You must continue to care what the Watchtower Organization thinks and remain imprisoned by that choice or stop caring and go out and live your life.
Very good advice anewme!
i have been disfellowshiped, which i have mentioned before here, i was just wondering if it makes any difference if i disassociated myself now, i mean officially, with a letter, or does it make any difference?
would it also be announced, like the df'ing?
You must continue to care what the Watchtower Organization thinks and remain imprisoned by that choice or stop caring and go out and live your life.
Very good advice anewme!
i have been disfellowshiped, which i have mentioned before here, i was just wondering if it makes any difference if i disassociated myself now, i mean officially, with a letter, or does it make any difference?
would it also be announced, like the df'ing?
I have been disfellowshiped, which I have mentioned before here, I was just wondering if it makes any difference if I disassociated myself now, I mean officially, with a letter, or does it make any difference? Would it also be announced, like the df'ing?
it felt good!
i took that huge plastic bin that contained multiple copies of all the books given out by the society, all the old wt and awake's that i had, the year books, etc..... and threw into the city dump.
my boyfriend thought i should maybe bring the literature back to them and i said "hell no.... so they can give it out to more innocent people.. he agreed.
It felt good! I took that huge plastic bin that contained multiple copies of all the books given out by the society, all the old WT and Awake's that I had, the year books, etc....
and threw into the city dump. My boyfriend thought I should maybe bring the literature back to them and I said "hell no.... so they can give it out to more innocent people.. He agreed. I think this was a huge move forward for me, I have come to the realization, with the help of this website, to know that the JW's religion is a cult.
Thanks everyone! I now have a sense of freedom.
99% of all jw's believe and are taught that to survive armageddon that you must be a jw or as a minimum be.
associated with the jw's.
however the april 1 "public" issue of the watchtower has some interesting wording.
Is it too early for a pdf of that mag?
well all the kh is busy distributing memorial invites.
so far i have manged to avoid going out in field circus - so not one invite have i placed.
it is all about covering the territory.
My son left one on my countertop on Friday. He rarely speaks to me and now he expects me to go to a Kingdom Hall (who basically kicked me out), bow my head, be ignored by everyone, for what!!! I am gonna use that line I read earlier if he asks me if I am going "Will I be spared at Armegedon (sp?) if I attend"? Hee Hee
hey to all!
i haven't been on for a few months but i had a question.
i feel like when i was baptized in 1999, i was pressured by my children's granmother to hurry up and do it for their sake.
I remember when I decided to get baptized that I had to write a letter to the church that baptized me as a baby. I did this basically asking them to take my name off of their records as a baptized catholic. Then I got baptized as a JW, now I am disfellowshipped. I wonder if I write them a letter the same as I did to the catholic church asking them to take me off their records as a baptized JW would this in essense destroy any standing I have in that faith! That would be a good thing then, I would be just like the world (freeeeeee from them).
What do you think?
in september 2004, farkel posted an article on this forum called "rutherford exposed: the story of berta and bonnie.
" his essay, which subsequently was translated into several languages and which received over 10,000 views after the first month, spawned a thread that ran 28 pages and contained the collaborative research efforts of many in jwd.
this thread was thought by some moderators to be the best in the forum -- not necessarily because of the claims in the original essay but because it inspired a staggering amount of research aimed at assessing the credibility of the claims made in the essay, as well as adding to our knowledge of this fascinating yet obscure chapter of watchtower history.
I am astounded and shocked and sickend by what I am learning here at the JWD. Thank you for all your information.
anyone who knows any articles in the wt litterature that explains why members who were disfellowshipped for not accepting a doctrine, not automatically becomes reinstated when "new light" confirms that the wt now accept the doctrine which the person was df:ed for in the first place?
(long sentence, but i think you get my point.....)
Don't you think that if you are "wrong about a teaching" and you are the teacher, you are "breaking the unity of the congregations"?
anyone who knows any articles in the wt litterature that explains why members who were disfellowshipped for not accepting a doctrine, not automatically becomes reinstated when "new light" confirms that the wt now accept the doctrine which the person was df:ed for in the first place?
(long sentence, but i think you get my point.....)
I started reading C of C and it made me think of that too. I am early in the book but I am at the point where the GB's decided that they could control what a husband and wife do in the privacy of their own bed. I was disgusted at the power those "brothers" think they have. They arbitrarily make a ruling... "You cannot do this... blah blah blah... the poor JW's fear that they will perish if they don't stop what they were just told to stop.... It caused such heart ache.... disfellowshipping.... marriage break ups, etc... Then 5 years later a "new light" happens and they change the rules. What about all thos poor JW's that divorced... were disfellowshipped....etc... I think the stupid GB should be disfellowshipped... LOL.
i noticed in another post on "the point of no return" that alot of people stated the un thing, can someone explain this to me and what was the controversy about.. thanks.
Thanks all! The more I log onto this site the more I see things the way they "really are" at the WTS. I got my CofC book the other day and am quite enjoying reading it.