Hi randy....you always put things in a kind way. I wondered about this comment from you however
Quote:"For many, it is my personal opinion that they should stay where they are, as it does preserve sanity for some people, for many reasons."
Randy....my question is..why you would want anyone to stay in this cult? If they leave god upon coming out of the dubs or go into some strange belief system upon exiting...then I can see your point....they may be better off where they are at.But if there is a chance for them to see the true gospel, then they all need out.
Posts by gumby
Why I Do What I Do - Randy Watters
by Dogpatch inhi friends,.
i have been overwhelmed by the number of witnesses contacting me on the net lately.
traffic to the site has more than tripled since feb. 1999, and i am getting tons of email every day.
Ballistic: Why do you call Jesus a bastard when you know of the thousands who come to this board and read this stuff, and when you know of the many here.. who love and believe in him? Show some respect!!!!!!!
Need Some Help
by mikepence ini am preparing a lengthy article on the great un library card scandal for xjwnews.com and to be emailed to newspapers, and i could use some help in tracking down references for end notes.
i want the whole piece to be very carefully documented.. if you are interested in helping, please email me at [email protected], or see the comments section of the "preparing a comprehensive un library card scandal document" story at xjwnews.com.
you will receive credit for your work in helping prepare the story (e.g.
Mikenpence: Go to Watchtower observer.com and ask Ken. He can give you info.
part 2 of "What church should I go to now?...
by serenaj92 infrom all replies and my own understanding this is what conclusion i came up with.
in the history of the bible, the first part of the bible makes up stories to describe to all how god thinks, feels, and how he runs his people.
everytime they have formed a religious group, even taking them far away from all other religions (wilderness), they have failed from human error.
Hope your situation turns out for you. I would have not done the flag thing on the car.My spouse is still a dub and I find it best to not leave literature around about witnesses, or do any other thing that is a slap in their face....we all know what those things are. Finding a place to worshipp however is YOUR life and you have the right to pursue that and take your child if your hubby will allow it.
Many children are surprized that going to another church is not what the dubs describe it as. They too are loving and have much more participation for the kids than do the dubs. -
If we were a congregation?
by joelbear inif the group here was a congregation, what role would each person here play?.
The only meetings we would be having is COMMITEE MEETINGS!
RexB, a Guest, and youKnow would serve as the commitee.
All others on this boerd would be df'ed. -
Religion vs. Spirituality
by Introspection inhas anyone else noticed that we get a lot of "who has the truth" and "what is the true religion" type messages?
but you never hear anyone ask something like "how do i develop authentic spirituality?
" granted, the word spiritual is abstract and vague, but there is the matter of the individual aspect of the word spirituality.
Hey frank......yes we are listening to you! I always enjoy your posts as you always put much thought in what you say and try to say what you truly believe. I agree with much of your post.
I believe many put faith in a religion that fits THEIR wants/needs.
That is not good! I think a person should search for what seems to be truth to them and try hard to find it. If you find it or think you have found it....it is then you can be spiritual.
If you really believe it.
People are always saying how religion instills fear in people and thats why they join a religion or worship god....well.....is fear wrong?????
Why is fearing God wrong? Do we fear we will make a mistake at our secular job? Do we fear heights?
We fear many things. Not all fear is bad. Kids fear getting a spanking....does that mean they have mean wicked parents?
To fear God is not a bad thing to me. -
Religion vs. Spirituality
by Introspection inhas anyone else noticed that we get a lot of "who has the truth" and "what is the true religion" type messages?
but you never hear anyone ask something like "how do i develop authentic spirituality?
" granted, the word spiritual is abstract and vague, but there is the matter of the individual aspect of the word spirituality.
The spirit within us.......we all have it. What is it?
This is one of the things that makes me also believe in creation.
We talk to ourself and correct ourself. When we mess up for example we talk to "ourself within" and say...why did I do that....what an idiot I am.
One part tells us what we should do and another part does what we want to do.It's like two people within us. It is our spirit.....whatever that is. -
Preparing for Armageddon!
by Mindchild inwhat was the silliest thing you ever did to prepare for armageddon?.
way back when in my pioneering days, when we were out in service we would often talk about what to do when the great tribulation came along.
one of my pioneering buddies told me that he was so sure the gt was around the corner that he went and buried some food for the bros and sis to eat when we fled to the hills.
I took the advise of a next door neighbor pioneer sister and had a bottom molar tooth pulled in 74 as she said armaggedon will be here next year and you'll have new teeth.
Every time I eat I think of her and 1975.
I guess I could get a bridge now bit it's mucho denero. -
British JWs ignoring the GB.
by dmouse inwhen we have american jw relatives visit they are frequently shocked at the difference between how they live their lives and how jws over here live.
its almost as if we are from two different religions.. that divide seems to be getting wider.
i have noticed in the past two or three years a noticeable relaxation among british jws.
Wow! This is shocking! I have never heard of the witnesses in the UK acting like this before. I was wondering if any others of you out there from the UK have seen this type of JW behavior?
What other religions etc. do you have?
by abcde inif jehovahs witnesses have problems,then is there anything better you have too offer?.
i would be happy too know of a religion,website or something else that helps you in your life.
4horsewoman:you said"Why do you need a religion to know God? Or a holy book? How did Adam know God? Lot? Moses? Job? Noah?
God talked to Lot, Moses, job, and Noah
How would we have any knowledge of God or his plan of redemption since he dosen't talk audibally anymore....were it not for THE BIBLE or holy book as you say?