sammielee24- thanks for an intelligent post. I appreciate what you said a great deal.
So little said and done to defend the children suffering because adults are screwed in their world views.
JoinedPosts by rimfiredancing
Interestingly, reading the direction that this thread took in terms of upholding the mass drugging of children for being INTELLIGENT- for instance, did you know that the diagnostic for gauging highly gifted children and the diagnostic for ADD-ADHD are the same?- and praise for such drugs as Ritalin, which is killing kids all over the globe, has made me realise I'm in the wrong place. Both my partner and I were slapped with the Asperger's label because we don't *think* and *act* like everyone else does- of COURSE everyone else's behaviour is sane and appropriate, look at the world! Reminds me of a Devo song.
Doctors tried to label some of my kids ADD, I simply laughed at them and switched to a free school that actually enjoyed my kids ability to think. Funnily enough, they were incredibly happy, had no 'behavioural issues' and were tops in their class. But nooooo, they don't 'fit IN' with society, this masterpiece of functioning.
Our crime is we can't stand the boring, repetitive and mindless way society works. We can't stand endless repititions of stuff we already know. We can't stand stupid social preening sessions that pass for 'conversation' in society.
Ugh. I can't stand explaining it again. I don't even want to. I'm so heartily sick, disgusted and angry right now, thinking of all the bright and intelligent kids being drugged into submission because society can't stand intelligent people who can think for themselves- look, the Emperor is wearing no clothes, how about that! I was drugged for awhile as a child to make the adults around me feel better, because my level of intelligence frightened them: my mother originally sent me along for IQ testing because she wanted to prove there was something mentally wrong with me. There was, in terms of this society: I was so goddam intelligent that they couldn't figure out what my IQ was exactly. My partner's was off the charts when he was tested at about age 6 for exactly the same reason.
Pattern here? Oh no, not at all- and of course the doctors would *never* do something as insincere as drugging children that didn't need it: if that's so, then how come parents in the states can be threatened by school boards with having their children disallowed from attending schools *if they don't take whatever medication the school has been told the child should take, especially drugs such as Ritalin*? Google it, there's so much stuff on the net about it that I can't be bothered linking here.
So, adieu. I can't talk in a place where people think that drugging kids for being intelligent is a grand idea, and where people who *do* think it's great dredge up excuses that have been MEDICALLY DISPROVED AS FALSE as ways of justifying the attitude. More dying kids so that adults can make themselves feel better. -
Can I forbid my ex to see my son???
by babygirl75 inbefore i start, i know a lot of you will say for me to consult an attorney, but just wanted to see if any of you have had to deal with this..... i have primary custody of my son.
my ex was ordered to pay child support the first of each month.
well i hardly ever see a dime of it unless i call him and have to bitch him out to send the state a payment for child support.
I didn't actually read this post as being 'I want money, he's not paying, can I withdraw access to force payment', I read it that the dad is actually not good for the boy to be around and could non-payment be a way of preventing access.
I'm constantly boggled by the arguments that 'kids love their parents no matter what'. Well, everyone's different and the fact of it is, no they don't: they are *inculcated* with a social idea that that's how things are *supposed* to be, when actually it's a fabrication created by the advent of agriculture, when women and children became possessions, assets, to be bartered, sold, utilised. The whole mythology of 'children need their biological parents' is about patriarchal bullshit of assuring paternity; in many tribal societies, particularly those that followed matriarchal lineage, children were considered the gift to and responsibility of ALL the sexually active males in the tribe, because they weren't worried about biological ownership. This way, men who were not good father figures were not considered good mates by the women and so it was in the men's interests on many levels to take care of their kids.
Of course, the advent of ownership of women and children, nuclear families and all that other crap brought this to a screeching halt and gave us so many of the wonderful gifts of modern society: domestic violence, child abuse, sexual abuse of children, rape, blah blah.
Why do I bring this up? Because of that persistent and bloody aggravating myth that 'children need their biological parents, even if that parent is little more than an emotional aemoba and is harmful'. People keep bleating this mythology because it's part of the cultural meme, that great mental paradigm that is nothing more than the matrix that keeps people treadmilling the economy. When do we get that kids respond to the standards society allows? When do we get what it's like to grow up being told that there's something or the other wrong with us because 'we didn't know dear old asswipe alcholic and abusive dad'?
