the man that abused my child used "jw talk " in the grooming process in a distorted way
All JW talk is heavily weaved with guilt messages if one does not comply with direction. Such confusion and spiritual damage that must come of this!!
badboy raised the above question in another thread.
i was wondering how much jw training and/or fear of god played a role in jw childrens' victimization.
these are my comments:.
the man that abused my child used "jw talk " in the grooming process in a distorted way
All JW talk is heavily weaved with guilt messages if one does not comply with direction. Such confusion and spiritual damage that must come of this!!
my jw wife was telling me how much better a sister was now shes on prozac it turns out half the congo is on it .
it appears jehovah's happy people are not so happy after all.
Aside from the JW lifestyle being a causing factor in depression; I believe that many persons who have emotional pain and depression are often drawn into cults of all sorts. There is that sense of "belonging" in a "family", of somehow being favored or special, the promise of a better life than one could hope for outside of the cult. It is easy to see how persons prone to depression due to prior pain, are drawn in, thinking it is a cure for all that ail them, only to find that their burden is unrelenting.
i like a woman who is a jw and im not; i know she has the same feelings for me as i do for her.
i would say im spiritual but not religious i would not take the bible word as literal truth like jw do.
do we have any chance of a relationship together?
She is probably fantasizing about converting you to her beliefs.
This is very likely. Why not ask her about what her plans are for the future? A "good little Witness girl" will not miss the oportunity to begin preaching to you about her belief in the coming paradise earth. (This is a pretty good teaching - until they get to the part about only Jehovah's Witnesses getting in on it.) If on the other hand, she brings up nothing related to her faith in her plans for the future, it could mean that she is planning her great escape - and you might be her vision of a knight in shining armor. This is not necessarily a good thing. Once she's broken free from the cult, she may not have much need of you anymore. Also, it is very important that you quiz her about her religious beliefs. A great question would be, "Would your parents allow you to go out with a [insert your faith here?] or a non-JW? Would YOU ever go out with a non-JW? Would you be willing to come to my parent's home to have Easter with my family? Go to church with me? If she indicates that she doesn't believe everything that the JWs teach, tell her that you would like to learn more about the JWs, and also about which teachings she disagrees. This could turn into a sneaky (FUN) investigation of the religion that she may not be able to research entirely on her own without risking being caught be family members.
now a book to explain those creepy feelings you get from some people.
and why we are often taught to negate our instincts in favor of what society teaches us.
some really terrific examples from many law enforcement agencies.
Thanks for the info! It sounds like a great topic for those whose have been trained to ignor red flags right and left out of fear and obedience to group think.
badboy raised the above question in another thread.
i was wondering how much jw training and/or fear of god played a role in jw childrens' victimization.
these are my comments:.
Badboy raised the above question in another thread. I was wondering how much JW training and/or fear of God played a role in JW childrens' victimization. These are my comments:
Quote from an enprisoned Child Rapist: "Show me an obedient child, I will show you an easy victim."
Obedience, particularly unquestioning obedience, is deeply ingrained in the JW psyche. Parents are expected to beat this into their children from a very, very young age. JW children are taught to ignor what their own bodies and minds are telling them about their world. (A young child being forced to sit in a stiffled manner for several hours a week is a good example of training her to ignor body signals about what seems natural and comfortable. A little older child who is shamed or made fearful when he questions practices and doctrines, learns not to question adults that have some roll of authority over him, especially within the congregation.)
My parents were not JW (they were "interested persons.") My mother was very heavy handed and questioning was out of the question. My step-father preyed upon that fear to keep our silence: "If your mother finds out, we will BOTH be in trouble" [This was true, BTW;] "If you tell, I will go to jail. Then there won't be enough money to pay the rent, and all your brothers and sister will be out in the street. (Since it was winter and we lived in Alaska, this was a life or death kind of threat.)
I can see this same techneque being used on a JW child: "If anyone finds out, we'll both be disfellowshipped. If we are disfellowshipped and Armeggedon comes, we will die forever." It won't matter if the child has been baptized or not. He or she has been hearing about disfellowshipping long before s/he is old enough to be baptized.
Did your JW training make you or someone you know an easier victim?
i have read that paedophiles tend to be more religious in nature.
Quote from an enprisoned Child Rapist: "Show me an obedient child, I will show you an easy victim."
Obedience, particularly unquestioning obedience, is deeply ingrained in the JW psyche. Parents are expected to beat this into their children from a very, very young age. JW children are taught to ignor what their own bodies and minds are telling them about their world. (A young child being forced to sit in a stiffled manner for several hours a week is a good example of training her to ignor body signals about what seems natural and comfortable. A little older child who is shamed or made fearful when he questions practices and doctrines, learns not to question adults that have some roll of authority over him, especially within the congregation.)
