to ignore them because i was afraid to give up that religious part of me because its all that i have ever been and i was afraid of the unknown.
but i realized after getting through another one of those weeks from hell that it makes no difference how much i pray or how much i believe.
One day you will see what I was saying about a month ago in chat.
You will see how crazy the concept of religion/spirituality/god/myth really is. Then you will no longer be offended that I equated it with mental illness. It was not meant as an insult on my part...
If I can help you in any way please let me know.
this is actually a Sasquatch....
of course you have just as much evidence that he exists as you do that God exists....
Perhaps some people will pray to him now?
there is constant talk about sex here, false prophecy, preaching work etc.. but noone talks much about the demons.
i know i was frightened of entire youth, every night, was spent engaging in paranoid little rituals to protect me from the demons.. watchtowers under the pillow, lights on, bible open by the bed.. and me wide awake listening to every tree branch creak, every board crack as the house setlled for the night.. i still have problems (occassionaly) even now.. who was terrified of the demons??
Are you scared of mice too?
well at 29 years old, after a lifelong relationship/belief in/association with a higher power i called god, here i am very close to taking an athiestic or agnostic approach to the rest of my life.
it really hit me the other day although my doubts have been there but i just have been forcing myself to ignore them because i was afraid to give up that religious part of me because its all that i have ever been and i was afraid of the unknown.
but i realized after getting through another one of those weeks from hell that it makes no difference how much i pray or how much i believe.
I knew there was hope for read Richard Dawkins and become a proper atheist.
I am so proud of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you want some good links or reading stuff let me know...