Maybe make sorta 'amish' can go 'role play' being the PO or the CO...
Seriously now.. if there is such a place, or will be in the future, please let me know so I can stay as far away from it as possible!
Maybe make sorta 'amish' can go 'role play' being the PO or the CO...
Seriously now.. if there is such a place, or will be in the future, please let me know so I can stay as far away from it as possible!
are a very unique people, wouldn't you say?
no, we aren't trouble makers, we're just a a people that have a common bond.
save for a minority of posters here, we have all endured trials and tribulations that only we can relate to.
I find very interesting the concept of Apostasy... When the JW visit you and invite you to read and study their literature, aren't they prompting you and inviting you to commit apostasy to your former beliefs and or religion? If you accept their version of god and religion and whatnot... the apostasy you against your former religion is good...
But when you study or read literature outside the sanctioned and sanctiminous WT literature.. then that kind of apostasy is wrong! You get expelled shunned and feared by your former brothers... the double standards a gallore!
I feel proud to be called an apostate if that means I quit believing what the JW or any other religion for that matter... It shows I've grown and progressed beyond that self limitation of drone and dull total acceptance of other people's idea and now I have my own... For that matter, Jesus was an apostate because he went against the religion he was born into, didnt he?
Abraham didnt follow the gods of the people of Caldea, who were politeists... therefore, he was an apostate too...
So the next time a JW calls you an apostate.. be proud of it... cause because of that apostasy you are free from the mind controlloing child-murdering family shattering cult were you already spent, if your case is like mine, all your youth...
So if not believing in the WTBS anymore makes us apostates, MORE POWER TO US!
I am free and at peace.. I wish you all the same...
i don't believe (fill in the blank).... the borg isn't the fds.... the jws are a cult.... the jws are apostates.... anything else?.
How about :
"Trick or Treat!!!"
"Happy Easter my beloved brothers..."
"What does FDS mean? Only thing I've heard of named that way is a female hygene product.. are they related or connected?" (ohhhhhh so sorry..NOT)
Play "Oh Fortuna" on your earblasting heartstopping stereo system when they ring your bell...
Start a dvd sharing club that features The Omen and The Exorcist series...all slasher films and their sequels and of course the greatest movie of all time DOGMA..
this usually works for me.. "i'm very interested in what you have to say, but first i'd like to ask you a question.
would you enjoy getting the watchtower magazine from me and studying our books?
click..............bzzzzzzzzzzzzz........ outaservice .
this is just something i've been thinking about.
jesus was their messiah, he died for the jews back then and thus his "blood" doesn't automatically wipe out the sins of every human being.
we've got to take responsibilities for the sins we commit - so in order for "saving" we should "die" to the flesh every day.. thoughts?.
Who is to say we need 'saving' from a supernatural being or deity? It is amazing to see the circular references going round and round... what satanus said is right,, stories of a specific group of blood related people for that specific group of blood related people... but a couple of very slick and sly people did a hell of a job of marketing these ideas of ' i am not worthy.. i need a savior or i will go to hell.. and amazingly at this time and age, people still buy the stuff...
Have any of you read Desiderata?
Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons,
they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs;
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals;
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself.
Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love;
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
it is as perennial as the grass.
Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be,
and whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.
Now tell me if this advice doesnt make a whole lot more sense... Do you actually have to believe 'stories' about the god of the descendants of the so called Abraham of Ur in order to be happy? Do you have to sacrifice your children to a heartless deity that demands you dont use the science to save your child's life? Do you have to participate in ritualistic eatings of host and drinking of wine to be 'saved'? Do you really believe that kissing another man's beautiful ruby gold and diamond ring amounts to anything? As the poem says :
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.
Religon is part fo the scam.. please do not allow their black-out curtains to impede you view of this beautiful world...
the organization.
i have observed in a number of threads some of the members here have expressed the need to return to the org.
or to become active again.
in that last study about those worthy of a kingdom isn't it interesting that they say things like "how wonderful to have anointed still left on earth during the great tribulation with us.
they currently have nothing to do with the direction we get from the governing body.
in fact they have no greater insight than many of the great crowd.
Cant you guys see it? The annoited will rise in the sky and shed their old bodies... then ray-guns will protude from various body places and during Armageddon they will be the equivalent of HALO soldiers...
when i think back, i remember being excited in the 80's.
i remember the 5p food token strips at twickenham, london.
you could get hot fresh doughnuts and burgers.
