I haven't looked at those pictures in quite a while and will have to go back to see them. But, I do remember one issue of the Watch Tower that had either Adam's or Eve's hair in the shape of a lion, no big religious message, just a big lion head with mane. It was far to detailed to have just been a mistake. I don't look for those patterns, and don't notice them usually, but my brother pointed it out to me at the time and I believe it was put there as some kind of prank by an artist. I remember in psych 101 seeing the pictures of the wine glass and it could be seen as two faces kissing also. I imagine those guys doing the art work get pretty bored with all the phoney paradise scenes, get fed up with the hypocrisy of Bethel and enjoy playing a trick. I guess they think they are just too slick to get caught at it or else they didn't care.
Posts by Grunt
JW pictures
by tattoogrl333 inum i just found that site watchtower observer by kent.
first off i thought it was really great, all the info there and so easy to to find.
but when i got to the subliminal images part.
Judging Jehovah's Witnesses
by Kent inmore puke!.
judging jehovah's witnesses.
religious persecution and the dawn of the rights revolution.
You said:
"The whole concept is a contradiction in terms. Were they persecuted – yes. Are they capable of visiting the same persecution upon others – in a heartbeat! Where is the virtue in that?"There is no virtue in it. I see the Jehovah's Witnesses as a sick group of people who have abandoned their own will to the will of their cult. The members of the Jehovah's Witnesses allow the Brooklyn headquarters to dictate how they dress, what music they listen to, what jobs they have, who they will be friends with, who they will marry, what medical treatment they will accept and what "message" they will repeat from door to door. This egotistical, arrogant, ignorant organization that tells you to stop speaking to parents, children, relatives and friends because they are critical of this group, well, they fit every defining description of a cult. They are no better than or worse than the Garbage Eaters, the Moonies or any other cult. I personally had to fight a desire to go and whip an elder whom I thought had advised my daughter not to speak to me. If I allow myself to dwell on it my anger wells up inside me to the point of really wanting to hurt someone. I have a very powerful hatred for the Governing Body, that sick group of hypocrites that have ruined so many families, destroyed so many marriages, caused so many women to live in risk of disease, caused so many boys to go to prisons where they were abused, allowed so many men, women and children to die. Any group that can turn a mother against her own child, well, suffice it to say, I despise them. This kind of hatred could lead me to persecute them which would be fair game for a book if everyone who felt my anger did the same across the country or around the world.
While I feel only pity for these poor dubs going out pushing the party line, I feel only contempt for their leaders. I would greatly enjoy riding the Governing Body out of New York on a rail, covered with tar and feathers. Maybe the book is propaganda pushing the WT point of view, maybe it really documents what people who feel as I do sometimes did to the closest Witness they could find. I don't know. Copernicus, I always trash any Watchtower or Awake I find. I know what they are. I always approach any Witness I see and try to engage them in conversation, I know what they they believe and I want to try and show them the lies they are pushing and some of the truths they deny.
JW fined for going door-to-door
by Defender inhas anyone seen this?.
We should all send a copy of this to our local newspapers and maybe our local churches! If the bill had to be paid by HEADQUARTERS, things would change PDQ. Thanks,
Flowers For Erica
by silentlambs ini received the suggestion below in an email and thought it might be a nice gesture.
if you would like to send flowers or cards of support to the courthouse the address is:.
adams county courthouse.
I have a problem. I want to show my sympathy and my support, yet I don't think the flowers will be allowed in the courtroom. Is there another address, that we could send flowers to? A hotel or somewhere convenient for SL to pick them up and get them to Erica, or for Erica to pick them up herself? I would also like to extend the same concern to the other girls who had the courage to come forward and whose testimony was not allowed. I wouldn't want their names put up here but I would want their names on the card for the flowers if SL wouldn't mind putting them there after they arrive?
