I am glad Accuracy is here. This is a place where he can get help and DOES get truth. We all know, and he knows that he is breaking their rules just being here, that depending on who was on his JC he could be disfellowshipped just for being here. Yet here he is. I say he is thristy for truth, but has a weakness. Like the Jews who embraced the Nazi and turned on other Jews, he embraces the lie of the Tower. These are statements relevant and are believed by Accuracy: "I really am second class and a foreigner who doesn't deserve to enter the tabernacle." "Christ really did die for THEM and the New Testament and New Covenant really isn't for worthless ME." "I don't DESERVE to partake of the Emblems as I am NOT really a Spiritual Israelite and Christ isn't my mediator, THEY ARE." "They really are EAGLES and GREAT TREES and I really am a STARVING ETHIOPIAN." He might as well have a big KICK ME sign as that is what anyone who researches this cult and then still puts them on a pedestal deserves. Stick around Accuracy, maybe you are just a slow learner. Repetition for emphasis, right?
Whatever you do, especially in the nest few days when Apostasy will be an especially sensitive subject, don't ever let anyone but us know you come here. We are the only ones you can be honest with.
Posts by Grunt
Dateline -- 16 Years Late & a Dollar Short
by accuracy in*** w86 1/1 13 days like "the days of noah" ***.
12 shocking as it is, even some who have been prominent in jehovahs organization have succumbed to.
immoral practices, including homosexuality, wife swapping, and child molesting.
Dateline and My Mother
by teenyuck ini just got off the phone with my mother.
she called to tell me she is excitedly waiting for dateline....can i please tape it for her?
oh and btw, all her jw friends are excitedly waiting....they want to see what is happening!!.
Hi Puffsrule,
I enjoy your posts. I think you have done well with your mom. She sounds like a good person to me. I can and have talked to my dad about all of it, he goes on the attack asking me what MY religion is now and what am I doing to teach other people about Jehovah and what OTHER religion is teaching the same thing all around the world and on and on. I respond to all those things pretty well and have left him with nothing to say several times. I dare not speak to my mom. My mom is all emotion. She loves me, is loyal to me, still speaks to me and is upset that my daughter shuns me, but I don't dare talk to her about the Witnesses. She scratch her arm off late at night, would cry herself to sleep as she has over the situation between my little girl and me, but she would not ever really research it or consider what I said, I don't believe. She does know I don't believe, that I won't attend Memorial or meetings, she does not want to discuss it. Please be patient with your mom. Please don't ever put down her worth, as we owe our parents too much for that. I know you love your mom, it comes through in all you do. I hope you are able to help her to see things as they are but be gentle. The Rubiyat has a quote I like, it goes something like as people grow older "They draw the warm cloak of Repentance around their shoulders." As you get older, change and the possible rejection of eternal life weighs heavier than when you are young with plenty of time for change. Excuse my opinions if they offend you, as it is none of my business. I would give a lot to have my poor little fanatic as open minded as your mom. -
Barbara Anderson Disfellowshipped
by silentlambs inas of 1 pm today barb anderson was notified that she has been disfellowshipped in writing by the judicial committee in her congregation.
barb was df in absentia at a second hearing that was declared after she successfully defended herself against charges in the first hearing.
home office came back with further instructions to make it stick the second time around.
I am so sorry for the pain this cruel cult has caused you. Thank you for standing up despite their threats and blackmail. I share your pain and hope you don't lose anyone that you care for over this. My thoughts and prayers are with you and the others in the long chain of people wronged by the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. My only consolation is that they are their own worst enemy and that they condemn themselves to like company by casting out all who would be honest, all with the integrity to question despite glowering authority and great cost to themselves. I believe what you have done really will protect some children who are in the group and will help keep others from becoming a part of this lie that passes for a religion.Thank you from the bottom of my heart,
Steven Hassan was cut from Dateline
by DevonMcBride ini received the following e-mail from steven hassan.
it seems that he landed on the cutting floor at dateline.
devon .
