I had Scaglione as DO in Tampa, Florida. Nice guy.
I had Raftopolous as CO in Tampa; when he later retired from the travelling, he settled in Tampa. But while he was apparently talented (if heavy-handed) as a CO, he became a petty tyrant as an elder; he never considered himself "JUST ANOTHER ELDER". I know two elders personally, both of the relatively intelligent and principled kind, who ran afoul of Raftopolous and were elders no longer.
Back on topic (almost): At North congregation in Tampa, several of the elders were way past old into decrepit. (I was one of three MS, btw; the other two were an invalid and a blind man, so I was busy!) One meeting, one of the really ELDER elders ad-libs that the pope's hat has written on it, among other things, the number 666!
Really! The pope's hat! 666! I kid you not!
A non-witness who was visiting audibly snorted and LEFT THE HALL at that moment.
Ah, if only I'd followed him. *sigh*