Would it be possible to elaborate, if it doesn't cause a problem for anyone, on Erica's broadcast on the radio (if that happened) talking about her experience as a Witness? That took a lot of courage also. I have thought of writing to a lot of newpaper's editioral sections and talking about the Cult, but never considered going on the radio. Was this in relation to the trial and conviction of the molester? I hope Erica has found a husband that appreciates what a diamond he has. Not many would be able to do what she has done. Standing up to an authority that you have been taught to see as God's Chosen, is hard enough to do when all you do is walk away. To stand up to it, press charges against one of its perverted minions, and go on the radio to discuss it, well, that takes some backbone. Especially if your parents are still in and you know it is hurting them too. That is putting doing what is right far ahead of self-protection. With one "brother" the cop, having to arrest or turn in another "brother" with at least one "Brother/Elder" being convicted as a child molester and with three little girls, little "sisters" having been abused it must have been chaotic in that congregation. If they were aware of the attempted cover-up, if there any other victims whose parents were talked out of coming forward or who may not have even told their parents, then there is still plenty of shame and pain being caused by these perverts. The Jehovah's Witnesses are not the only church to have had these problems, nor the first to try and hide and cover it up, but their claims to being so different, so much cleaner....well, The Faithful and Discreet Slave and God's Only Channel ring very hollow after a disgraceful situation like this. Remember this sad story is repeated around the world. Show me the love. There are only lies and false pride.
SL, would you please talk to the prosecuting attorney and see if flowers will be allowed in the courtroom? If not could you get me an alternate address to send them to? I sincerely hope this man goes to prison for a long time and that the children, now grown women, that he bothered find peace and healing. I also hope with all my heart, that they were the only ones. -
Feeling So Alone
by troubled ini have to post tonight.
i'm feeling so alone.
stopped here at the library to post this, on my way to the book study.
Let me ditto what Farkel said. Putting yourself to great trouble and some risk for strangers, well, I just want to say I commend you. You break the mold. I hope these people thank you and I am sure they do. I would like to add my thanks to theirs. May you and your wife find the happiness and comfort you add to the lives of others. #1 was a good handle for you and Mrs. #1.Your friend,
Feeling So Alone
by troubled ini have to post tonight.
i'm feeling so alone.
stopped here at the library to post this, on my way to the book study.
Hi Troubled,
A lot of good advice has been offered, a lot of caring people have responded. You are on a lot of good peoples minds and they are all wishing you well. I hope that makes you feel just a little less, alone. Some depression is a result of chemical imbalances that medicine can help. If you and your husband are fighting depression, then you probably already know this and have been to doctors for help. I hope so. I would also urge you to do something to get your mind involved in helping other people. If you can find a way to help others, I think it almost always helps you.
In regards to the religion, take your time. Don't do anything rash. Protect your relationship with your husband. Life is sweet and it is yours to enjoy. Don't waste a minute of it. Look around, it's beautiful. You know the saying, "Don't sweat the small stuff." Breathe deep, take walks, life is good.A friend,
1-4 Slamming the Borg everytime you get a chance is theraputic too! Besides, they so richly DESERVE slamming. Causing young boys to be raped, fracturing families that would be close and loving except for the Tower, talking parents into allowing their children to die when help is available, TACKING with every wind that blows to their favor regardless of its effect on people. Advertize, Advertize, Advertize that these people are guilty of serious crimes. Maybe it will make people think. I think that big class action suite is out there waiting that will take them down despite their lawyers, clever ploys, and dodges.
5. I don't attend a church and this board has a group of people whom I share life experiences with, people who can understand my anger and many of whom can feel my loss as they too have hostages in the Tower.
Flowers For Erica
by silentlambs ini received the suggestion below in an email and thought it might be a nice gesture.
if you would like to send flowers or cards of support to the courthouse the address is:.
adams county courthouse.
Thank you very much for the information. My heart goes out to this girl. What were the odds of leaving one molester in a trusted position, going to a different state, and being abused by yet another one? It is amazing that she found the courage after that to rebound and go on the offensive. I hope the molester in Califonia is prosecuted also. I would think Erica and the other two girls that came forward are not the only victims. There are probably others in both states. Maybe more will come forward. I didn't know that murder, rape or child molestation had time limitations placed on their punishment. They shouldn't.
As for the exchange with nytelecom1, I didn't enjoy it. I am not sure anyone ever profits from such a conversation. It does seem that some people, not just here but back on H20 and on other boards can't just talk. They have to curse you or insult you. I think it stems from insecurity or something. Calling you a moron makes them feel smarter. Cursing strangers on the web gives them a feeling of power or something I guess. I don't know why. Ignoring it is probably the best thing to do but that is hard for me which probably makes me a bird of a similar feather. I hope not.I genuinely thank you for responding, and welcome to the board.