I'm just glad it is going on. I had begun to think it never would. Any negative publicity is wonderful in my view and just the commercials have been great. Anytime I have known the whole story and then seen the same reported on in newspapers, magazines or TV, I have been dissatisfied with the results. Just remember, the normal Dateline audience will be watching, I will be watching, you will be watching and I assure you a whole lot of Witnesses will be watching and those that don't will hear about it. The Witnesses will try to twist this just like everything else but the good thing is they can't twist it too much. I remember when Ray Franz left, my parents told me they had heard it was to set up his own religion in France. Others later told me it was over homosexuality. So much for the TRUTH. With a national television show televising Witness faults it has to help the average person be more skeptical, the questioning Witness to ask more questions and an "Apostate" like me to leap for joy and talk about it to everyone I know. Here in Florida they have been running a lot of commericals with Erica shown as a little girl and now and saying "I was raped and now I'm the one being shunned." Or words to that effect. She is an innocent and strong person who has been wronged and she comes across really well as just that. As I said, the commercials have already done a good job of knocking the Witnesses out of any ivory towers they may have seen themselves in and the show will let the rubble fall around their ears I hope. Everyone that knows a Witness, with their "Holier Than Thou" attitude will throw this up to them I hope. Plus they will have to eat a lot of crow as they have been running their mouths about the Catholic Priests who bothered children. I am eagerly awaiting the showing with VCR ready to RECORD AND SHARE. The pompous, ignorant, greedy, blinded, brain washed, finger pointing, man worshipping, religous rag selling, back stabbing, would be vultures who have sold their loved ones for a false promise deserve to be exposed. They have been in part and however small or large there is more to come. It's all gravy to me!
Anointed Actuarial Report
by RunningMan inmany years ago, i noticed (like the rest of you) that the stubborn anointed.
ones seemed to be immortal.
supposedly, they had all been sealed prior.
Thanks so much for all the work. I have saved this and reread it a lot of times as to me it is one of the best proofs that Brooklyn has more bullshit than Texas. I wonder if you have any figures on the percentage of kids leaving the Organization. That is what makes my heart glad. I feel so sorry for them. On occasion I get to see them around their peers and it is like they want to belong so bad. A set of twins, sweet kids about 17 were in a room standing as the pledge was said, not saying it, just standing, and I wondered if that were another change or if they were just trying to go to the edge without crossing the line. When I left they had changed the ruling from standing for the pledge or the national anthem to refusing to stand. A lot of Witness kids out there are torturing themselves over this hogwash and suffering for nothing. I hate cults. Anyway, I am so glad that the kids are leaving and feel like the numbers are real high.
Extraordinary increase...?
by MacHislopp inas the time passes , the wtbs inc. did ...slowly but steadily decline the use of the expression .. the increase is a proof of jehovahs blessing on his people..!.
now, in the year 2002 it has surfaced again, .
publishers for 1972 i.e.
My favorite example of numerical discrepancies with the Tower is one posted by Osarif
back on H20. It showed the difference between how many "anointed" were alive and how many SHOULD be alive according to insurance actuarial tables.No. Anointed & Statistics
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Posted by Osarsif [osarsif] on March 20, 2000 at 22:34:05 {mhiJaXsBGQ/tdQwHs/M.HWDmSKGzPQ}:
A person sent me this:
Actuarial Assumptions: 1. The full number of anointed were sealed in 1935. 2. No new members have been added to this number, except for replacements. These replacements are not statistically significant. 3. The average age of the anointed ones in 1935 was 30. This would be considered a mature (although young) age for a person to be considered for the most important job in the universe. Methodology: In the early years, the number of anointed gradually decreased, as would be expected. The rate of this decrease slowed to the point where, in the late 1980's, it actually stopped, and the number began to grow. The rate of decrease began to become abnormal around 1970. If we take the number of anointed in 1970, and apply a standard actuarial table to them, we should arrive at the expected population of that group today. The actuarial table is taken from "The New York Public Library Science Desk Reference". Expected Mortality Ending Actual Rate Quantity Quantity Variance Age 1970 10368 0 65 1971 0.02022 10158 10526 368 66 1972 0.02204 9934 10384 450 67 1973 0.02386 9697 10350 653 68 1974 0.02568 9448 10523 1075 69 1975 0.02731 9190 10723 1533 70 1976 0.03011 8914 10550 1636 71 1977 0.03291 8620 10187 1567 72 1978 0.03571 8312 10080 1768 73 1979 0.03851 7992 9762 1770 74 1980 0.04131 7662 9727 2065 75 1981 0.04579 7311 9564 2253 76 1982 0.05027 6944 9601 2657 77 1983 0.05475 6564 9529 2965 78 1984 0.05923 6175 9292 3117 79 1985 0.06371 5781 9081 3300 80 1986 0.06371 5413 9051 3638 81 1987 0.06371 5068 8808 3740 82 1988 0.06371 4745 8685 3940 83 1989 0.06371 4443 8734 4291 84 1990 0.06871 4138 8869 4731 85 1991 0.07371 3833 8850 5017 86 1992 0.07871 3531 8683 5152 87 1993 0.08371 3235 8693 5458 88 1994 0.08871 2948 8617 5669 89 1995 0.09371 2672 8645 5973 90 1996 0.09871 2408 8657 6249 91 1997 0.10371 2159 8795 6636 92 1998 0.10871 1924 8756 6832 93 1999 0.11371 1705 8755 7050 94 Conclusions: As can be seen, the number of anointed in 1999 exceeds the actuarially expected number by over 7000. This means that 80.5% of those currently claiming to be of the anointed are partaking unworthily. In other words, most of the anointed are bogus. An alternate conclusion is that the doctrine as set forth by the WBTS is in error. Accuracy: Actuarial tables are meant to be applied to large populations. Applying them to a group of 8,000 will not yield perfectly accurate results. Assuming an error of +/- 10% does not impact the conclusions.
Dang it, it came out without the columns. I'm sorry and I hope you could get the meaning of it anyway. I don't know how many partook in 2002 but I imagine the lie only gets worse.
my assault on 2 local kingdumb halls
by zev inlast night i printed out an announcement about the nbc dateline show, and a silentlambs tri-fold flyer off the website.. armed with these flyers, my motorcyle .
i went on my "mission" this morning, to hit as many windshields in the local lincoln, rhode island, and pawtucket, rhode island parking lot as possible.. i managed to hit about 20, before i noticed one of the elders driving up, i was on the street at this point, and i recognized him, and he kept taking double takes at me.
(it was norman barone, for those of you locals who might know him.
Teeeennnnnnn 'Hut
Lance Corporal Zev, Front and Center.
Sound of boots marching then loud stomp and silence
On behalf of the Corps of Truth and all the Emperors, Empresses, and other Senior Officers of of the Opposition Forces, I hereby commend you for your RECENT mission into the heart of Cult Territory where you conducted yourself in an EXPLERARY MANNER while SHOWING THE FLAG of Truth in waters to which it is both FOREIGN and OPPOSED demonstrating behavior which UPHOLDS and PROMOTES the HIGH standards of the CORPS! As a result of this solitary, unsupported and in your face KICKASS and TAKENAMES mission, I hereby give you this BATTLEFIELD promotion to Second Lieutenant PLATOON COMMANDER in the 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marine Truth Corps Cult Assault Division
withallincresesinpaygradeuniformsmedalsandspecialparkingaccomadationsthisrankentitlestheholderto.May I be the first to Salute you, SIR! and I will see you later for drinks in the Officer's Club you Mustanger!
