Let's see, I was 'won over' at age 12 by my cousins, who said they had all these marriage problems and now that they were JW's all their problems had been resolved. The wife and two of the three children are not Witnesses as far as I know. They were very nice people, actually. I married when I turned 16 to another Witness, who was 21, he had been 'brought over' by his mother who had been 'brought over' by a friend at work I believe. Neither she nor 2 of the 3 children, including my then husband are any longer active Witnesses. Of our four children, only one is an active JW although not strong in the 'Truth' as far as I can see. She is my oldest. I think she is aware of the seven failed prophecies, and the 'scripturalness' of the blood issue and the shunning issue and others, but she will not unassimilate because she is married to a second generation Witness whose mother/father brought the kids all 'over' due a neighbor I believe. ISN'T FAMILY WONDERFUL!!!!!!