My niece was removed from her mother's custody when she was 15 months old and taken into the permanent care of someone who had been living in the sharehouse. This niece got the best of the deal: my older niece spent her life from the age of 6 being shunted from pillar to post and because she was exposed to the poisonous attention of her psychotic, drugfucked, vicious minded and selfish mother, she followed dear mum's drug addicted footsteps, got into prostitution at age 13 (with the help of her court appointed social worker, a female who had also been molesting her since she'd gotten my niece's case) and ended up having a hellish time until pulling out of it at age 22. The youngest child of that family died at 3 months at the hands of my sister, but the coroner could not clearly establish cause of death and my sister didn't go to jail.
The point? The one that had NO contact with her idiot mother at all is the happiest child of the lot. She's now 21, healthy, happy, got a degree and is now arranging to take up the craft of jillaroo-ing, which is working on huge sheep/cattle stations in the outback. She's a delightful girl, sunny, full of laughter, loves her adoptive mother passionately and has ZERO interest in meeting her birth mother: if she ever expresses an interest she is going to have three aunts seriously talking her out of it. We're encouraging her to view her mother as dead, and she is accepting the advice.
I wouldn't know my own biological father if I fell over him and feel not one iota of regret: all the sexual abuse I ever experienced was at the hands of my mother's boyfriends and husbands, so I figure I didn't miss much. I have a wonderful relationship with my fiance, I'm sexually and emotionally as even keeled as I can be considering my childhood (which I'm still working on the fringe issues of) and my kids rock. Some of them know their biological dads, some of them don't: for the ones that don't, they've done their explorations, found out he's an arsehole, and happily walked away. I was glad to have protected them from him, because he would have made them feel like shit about themselves.
It's a stupid mythology that irks me chronically. BEING AROUND ARSEHOLES IS BAD FOR CHILDREN. When are we going to start thinking about something better? Not while this stupid society keeps cranking out its bullshit, that's for sure: while we uphold the christian mythology of nuclear families, fathers 'owning' their wives and offspring, all the rest of the crap that goes along with that thinking, then this rubbish will keep floating about like pond scum. BEING RAISED BY ARSEHOLES IS BAD FOR CHILDREN. CHILDREN DON'T NEED PEOPLE IN THEIR LIVES WHO MAKE THEM FEEL BAD. I got handed the whole 'love your mother despite who she is' crap and the stress of trying to balance out the hugely disparate worlds this presented me with cracked my spirit into shards, broke me mentally and emotionally and sent me into a state of dissociation that has taken me three decades of work to emerge from. Great advice there, people, thanks so much!! How about being honest that my mother was a violent psychotic who should not have been in charge of a pet rock? Nooooooo, lets keep the mythology of parents 'OWNING' their children going so that the garbage beneath the surface never gets dealt with: that's the way 'civilisation' keeps on truckin' on.
Bah humbug. I am glad I'm moving onto a community where the focus is raising kids tribally, without this idiotic brainwashing of 'formal education' and all the rest of the crap. Try getting away with molesting your child or bashing your partner in a tight knit and honest community that is founded on respect for ALL beings, which includes calling a spade a spade. Children are worthy of, NEED our protection, our respect, our treating them honourably, with dignity and the understanding that they KNOW what feels wrong and yucky.
The hypocrisy and delusion in western society is unfixable. -
When young people in society observe the passive acceptance of the violence endemic in their society, including in the way that their country deals with problems outside their borders, why is it so surprising that they feel violence is acceptable?
