So glad you are here, Matrix!
Sadly you have brought some of your baggage with you. First, you don't deal with what you KNOW was true, that a pervert, child-molester was still going door-to-door trying to convince people to give up Christ as their mediator and stop celebrating birthdays and such, while he was screwing little girls about the age of four and on up? Didn't THAT PART upset you, or is it just the idea of a woman doing an important job that bothers you? Things change. A few years back Junior Brown wouldn't have had the job he does now would he? A few years back having an organ transplant was cannabalism, now it is just fine. A few years back they would have sent you to a hole like Atmore State Prison in Alabama rather than let you do alternative service. The Watchtower Society has demonstrated in the past that they can learn, they are TRAINABLE. They just need a good shock or kick in the head to do it. They did it over 1975, backed up admitted they were wrong and apologized, once they saw the money flowing out the door. They did it over the taxation. They WILL change over this. Watch. Perverts will be prevented from going door to door, SOON, and it will be made public that changes have occured.
Now, back to you. Try considering the important stuff ok? When a child gets raped, show a little compassion. When your Brooklyn Gods make a mistake and it is caught on audio and video tape, face it and try to be honest, ok?
As for this:
"The problem is with the states that do not require that the abuser should be turned in. But that’s the states’ problem, not the Witnessses. If you want the Witnesses to report these cases in all 50 states of the United States, then start a petition in those states to make it a law to report all cases of child abuse."
Forgive the verbal abuse but ******* (forgive me I called you a dumbass there, but I quickly erased it), can't you see it contradicts THIS:
Jehovah’s Witnesses are guided by Jehovah and his law and that’s the end of it.
Next time spread your lies and contradictions a little further apart. Hey, don't leave though. This is the only place you can get the help you need. And don't tell anybody you come here either. I wouldn't want some kangeroo court trumping up charges against you like they did poor Barbara and the children. It can just be our little secret, Ok? Jehovah won't know. I mean, The Organization will never find out.