Judging Jehovah's Witnesses
by Kent inmore puke!.
judging jehovah's witnesses.
religious persecution and the dawn of the rights revolution.
Quoting you, Kent:
"Religious persecution my ass! You sound like a Watchtower parrot, and it's tragic people like you don't know the meaning of words.
Where is the bleedin' persecution? If I say 2 times 2 is 4, and then state you're a god damned asshole, it's ok - since 2 times 2 is a real event?
Get sober!"
Were you drunk when you wrote that?
Even cults can be persecuted.
No one hates the Borg more than me.
Which words were you having a problem understanding? To me if you tar and feather someone and ride them out on a rail that is persecution, even if they were parading around in front of your church with a sign insulting it. If you beat people for not saluting a flag, that is persecution. Those things happened to members of the cult known today as Jehovah's Witnesses. That doesn't make the cult any less evil, as what they do is just as bad or worse. Just because they mistreat others doesn't mean they haven't been mistreated. A lot of abusive parents were raised by abusive parents. Both sets are wrong. Persecuting Moonies, Witnesses, Catholics, Baptists, athiests or agnostics is wrong. If you write a book documenting it and keep to the facts it doesn't mean the book is bad. If you write a book that lies or changes the facts, then it is bad.
You said: "If I say 2 times 2 is 4, and then state you're a god damned asshole..." I have to ask, were you ever a member of a Spanish congregation in Washington State? If so I think I met a relative of yours.
Flowers For Erica
by silentlambs ini received the suggestion below in an email and thought it might be a nice gesture.
if you would like to send flowers or cards of support to the courthouse the address is:.
adams county courthouse.
You said:
"point 1--------if you are gonna make such an ass of yourself claiming that there are no "rumors" check your facts..you are off on his name"That was the name given to me by a clerk. I stand corrected if it is a B instead of a V and gladly apologize for the error. You said Erica was Erica G., SL referred to her by a different name, which is accurate?
You said:
"point 2-------where does this state that the two elders were in the same congergation??? didnt think so...so as you said...lets stop with the bullshit rumors."I got that "bullshit rumor" from you. You said in another post:
"At the time of the trial there were two spanish congergations. However when the molestations took place in Othello, Wa (ritzville is the county "capital"), there were only one."
I could wish your mind were more, "nimble." If her story is true and there were two child molesters,I guess both child molesters wound up in the same congregation. It is pretty sad with a child molester in each of two congregations or in one. Sad situation, and children in danger either way.
In another post you claim to be a Witness:
Senior Member
Posts: 129
Since: Jul 2, 2001
Re: A Question thats troubling me........ Aug 1, 2001 12:15:28 PM--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
as a current dub i would agree with you that no one comes close to the preaching work as we do
however are we the only ones?"You, a current dub? I doubt it. Brainwashed as most poor dubs are, they usually try to avoid cursing and insulting people. If you aren't a Witness you are a liar. If you are then you are a two-faced hypocrite talking out of both sides of your mouth. You preaching to others? I hope not.
Now it would seem to me from the way you love to curse and call people names you would expect people to dislike you. Maybe that is why you behave in a way that ensures it. I guess you probably come from a home where people use the "F" word a lot and threaten to "Beat the Shit" out of each other and maybe your momma's pet name for you was "dear deuschebag." I am sorry for your background, sorry for whatever made you the insulting little person that you are. Still, whatever your background, in polite conversation your language and your insults are inappropriate. Someone needs to tell you that. You're welcome.
You also said:
"the reason dubs hate the antis so much is that some of them will jump on anything that smells like watchtower blood......'can we say miracle wheat'?............so check yourself and stop being blinded by your own hatred....and stop making an ass of yourself......."You have cursed me, called me names and now accuse ME of being blinded by MY hate? That is sad. Frankly, if we were face to face you wouldn't use that language or call me a name. You and those of your ilk draw your courage from the circumstances that distance you from those whom you insult.
Save it for other family members, ok?
Now, as with most JW's, you didn't really reply to what I said, as you were too busy spilling venom out that nasty hole that passes for a mouth with you. I don't really care to talk to you any longer as I am afraid it would only deteriorate from here. So to Angel or whomever else out there that might know, if there were two child molesters why weren't both child molesters prosecuted?