My parents were not JW (they were "interested persons.") My mother was very heavy handed and questioning was out of the question. My step-father preyed upon that fear to keep our silence: "If your mother finds out, we will BOTH be in trouble" [This was true, BTW;] "If you tell, I will go to jail. Then there won't be enough money to pay the rent, and all your brothers and sister will be out in the street. (Since it was winter and we lived in Alaska, this was a life or death kind of threat.)
I can see this same techneque being used on a JW child: "If anyone finds out, we'll both be disfellowshipped. If we are disfellowshipped and Armeggedon comes, we will die forever." It won't matter if the child has been baptized or not. He or she has been hearing about disfellowshipping long before s/he is old enough to be baptized.
my ex was disfellowshipped and then he was going to go back to the religion, but he met me and fell in love... i kept trying to push him away because i knew that jw's were only to date jw's.
he insisted that we stayed together.
now 9 months later, i am pregnant and he decided he needed to go back and renew his faith.
I concur.
Of course, we do not know him, but strictly from the view point of what little information we have, he sounds pretty selfish. First he wants his religion, but not as long as he has hopes of having you. Now, he's had you, and suddenly a whole bunch of responsibility is coming his way. OHH - good excuse to get right back to his religion!
The fact is that if he was a man with a Christian conscience at all, he would be absolutely certain that he was in his child's life, which of course would mean keeping in touch with the mother of his unborn child! If for no other reason, than to have the opportunity to teach his child about his faith.
Poll: Who thinks Mr. JW has informed his elders that he has a child on the way? Nays: 1
the more and more i read about the history of the witnesses, the more i don't see them as one in the same as charles t. russell's religion.
i think the religious movement from 1874 to 1916 was completely different than the one from 1918 to now.
rutherford is the real founder of jehovah's witnesses.
I wonder, how Jesus recogned/recogns each Russell, Rutherford, and the modern-day Governing Body in light of his own descriptions at Matthew 45-51?:
"Who here qualifies for the job of overseeing the kitchen? A person the Master can depend on to feed the workers on time each day. Someone the Master can drop in on unannounced and always find him doing his job. A God-blessed man or woman, I tell you. It won't be long before the Master will put this person in charge of the whole operation.
"But if that person only looks out for himself, and the minute the Master is away does what he pleases—abusing the help and throwing drunken parties for his friends—the Master is going to show up when he least expects it and make hash of him. He'll end up in the dump with the hypocrites, out in the cold shivering, teeth chattering." (The Message Bible)
Although he may have been misguided on many of his teachings, I tend to think of Russell as more interested in helping the individual come to Christ than either Rutherford or the GB. They impress me more as the "looks out for himself" types.
hey to all!
i haven't been on for a few months but i had a question.
i feel like when i was baptized in 1999, i was pressured by my children's granmother to hurry up and do it for their sake.
Malinda, how do you access that Meetup group?
Either you simply double-click on this address:
Or, If that doesn't work, simply double-click on this address:
Or - I have not a clue (after just spending a significant amount of time trying to test the link.) If the above didn't work try this:
1] Highlight this address by dragging your curser over it: 2] Click on your browser's "edit" button, and then on "copy" inside the "edit" menu. 3] Click your curser onto your browser's Intetnet's search/address line. (Where it says: (If clicking there does not automatically highlight the JW address, highlight it with your curser.) 4] Click on "edit" again, and then on "paste" inside the "edit" menu. 5] click on "go" or "search" (whatever term your browser uses) at the search/address line.
If all goes well, that should take you to the welcome page. There will be a red button on the page that says, "sign up for this meetup." Click it and you will be "in!" The message boards can be accessed by clicking on the "message" button on the left side of the page. The discussion titled, "Does anyone else struggle with this?" is the the one of which I was thinking.
If that doesn't work out for you, let me know. I'll figure it out!
i was when i had an affair , but this elders pioneer daughter told me she understood why i had done it , i was feeling dreadfull and so guilt ridden but he said i should through myself at my hubs feet and beg forgiveness from him and had i lived 2000 years ago i would have been stoned to death !
the strange thing is a few years later this elder told me he had feelings for me , but he was married and old enough to be my dad , although i liked him as a person by then and had forgotten what he had said to me about being stoned to death, i was a bit annoyed that he told me not to tell anyone ,and yet was telling other people to tattle tale on others , i know he felt really bad about his feelings though and i did feel sorry for him , but asked him not to visit anymore as it made me feel guilty towards his wife , maybe it was gods way of getting him to see things from a wrong doers point of view ,as he had a reputation for being very harsh on wrong doers (like myself) maybe he makes a better elder nowadays after that insight , or maybe they think i was sent by satan to seduce a pioneer and an elder !