Playing of Truth Corps Hymn, snicksnack sound of rifles being tossed around as the new inductee is paraded and saluted by the assembled Apostate Army
sound of Grumbling from back ranks as others run back to the front, PRIVATE FARKEL, is that you??? You eyeballing me again, Private??? Save that ugly attitude for the ENEMY!!! I'dhaveyouonyourFACEgivingmePUSHUPSFOREVERifitweren'tforthebigassaulttonight! damFarkelbeenupanddownthepaygrade,greatcombatMarinebutnotmuchofaparadegoundone,
(thosescumbagmaggots)thatherunsinto as he will SHOVE the long Bayonet of Truth up their narrow minded cult asses, BUTTSTROKE'm with the M-14 of recorded cult history and leave their lying cult corpses with s WatchTower stiking outa one ear, an Awake out the other one and a songbook in their mouth. YOURHARDCOREFARKEL, now get outta here. Where's my Gottdamdriver????sound of screeching tires. Farkel Salutes till car disappears...then mutters how'd Simon ever get so far so fast? Must of gone to the Academy, I bust my butt and HE gets the driver! Its all who you know and that Hoddy Toddy British Accent! Everybody has to have somebody to boss. Grunt, get your backwoodsalabama ass over here!
Grunt: Aye, Aye Sir!
Grunt (just a grunt in the Corps of Truth!)
Attn: More new stories in elder no show. hehe!
by aluminutty inthis article from the lexington herald leader via the associated press further demonstrates the poopy pants currently being worn by the pompous asses at the watch tower.
my wife, bobsgirl aka tema smith bosken roared.
posted on sat, may.
Just a little humor to help lighten the situation of the Society being a no-show at their own meeeting. This is making it hard on the average old Publisher as he or she tries to face people at work or school or out in service. Poor dubs.
The trying part is at home when you face up to all of that and talk about it to the guy/girl in the mirror. It might help convince him or her if you tell all about the latest little idiocy of the Boys at Bethel trying to df all the people whose conscience led them to protest out loud. They think they are still in a smoke filled room dealing with the old boys and they are in fact under a spotlight being taped live. A little of the fiction you love for any Witnesses reading this, this is probably much closer to the truth than the last magazine you put out to that unsuspecting householder.....Join the smalltown Brothers as they talk to New York... I can almost imagine the telephone conversation between the local elders and Bethel now:
Local Elder on phone to Bethel has FINALLY gotten to a G.B. Member:
We were gonnna disfellowship Bowen at the meeting like you told us but uh....... well,THEY have a bunch of people here and there are T.V. crews with cameras and lights and microphones! What do we do???
G.B. Member: Huh? Uh, how'd they know? How'd that happen? What did you do tell the world??? Uh, hold on, we will call you back. Until then, don't do anything. What ever you do, DON'T TALK to anybody. Click.
G.B. Member to rest of G.B. at emergency meeting: Damn it, WAKE THEM UP!!! All right, we've got a problem. Somehow those cornpone locals have screwed up the disfellowshipping. The media is there. It is time for the meeting, we have to make a move. Any suggestions?
Other G.B. Member: You did right telling them not to talk. They should never talk. Only WE should talk. Anyway we can get a soundcar down there with a recorded message and kind of blare it at the crowd as it drives by? Or maybe just send a taped message??? We used to do that a lot. Locals were too stupid to talk door to door so we just strapped a wind up record player on their backs and it weren't no ten pound job either! Back in uh, back in uh, don't let the colporters uh, too dumb, we do the......snore.
Other G.B. Member: Snore.
Other G.B. Member: Why when I was young man of forty serving in this very building and Rutherford was treated like God this would never have happened. Let's disfellowship the whole crowd, Shun the Bastards! They can't question us. By the way, anyone seen the nurse? This thing is uh, full. 'Less of course that ain't me, could be one of YOU letting me take the rap!.......ooh, uh, I gotta go. NURSE!!! Quick damn you it's running down my leg! Oh that was just drool from old Jar.....get your head offn me, get your .....snore.
Chorus of various G.B. Members who are awake shouting different things all at once: NURSE!!!! Get him outta here! Turn on the fans! Those fools at the farm can't make a good diaper! I say lets buy from outside, get them plastic ones! Hey, I need help too!...snore
Other G.B. Member: Man, I am glad he is gone. That smell makes me sick, even when it is ME. Hey what did you guys have for supper? Are your teeth fitting right??? Anyway, I uh, I uh, I uh, I uh, hmmm. Snore.
Other G.B. Member: How come I don't have the Jazzy??? How come I don't get the fancy chair??? Just cause I had a few accidents don't mean I shouldn't get a good chair too. I know some stuff! You are gonna hear about this uh, this here, uh, I uh, hey uh, hmmmm, snore.