I remember playing "Absai" in a King David drama and playing an austere elder that mistreated a spiritual 'orphan' my ass chewed in the drama by the CO... guess that never happened in real life huh?
I also remember the times when they actually made full cooked meals...scrubbing the pots and cleaning the food mess... also remember cleaning toilet after toilet after toilet...
I also remember never feeling anything special when a new pamphlet or book came out... everybody would cheer and applause and I would just stand there..will there be something new this time?
but above all I remember asking myself..'what the hell am I doing here'? more and more and more... till I realized the answer...NOTHING!
I like the post about ex-cons looking back at prison... although some posts I read here make me think about the movie "The Shawshank Redemption" ... some have spent so many years in that now that they are out they actually dont KNOW what to do with their time and freedom... some wish they were back so the loneliness ends... so sad... BUT NOT ME... as Lynard Skynard so succintly put it..AM AS FREE AS A BIRD NOW AND THIS BIRD YOU'LL NEVER TAME!
Be free, I am ... I am finally at peace... I wish you the same.
#1) i don't know when the memorial is ...... and #2) i'm planning on having a family get-together dinner at the end of this month, but i don't want to choose the evening of the memorial; because our two jw relatives wouldn't be able to attend our dinner on that day.
i know they'll be going to the memorial.. thanks for letting me know the date!
lavendar .
the church of nature.. love that expression Jeff...
sounds a little wiccan (which I personally find very peaceful and with more logic than most religions) but it has a sense of truth bigger than any publication from the wtbs or any other religion... it 'belongs', it feels right cause after all, we all are natures children...
Sometime I wonder if my reaction and aversion of the so-called christian beliefs is similar to the ones the native americans and the enslaved africans had when confronted with the 'do-or-die' concepts of religion presented to them by the slave mongerers... I can just imagine people who all their lives worshiped the sun, who gives light and life to the crops.. the river that gives sustenance and quenches the thirst.. that respected the animals and never took more than needed... who revered and respected the fire, wose power to warm and cleanse and destroy inspired awe in them... I imagine them confronted with the concept of a DEAD man on two pieces of wood...and a sword in their face... '...THAT IS GOD... THAT DEAD MAN ON THE WALL... WORSHIP OR DIE...' how confused-saddened-enraged they must have felt, comparing the power of the sun with the power of a dead man... comparing the theater of nature with a dark musty church... very sad indeed... and worst of all, people with better weapons enforcing their makes-no-sense' beliefs...
I refuse to be blackmailed or bribed into a christian heaven... rather die on a beautiful hill overlooking the caribbean on this beautiful island I have the privilege of living in... dont need heaven.. dont fear hell...
I wish I knew all this many years ago when I spent my youth being a slave of the modern slave trade called religion...
Just a thougt... be free.. be truly free.. I am at peace and I wish you all the same...
#1) i don't know when the memorial is ...... and #2) i'm planning on having a family get-together dinner at the end of this month, but i don't want to choose the evening of the memorial; because our two jw relatives wouldn't be able to attend our dinner on that day.
i know they'll be going to the memorial.. thanks for letting me know the date!
lavendar .
Sometimes I perceive that although the vast majority of us are ex JW, we still cling to some of the stuff, like it was embedded in our brains and genes... We still feel guilty saying out loud we dont want to have anything to do with the WTBS... I loved the post above... thats freedom speaking my friend!
As for me, I dont follow the date anymore... my parents used to invite me, until they realized I had no interest whatsover in any religion... There are so many proven facts, scientific, arquelogic etc etc that show that the 'textbook' is as flawed as any other book written by men... As I have said before, Jesus and his teachings are very nice... same with Ghandi... I like Jesus very much, its christian I dont like...
But if the need to worship is so big that something must be done, go to a beautiful place near your home... meditate on whatever that is you want to worship... leave the rituals of death and celebrate life and creation and all the beautiful things in it... after all I cannot believe that whoever created (or designed) the sun, the life cycles, the oceans, the birds, the fish, a human body!, he( or she for that matter) who created the laughter of children that lightens the heart of anyone with music like crystal bells, who gave humans inspiration to create musical instruments and brains to discover how to save lives, all that is nice and natural, I honestly do not believe cares too much for crackers and wine and dark, dank places full of hypocresy, double standards etc etc... as if with ritual all the ugly stuff religion has done for humanity (which outweighs the good) can be un-done...
Just a thought... be free all.. be truly free... I am at peace and I wish you all the same...