I find it curious that people can be indifferent to the massacres engendered with the hidden agenda of procuring oil, during which 1000's more than the numbers of student victims are affected, but are very upset at what takes place on their own soil. Do Americans really think that they can maintain a policy of violent domination in the rest of the world, including corporate sanctioned violence, and this violence not come back to roost on their own territory? I find that curious indeed. In a paradigm where it's clear that life means nothing when it gets in the way of profits, belief in superiority or corporate agenda, why is it so surprising that people in society start reflecting that belief? It was ok to massacre the Indians in the name of progress, development and societal superiority, it's ok to massacre the environment, it's ok to massacre the innocent in the name of profits (toxic waste dumps creating cancer epidemics in housing developments, it's ok to bomb the beejums out of any country that is getting in the way of yours, but violence at home? Western culture *still* turns a blind eye to the majority of the violence done to women, children, the elderly, the disabled, those of non-hetero sexualities, indigenous and fringe groups- kids grow up being generally and profoundly brutalised by a culture that doesn't give a genuine rat's arse about the wellbeing of its members.
And there's a wonder about young people becoming violent?
As far as video games and violence go, there's been so many studies that prove the link is tenuous at best: previous generations grew up with 'cops and robbers', 'cowboys and indians', which were all culturally sanctioned versions of violence for their time. It didn't have any influence on a majority of kids growing up to be killers. All my gentle sons play violent video games- so do I (Quake 3 and Unreal Tournament being two of my favorites). I know plenty of violent people who don't play games at all. The whole issue of games is yet another fingerpointing exercise that completely circumvents the reality of a society that is immune to the violence it puts out into the world, but is prepared to get righteously indignant about violence done that they *haven't* sanctioned.
Same shit, different stage, really. -
japenese IG test(puzzle game)
by darth frosty insaw this on another board.
it was tricky to figure out.. hit the circle to start the test.. .
click on link then click on blue circle to begin.
I wasn't in the mood at first, but then came back to it and got it in one go.
Cool test. :) -
Love John Williams. I also love how he plays his pieces without sheet music- all from memory. :)
I'm curious- why 'god'?
by rimfiredancing ini know how i got sucked into the b0rg- i was a very spiritual, very young and very emotionally damaged 19 year old (raised in a violent on all levels home, the usual stuff) who was having- and had always had- a lot of 'supernatural' experiences that had caused my mother to declare me 'evil' (and try to get me exorcised on the odd occasion).
i'd become confused and was trying to work out if these things were, in fact, a sign of my rejection from 'god'.
if i'd known then what i know now about the christian god, i'd have told the jw's to stick it.
dave: awesome link, thankyou!
:D -
I'm curious- why 'god'?
by rimfiredancing ini know how i got sucked into the b0rg- i was a very spiritual, very young and very emotionally damaged 19 year old (raised in a violent on all levels home, the usual stuff) who was having- and had always had- a lot of 'supernatural' experiences that had caused my mother to declare me 'evil' (and try to get me exorcised on the odd occasion).
i'd become confused and was trying to work out if these things were, in fact, a sign of my rejection from 'god'.
if i'd known then what i know now about the christian god, i'd have told the jw's to stick it.
void-eater: I'm totally open to and accepting of other people's beliefs. I have friends who are satanists, witches, scientists, aliens, discordians and animists, just to name a few: the difference is, they don't wave books around and *make claims that there are things written in those books that actually aren't*.
I have zero problems if people wish to believe in any sort of god whatsoever. My issues start when, by declarations contained within a book that is inherently flawed and open to misinterpretation (and interpretation seems to be the *only* way that people can use the book at all to support most of what they say), that selfsame flawed document is used to oppress, murder and dictate to others. This is what gets me going. It's what's going on in the States at the moment- interpretations of 'scripture' being used to attack and persecute homosexuals, to decree the non-availability of contraception, to try and return to the days of suppression of women, corporal punishment, the absolute right of the 'church' to dictate the rules and regulations of the ordinary citizen's life. *And they do it by manipulating what's written in a book of dubious ancestry*.