Young G.B. Member: Uh, shouldn't we call back it has been a while now and uh, nobody has called the elder down there back, the media is waiting, it could be pretty embarrassing if we uh, don't do something. Hey shouldn't you all wake up and let's move on this thing? Nurse, could you hold on for a minute, NO don't do that to him in front of me it makes me want to puke! Look, I can't take this smell. I gotta go.
Other G.B. Member: Naw my teeth haven't felt right since we switched to that on property Brother/dentist. I say let's farm it out and go to a real dentist. I have had better teeth when they were made for me back in Guatemala during the, during the, during the uh, uh, uh. Anybody here uh ready for uh, uh, uh, ......hey, uh, nurse, I need a little help here. Good night boys, hope you get the uh, reports done or the books sent uh, I second it! snore.
Local Elder to other elders: I am sure this is being discussed with the full Governing Body and Jehovah's Spirit will see that whatever should be done IS done. Don't worry, the best minds in Jehvoah's Organization, the Faithful and Discreet Slave themselves are getting us the proper food at the proper time. We can't rush'em. We can't second guess'em. They are on a different wavelength and they are the Channel, never forget that. Jehovah's Ways are far above us. You can trust the Brothers at Bethel, probably talking to experts right now. Probably got brothers in the camera crews and at the head of the networks and just can't tell us. This will all work to our advantage before it is over with. Don't you brothers worry about a thing. We are privileged to be used by the Slave. Meanwhile let's just hope they all go away. I will call you all when I hear something. They probably have the legal team out, or they might be researching this and having to pore over some manuscripts that relate to the problem. They all speak several languages you know, what men, what Glorious Gifts in Men they are. Never doubt that Jehovah's Spirit is at work. I'll call when they call, OK? CLICK...(later to his wife) Honey, I have to call a lawyer tomorrow and see just what my personal liability in this is. I am starting to get a sick feeling that the local congregation is going to wind up holding the bag on this. By the way, if any of the other elders call or any in the congregation or any newspapers, I AIN'T HERE! Heck, lets not be. Let's go see your Mama. Won't she be surprised after all these years. -
Dateline Time Confirmed...8 EDT, 7 Central Tues.
by sunscapes in"we will see you tuesday, at a special time, 8 eastern, 7 central.".
right from the horse's mouth on tonight's show.. that settles it.
I loved catching that ad, at last it is really going on. I have been waiting so long. Almost every Witness will watch it just to know what has been said about them to all the world. They will hear about it at the job for sure, whether they hear much from the Hall or not. Maybe it will help protect the kids. Maybe it will help the parents pry their tight little minds open a little. This is a very good thing. My thanks to all who helped make it happen.
What does the average Witness know?
by Grunt ini have to wonder what the average witness today knows?
i guess they are under orders not to talk to anyone that might actually be able to inform them of any facts that are negative or unflattering to the society, but what have they found out anyway, through whatever means, even the publications?.
1. do they know that russell got a lot of dates from the measurements of pyramids, including 1914?
Thanks to all of you who responded and who took the time to really think about what the average witness knows. CPiolo, you had posted almost the identical post, same theme anyway only with more information. As with this post, you got some great responses, thanks for the link, I enjoyed it. It does me a lot of good to read the statements of people like all of you, it teaches me first of all (I had forgotten about the Mexican/Malawi card and how that was handled) and it makes me feel better about being a part of the TYPE of person who leaves. There is a genuine compassion here, a real concern for others that the cult known as Jehovah's Witnesses would do well to mimic. All of you for have the courage of your convictions, the courage to stand and face an authority figure that is capable of hurting you deeply and still say, simply "no." To me the pressure that many of you have borne and are bearing while refusing to call a lie the truth is heroic. Many times after reading posts on this board I feel honored to be counted among such a group. You think, you research, you respond honestly, intelligently and with integrity, and you care about others and show it. You are all that the Tower pretends its members are. They lost their best and brightest when you and others like you walked away.