Celtic: Your one sick puppy
PS. What the poop is your bum?
Posts by gumby
The Dance Of The Flaming Assholes....
by Englishman in....is an incredible thing to see.
my old work pal leo would do it every works christmas party.
this incredibly smart and dignified gentlemen would raise money for charity by taking bets as to how long he could clench a lighted newspaper between the cheeks of his buttocks.
by msil ini am agnostic.
(see no fancy writing stuff).
i dont know if god exists (i think he must - but i dont know).
Seeker:Evolution doesn't "just happen."
Well it must have happened from something at some time Everything that exists happened at one time.
Again...What are the stats that they could happen?
Seeker: (Quoting my reply)
Many non christian writers/historians have written of the man Jesus...that he truely existed, did what the bible say's he did.Seekers reply:Not true, hardly any non-Christian writers/historians mention Jesus
How about these guys to name a few
1.Cornelius Tacitus
2.Lucian of samosata
4. Pliny the Younger
7. mara Bar Serapion
8. josephus
Seeker:Except for the details that didn't match, yes.
Which details are you reffering to?Seeker:Exactly, which is why the fact they hardly even mention Jesus is so significant
Why who mentions him?
I just gave you a list of those that wrote a great deal about him. -
by Kent incould anyone please send me scans of the latest km?.
people are asking for it!.
yakki da.
Hi kent. Is there supposed to be something new in the latest K.M.?
Changes in policy or whatever? -
Sorry for Delays
by Farkel inhello, everone.
i'm posting this to let it be known that i only have about 30 minutes a day to be on the internet.
i have not been able to get to all my mail, nor read much at all on this board.. i sincerely apologize to those who've written me and not received a response.
Go sniff some mail fred.....
The Dance Of The Flaming Assholes....
by Englishman in....is an incredible thing to see.
my old work pal leo would do it every works christmas party.
this incredibly smart and dignified gentlemen would raise money for charity by taking bets as to how long he could clench a lighted newspaper between the cheeks of his buttocks.
About the only funny party trick I can do is light a fart.
The only time I would ever put newspaper between my cheecks is out camping when i don't have toilet paper. -
by msil ini am agnostic.
(see no fancy writing stuff).
i dont know if god exists (i think he must - but i dont know).
Suppose you were to talk to a number of people who saw dishes flying out of the cupboard at the same time. Then you would know it was not in the mind of one person. I have heard of many stories of others who have seen,heard,felt,demons. Never had the experiance myself and hope not to if these stories are true.
The best proof you can have for God to me is design in creation.
Look at the stats of the possibilities that all this could have just happened.
In Jesus day they wanted a "SIGN" that he was the christ. He gave the example of Jonah. Jonah was in the grave for three days and was delivered from death.That was their sign.
Many non christian writers/historians have written of the man Jesus...that he truely existed, did what the bible say's he did.
Unless all these men concocted their stories together for some strange reason they wrote in close detail of one another.
Why would non christians lie about him? What would they gain? -
Jehovah is sifting the organization
by YoYoMama injehovah keeps sifting and cleanning out the organization.
this board is proof of that sifting work.
congratulations on being cleansed out of jehovah's organization because of your inmoral and prideful lives.
Yo Yo....ARE YOU SECRETLY CARRYING ON SIN?Why don't you ask your P.O. if he would like to come to this board as you are? Seems to me like your talking to a lot of dissfellowshipped and apostate people here.
Are witnesses supposed to do that.
By the way.....which congregation do you attend?......Oh! I'm sorry....you can't tell because you have to HIDE THE FACT YOU ARE HERE.
Do you think they would D.F. you if they found out or at least reprimand you? If so........WHY ARE YOU HERE?
Sounds like a fred hall type to me. Simon would know -
by Cassiline inthis has taken a lot of courage to post.
my life with the jws has been one hardship after another.
i am sharing this to help others see that jws claim to be loving and forgiving people while they are not.
So So sorry to hear what hell you have been through in life.
I think it's stories like these that make many of us take for granted our lives compared to yours.You truely are strong. Many would have "checked Out" by now.
I am not a violent person and believe as a christian, but when I read your story all I could think of is how I would have liked to kick the living s##t out of your dad and his elder buddy any any one else that backed him up.
"I want mercy not sacrafice" is the scripture witnesses get backwards. Your pleas to the elders and all others who plea to them are ignored because of this bible pricipal ignored by them.
I hope for a good recovery from you and we are all here to help. Thank you for sharing this among friends. -
What other religions etc. do you have?
by abcde inif jehovahs witnesses have problems,then is there anything better you have too offer?.
i would be happy too know of a religion,website or something else that helps you in your life.
I was wondering about your comment that Jesus created the ONE ORGANIZATION idea.
That would indicate that before he came to earth and established this idea......then that idea was not known before.
Did abraham,moses,david,and all the rest feel that if people wanted God's blessing...then they had better get all their instruction on how to love God from these guy's?
What if you lived in another part of the earth and you couldn't hook up with these channels back then?
Were there not people all over the earth that could choose to worship God apart from all these 'CHANNELS'
I would appreciate some references.
The true organization you talk of is true christianity that is all over the world.There is no particular group, recognized by some name and a particular set of beliefs.
Do you think if armaggedon came tomarrow, that all the people that have never heard of a Jehovah's witness on this earth will be exterminated?
If you do not......then after armaggedon, there will be many many more non witnesses than witnesses...muslims,hindu,etc.
Does the society teach that this is how it will be after armaggedon? Or an earth cleansed of ALL haters of Jehovah and only witnesses remaining?
Please let me know. E-mail me if you do not want this on this thread. -
What other religions etc. do you have?
by abcde inif jehovahs witnesses have problems,then is there anything better you have too offer?.
i would be happy too know of a religion,website or something else that helps you in your life.
Hi abode. Good question
Jehovahs witnesses have to offer many things that are good and true. Love God, his son, his word, try to be a good person.
Where they fail is as all cults do is they take away from their followers, the very things they claim to believe in...eternal life.
They take it away in the sense that they believe salvation exist only by being a Jehovah's witness and believing ALL things that come from them. They believe that good works will depend on your salvation.
What do I personally have to offer?
I believe as the bible states,"Come all you who are thirsty and take lifes water free". I believe that the water here is of coarse Jesus christ.
Jesus told the lady at the well he could give her water and she would never get thirsty. That meant the believing that he was the messiah,and that salvation would come thru believing in him and what he would do.
I realize a person should not believe in something just because it is what others believe and have passed it on. I feel a person should have EVIDENCE that what the bible say's is true to whatever degree he/she needs to believe.Evidence such as creation/life.archeology,etc.
A person can have the things I mentioned without RELIGION.
It is mearly a group that has formed who meet together and share...to a large degree....similar beliefs.
I do not disagree with meeting in a church group as long as the message is based on what I have come to know as bible truth. I do not mean by this the church would have to see all things as I do....YOU WILL NEVER FIND A CHURCH THAT DOES! Meeting together and encouraging each other, helping fellow believers in their trials,building one another up, is important and the bible definately encourages that.
Some choose to meet in small groups in houses, some find a nice freindly congregation, others speak about it to freinds and strangers and don't meet in any group.
I feel a person should do one of these however and do the one that builds his/her faith the best.
For those who lack evidence that the bible is God's word and that he truley exists, I recommend reading "EVIDENCE THAT DEMANDS A VERDICT' by Josh Mcdowell. Lot's of good info.
Thanks for the good topic and letting me share.