littlerockguy, thanks for the article. I did notice something weird was going on when Bush (father) and Bill Clinton were doing fundraisers together, wtf. Yup, were screwed.
JoinedPosts by joebin
The Clintons
by 5thGeneration ini followed dawg's post to limbaugh's site and got a kick out of this:.
YOU'RE an example of how not to use the word YOUR
by ColdRedRain inseriously, this is a grammar error that should have been trained out of anybody in elementary school.
your is a possessive pronoun, you're is a contraction.
they're two different words meaning two very dissimilar things.
Your wasting you're time.
At work Witness 007 accused of being pedophile due to this site!! BAD!
by Witness 007 ini hate the top of this page pop up slogan; "secrets of pedophilia in an american religion.
" here's why.. a female workmate works next to my desk we have worked together for 2 years, we get along well.
one work mate was fired for looking at porno in a public area.
I'm sure it will be corrected since it was brought up, and sorry to hear it caused you an inconvenience, pretty serious to be falsely accused of being a pedophile. Glad to hear your co-worker feels bad (and she should) about the accusations she made. As if a pedophile would be on some pedo site with a flashing banner advertising it at the top of the page while at work.
I would definitely try to get her out of the picture, as she was obviously trying to have you fired.
What did you imagine life would be like in the New System?
by JH ini believed that we would all be young and healthy again, and there would be no more wars, but i didn't expect much change cause products have to be made and people have to work to make whatever they consume.
i imagined that we would be constantly watched incase we make the slightest error.. although living in paradise, it would be a constant combat, not against enemy forces but against our own desires and imperfection.. .
Torture, absolute torture. I would think of all the cute sisters (now all perfect and all) running around naked, and I'd be required to look elsewhere, not even flinch. I never thought I would last too long under such conditions without getting zapped.
Accomodation assistance required
by one of 12 ini'm heading to runaway bay, .
bed for those nights.
i am happy to pay something per night for the priviledge as i am not exactly a pioneer or circuit overseers wife but would love to make some new friends any offers would be greatfully appreciated and
Give it time, who knows
Toronto Weeps: Jeff Healey Passes Away (41 yrs. old)
by RAYZORBLADE ini am not sure how many of you folks know about canadian, singer / songwriter: jeff healey.. he's one of the most talented persons to come out of toronto and make it on the international stage.. we lost a good one yesterday.
sunday, march 2, 2008.. you can't replace this one:.
truly sad, he was a very good musician. thanks for posting
Any NHL fans here?
by willdabeerman ini have not seen this many trades on deadline day in a long time.
not to mention 95% f them were just off the wall and outright huge.
i know it is not a very popular sport in places so that is why i asked to see how many fans there are here.
I'm a serious anti Canadian fan, I only watch to see them lose. I hate them because of how they controlled hockey in it's beginnings then turn around and call themselves "the glorious". Glorious my ass. My hope each year is to see the Canadians get their hopes up with a decent team, then lose in the series. The closer they get to the cup and then lose is how I rate my satisfaction for that year. I haven't checked the trades for today, but I am surprised they traded Huet. They should've left the team exactly how it was, they had a good team.
I'll go check the sports pages to see what the trades were about.
Are people born hamsexual?
by SixofNine inare people born with a desire to be with the other white meat?
why would a person choose that path when it leads to criticism, hatred, alienation, high cholesterol etc.
why wouldn't they just be normal if they could.
If you catch yourself fantasizing about pigs in a blanket, it might be an indication you are hamsexual.
guy to butcher: Do you have pigs feet?
butcher: I sure do!!!
guy: yea, I can tell by the way you walk.
Are people born hamsexual?
by SixofNine inare people born with a desire to be with the other white meat?
why would a person choose that path when it leads to criticism, hatred, alienation, high cholesterol etc.
why wouldn't they just be normal if they could.
Some studies show that some people are unaware they are hamsexuals, until their first pork that is.
I still cant cut and paste urls and stuff on
by aquagirl inive tried the notepad thing,the other one and doing it backwards standing on my head.cannot get things to post over..anyone else have this..issue?....sob....
I've noticed I wasn't able to do a right click paste but was allowed the "ctrl-v" paste.