JoinedTopics Started by hotchocolate
Am I back in JW land?
by hotchocolate ini can't post on my "go back renaii" topic... anyone have any tips for me?
Renaii GO BACK
by hotchocolate inokay, just a thread to say that renaii should totally go back!
sorry chick, but personally i think you're just an attention seeker, and you'll get more if you go to meetings.
well at least for six months.
Did Charles Russell run a brothel?
by hotchocolate ini just watched a youtube video where it was claimed russell ran a brothel in new york.
has anyone heard this?
It's AUSTRALIA DAY! Let's hear your best Aussie slang.
by hotchocolate inmate!
it's the day all true blue aussies throw some snaggers on the barbie, down a few stubbies, get blotto by mid arvo and then chuck on their cossies, head to the water and then spend the rest of the evening slapping mozzies, watching fireworks and attempting the aussie anthem.. so in honour* of australia day, let's hear a few of your favourite* aussie colloquialisms.. .
*yes, these words should actually contain "u" .
Jehovah's Witness wives do not need consciences.
by hotchocolate inmy feelings on this subject have continued consistent throughout my time from being a zealous, believing witness to now.
so there's all these areas of "conscience" as a dub, which movies you can watch, what you can wear etc etc.
but.. here's the catch.
Do you know any young(er) people taking the emblems?
by hotchocolate inthe memorial i think is getting close to being over in most parts of the world.
i'm really interested to know if the recent watchtower article encouraged any to partake for the first time.
did anyone notice this?
What proof is there of evolution?
by hotchocolate inbeing raised a witness, throughout my life i've always switched off when i heard an argument for evolution.
so i know almost nothing about the subject, except what i was taught in the "evolution vs creation" book, and i'm guessing that wasn't entirely impartial.
i think of the arguments put forth by witnesses about the amazing design in nature, thereby proving a creator.
Does anyone know? Question about early JW beliefs.
by hotchocolate inhelloooo people .
i was under the impression that the witnesses didn't have any belief in an earthly class until 1935-ish.. and yet in 1925 (?
) they built beth sarim in san diego to house the faithful men of old when they returned to earth.
Issue Number 2.... Incorrect Predictions.
by hotchocolate inokay, just to re-introduce myself, i was raised in the truth, regular pioneered for years, and am a member in good standing with my congregation.
i have just recently been shocked to realise that i actually have some doubts about the truth.
it helps for me to focus on one point at a time, and to write down my thoughts in a logical sequence.
Abstain from Blood...
by hotchocolate inmy first post was a few days ago now, and finally my heart has stopped pounding whenever i log on.. :-).
so, i have been in the truth all my life, 3rd generation witness, never left, never been in trouble, pioneered for years, and am a respected member of my congregation.
at the moment.