That's my criticism of what's been written to me by those who use the bible as a foundation for their beliefs. As I pointed out in my reply, they still seemed to be manipulating and interpreting scripture to support their particular paradigm and then presenting this to me as 'explanation' of biblical principles. Everyone who uses the bible to support or justify their agenda does it: Catholic, Anglican, Pentecostal, JW, whatever. That's the whole foundation of my original discussion topic- how can anyone who *has actually REALLY READ what the bible says* still believe it? -
I'm curious- why 'god'?
by rimfiredancing ini know how i got sucked into the b0rg- i was a very spiritual, very young and very emotionally damaged 19 year old (raised in a violent on all levels home, the usual stuff) who was having- and had always had- a lot of 'supernatural' experiences that had caused my mother to declare me 'evil' (and try to get me exorcised on the odd occasion).
i'd become confused and was trying to work out if these things were, in fact, a sign of my rejection from 'god'.
if i'd known then what i know now about the christian god, i'd have told the jw's to stick it.
eliveleth: I don't believe in the paranormal, I experience it. Belief doesn't come into it, it's just how things are in our family. I don't have a book that purports to explain it, and then contorts itself into a pretzel shape in order to justify the bizarre contradictions it makes.
You mention Lot and his daughters. I've heard that excuse sooo many times before, from so many people: 'I was drunk at the time, I'm not responsible for my actions'. Interestingly, the law takes an increasingly dim view of that defense.
In the bible, women who were raped but who were deemed not to have screamed enough were to be stoned to death. *For being RAPED*. However, a man that has incestuous sex with his daughters? Oh, he was a little drunk at the time. We'll punish the tribes descended from the children conceived from the incest. I'm curious: can you actually not see the hypocrisy here? How is it that something despised, be it person or practice, can be ok in certain circumstances?
It's all just made up as people go along. How is it alright to shove your daughter out the door to be raped to death in order to protect two ANGELS?? One of these can destroy all of Egypt's firstborn in one night but *two* of them can't protect themselves against a mob, so an innocent girl dies an agonising, horrific death for the sake of the FATHER'S 'righteousness'?
And this is ok by christians? There's no cry of 'hang on a minute...'? Or is it like in the b0rg, wait on 'god' to make things clear? Can you show me where god condemns Lot's part in the incest? No? Can you show me where he condemns the incest at all? No? Then if you think he doesn't like it but you can't find scriptures that condemn it, it's nothing more than something you are making up. If that's what has to happen in order to maintain a belief in some sort of god, then it answers my question 'how can people believe...?': they can't, so they make stuff up and call it divine inspiration, direction from the holy spirit or any other thing that explains away the contortions that they do. CITE the scriptures that actually support your assertions, not ones that have been skewed or taken out of context to support the argument. That's what my original post was about: is there anything in the bible that supports the christain view of god? The answer so far is 'no, they make stuff up'.
It's fine by me to use the law of THEORY when it comes to religion- sure, religion can be in the world as a THEORY, but the very rule of theories is that they don't claim to be PROVEN nor TRUE; they just work 'so far'. The bible purports a hypothesis: 'this is from god'. So far, that hypothesis has failed certain markers, so it's not even moved beyond hypothesis. That's not to say people can't keep testing it, sure they can- they just can't claim, with any degree of foundation, that it's any kind of *truth*. It isn't. It's a hypothesis, nothing more, as I see it, and the religions that sprang from it are exploring that same hypothesis. So far, the evidence is everything to the contrary. -
I'm curious- why 'god'?
by rimfiredancing ini know how i got sucked into the b0rg- i was a very spiritual, very young and very emotionally damaged 19 year old (raised in a violent on all levels home, the usual stuff) who was having- and had always had- a lot of 'supernatural' experiences that had caused my mother to declare me 'evil' (and try to get me exorcised on the odd occasion).
i'd become confused and was trying to work out if these things were, in fact, a sign of my rejection from 'god'.
if i'd known then what i know now about the christian god, i'd have told the jw's to stick it.
real one: don't worry, satan doesn't exist except in religion and as I don't participate in religion, I'm exempt from his influence. Unfortunately, I'm not exempt from the actions of religious adherants, particularly fundamentalists, but I'm hopeful that the coming global environmental and economic crash will cause them to annihilate each other in a bout of religious fervour, which will leave the space for non-religionists, indigenous groups, tribal worldviews and the possibility of a more wholistic way of life to be explored.
I'm looking forward to the end of the most destructive group of people ever seen on the planet: the loyal members of civilisation and all its supporting religions.
According to some accounts, one of satan's 'crimes' was questioning god. Funny, that.