lol, Crumpet... I was just starting to realize some similarities myself :)
Posts by AlyMC
What are you drinking right now?
by stillajwexelder ini am drinking real russian vodka (not stoli) mixed with vermouth on ice
I voted in an election for the first time in my life!
by First Time Voter ini post under a different name on this forum, but there are some people that read this site that know who i am in person, so i am posting under a different alias so as not to get myself in hot water.. .
anyway, for the first time in over 20 years of eligibility, i voted in today's primary.
in a church!
I voted for the first time in 2004... while the event itself was anticlimactic, it was also very liberating. Congrats on your first time voting! :)
Have you ever heard JW's comments about you since you left the org?
by jambon1 insince you left, have you ever overheard or heard through the 'grapevine', what the local jw's say about you?
yeah... it always comes back to us through family. I can't dye my hair a funny color or sport a piercing without hearing about it. I'm sure it serves as "proof" of my sinful self. When I first left there were all kinds of rumors of my husband and I being "swingers" and so forth. lol.
But I also do children's photography and I've had quite a few brothers and sisters ask me if I can do their kids pictures and not put them up on my website. I know it is because they don't want to be "caught" even though I'm not DF'd. No problem, but it cracks me up because I think a great many of them have figured out that I'm pretty darned harmless these days, despite the rumors.
I think may convert to Bokononism
by inkling inthank you oompa for recommending kurt vonnegut.. i am reading cat's cradle at the moment, and am enjoying it immensely.. .
around and around and around we spin,.
with feet of lead and wings of tin .... .
Thanks for the suggestion! I just finished "Good Omens" at my husband's suggestion and it was freaking hilarious. Looking forward to checking out Vonnegut.
What are you drinking right now?
by stillajwexelder ini am drinking real russian vodka (not stoli) mixed with vermouth on ice
fennel is one of my favorite teas, and I also dislike liquorice.
Help Martha Help the gluten intolerant!
by wan2bme injust wanted to let you know that martha stewart is having a contest for the next big idea!
a magazine for food allergies, sensitivities and gluten intolerances is currently at the top of her list.
please click or cut and paste on the link below, review the description under alexis and vote for this big idea to help raise awareness, support and make this happen!.
My husband doesn't eat gluten, and it is such a pain. Especially since we're also a vegetarian family. We also don't eat soy or processed foods- some days I don't know how I manage to feed us.
i'll go give it a vote :)
What J.W teaching did you find the hardest to accept??
by karter infor me it was the fact that god is allowing all these innocent people to get killed to prove a point ,i mean it was a big bet he had with satan.. i explained it to my wife this way if i had our children killed in the most horriable way just to show they couldn't live without me how does that make me look?.
As a child I remember thinking that if nobody ever died, that eventually our earth would fill and children would cease to exist or we'd eventually overfill the earth. I think I was 7 or 8 the first time I asked how that could be and I was told that we don't know- but maybe that is why god created the other planets. But a few years later I thought- since humans will go back to a pre-tech lifestyle- how would we ever get to live on other planets? As a child, I couldn't imagine a world without children.
Are you honest with your kids?
by JWdaughter inmy daughter is a talented cartoonist and makes the funniest sketches.
way too much irony for a 16 yo!
she isn't technically proficient exactly, but she captures a mood so well that i halfway think if she were 'better' it might ruin the charm.
haha... you're familiar Alfie Kohn, aren't you?
I appreciate and validate effort over results... because I truly believe that most of us can be good at many things- but it is the effort and work involved that will take you there. I think that over or under praising kids can bring on praise hungry children who don't feel motivated from within, but through external validation.
It is all a dance, sometimes we're right on rhythm and sometimes we miss a beat. Generally I think that filling our children with our love and acceptance regardless of their accomplishments will send the message that they are valuable beings. What they achieve is really dependent on how hard they are willing to work for it... so i focus on that instead of how good or not so good something is.
Once You Had Doubts, How Long Before You Got On The Internet?
by minimus inthe watchtower society keeps telling everyone to stay away from the evil internet.
they claim that once you surf the internet, even if it's done innocently, it's the beginning of the end.
were you personally affected in your faith because you turned on the computer?
I was online long before I left... I actually met my DH on aol back in 1998 in the days of searching the member directory :) But I never looked up anything JW related until early 2004 or maybe late 03. I had doubt long before, but I'm not sure I had articulated them or come to terms with them before that... I thought a doubt showed my weakness of faith, you know?
I remember the first time I came across apostate information (I sought it out) and being shocked that apostate information was just logical discussion of doctrine. Scriptures, watchtower info, etc. Nothing "big and bad" as I had anticipated. I don't preach to JW's but I do try to slip in a little plug for apostates when I am given the chance by just commenting on how surprised I was to find out that apostate information was nothing more than a rational discussion of bible and doctrine and that if it is the truth, it should be able to stand up to that without a problem.
In retrospect, what else could it have been that could really change and shake someone's faith? At t he time it was just really shocking though.
What does your Avi mean to you and why have you chosen it?
by FreedomFrog ini'm sure this has been posted before but i think many have changed their avi's.
my avi:.
the frog i have now has a gavel...i liked it because to me, it's giving the impression of being released from bondage (as in a prisoners case).
The Aly part of my username is what I go by. Short for Alyson. The picture is just me, or half of me I suppose... I always relate to people better when I can put a face to the name... being new I thought my picture would be a good choice :)