It is always amusing:
We can explain that people who believe and see Demons are mentally ill or the like....
But when they believe in God or thats something positive.....
Go figure!
i suppose this is a tale of how badly a set of extreme beliefs can effect the mind!.
i knew of a brother who suffered with mental ill health and often had hallucinations, of the visual variety.
after a while during his passage through the truth he began to see strange demons in unusual places.
It is always amusing:
We can explain that people who believe and see Demons are mentally ill or the like....
But when they believe in God or thats something positive.....
Go figure!
this may be aleady known, but for those that don't know: .
the watchtower society owns stock in company called rand cam engine corporation, a division of reg technologies.
this company makes components for smart bombs and the like.
I think this issue is a little silly to raise....(that's my opinion - and I am definitely not pro-WT.)
If the shares were gifted to them and they cannot sell them what are they supposed to do?
Furthermore, this is a TINY company - pretty much insignificant. To put its size in perspective, your local McDonalds franchise would cost more to purchase than this entire company.
there have been many sages who walked the face of the earth.
the wisest man who ever lived, however, is jesus christ.
jesus made an impact on history that very few men have matched.
Toss out the "comforter" and get a bedspread.....
no that is not a description of a piece of rear-anatomy (i don't want to get booted again <g>).
rather it is the rage now.... please check out and take a look.
the reason i bring this up is because 3 different people i know (not xjws) are all into this "stuff" now.
No that is not a description of a piece of rear-anatomy (I don't want to get booted again <g>)
Rather it is the rage now.... Please check out and take a look. The reason I bring this up is because 3 different people I know (not XJWs) are all into this "stuff" now. I have not looked at it yet, but it looks like the start of another fear-series.
Any of you bright folks looked into this or heard of it? Any opinions?
as one who has been reading posts this evening i find it odd that many of the xjw's here are wondering why every jw who sees a program like panorama doesn't immediately quit the cult (yes i said cult).
well its a rather obvious explanation, in my opinion.
simply put "you cannot argue against faith with facts".
Besides, since you've admitted to having an IQ of only 35, I'm even more impressed!
I have raised it to 35.56 by studying like crazy. What was I studying? The questions on the test of course....think I am stupid or something?
my philosophy as someone seeking to improve my understanding of why things are as they are, why things work, how i can improve things for myself all comes down to a simple method: always ask the next question.
asking the next question allows us to build logic chains.
the benefit in doing so allows us to construct mini-systems for ourselves as we grow.
"We are now seeing increasing instances of people developing resistance to one or more of the drug regimes currently available to treat HIV, and it is vital that we continue working to stay one step ahead of the virus"We are now seeing increasing instances of people developing resistance to one or more of the drug regimes currently available to treat HIV, and it is vital that we continue working to stay one step ahead of the virus"
Why? Because of the mutation which means HIV will likely evolve into a new strain....the fact that the viruses learn how to overcome anti-biotics by mutating, is it evidence of intelligence? If so whose intelligence?
most or all people are good.
actually, humans are basically evil.
the bible says that man be inclined toward what is bad from his youth up.
Another take way to look at things: best and worst participants:
most or all people are good.
actually, humans are basically evil.
the bible says that man be inclined toward what is bad from his youth up.
While I think this is a largely pointless argument (because it depends on your views of mans origin and mans destiny) I do have a great site to add to the mix for you guys:
as one who has been reading posts this evening i find it odd that many of the xjw's here are wondering why every jw who sees a program like panorama doesn't immediately quit the cult (yes i said cult).
well its a rather obvious explanation, in my opinion.
simply put "you cannot argue against faith with facts".
As one who has been reading posts this evening I find it odd that many of the XJW's here are wondering why every JW who sees a program like Panorama doesn't immediately quit the cult (yes I said cult).
Well its a rather obvious explanation, in my opinion. Simply put "you cannot argue against faith with facts". The reason being is that JW's have been through some serious conditioning:
So is it denial? Yes it is. But we all need to understand and realise the reality. We point to 23,000 offenders out of 6 million - that is less than 0.04% of the membership (probably no higher than the percentages across the public at large in their minds). They can find ways to justify this stuff.....
The bottom line is that we need to be patient with such ones. The reality is that the WT will not immediately crumble....we need to manage our expectations otherwise we are becoming believers in a cause not based on realistic outcomes. Expecting the collapse of JWs is exactly the same as expecting the collapse of Catholicism. The best case we can expect is an adjustment of policy over time just as we have seen with the Catholics, IMHO.
You all know my views, I am a non believer ....don't shoot the messenger but feel free to argue against my message.
(edited to correct a typo)
Edited by - gravedancer on 14 July 2002 23:0:3
my philosophy as someone seeking to improve my understanding of why things are as they are, why things work, how i can improve things for myself all comes down to a simple method: always ask the next question.
asking the next question allows us to build logic chains.
the benefit in doing so allows us to construct mini-systems for ourselves as we grow.
excellent points Xander....the next question kicks in again!!!