1.Age you left the watchtower 40...(7 years ago)
2.Age that you were baptised. 16
3.were you brought up in it or converted? Raised, 3rd gen.
Lots of 3rd gen. ex'es !!!!
i thought it might be a good idea to find out at what age or after how long we descided to leave the watchtower.. prehaps we my find a patern in it which we could use .. i think what we need to know are ,.
1.age you left the watchtower.
(or age you found out it was wrong).
1.Age you left the watchtower 40...(7 years ago)
2.Age that you were baptised. 16
3.were you brought up in it or converted? Raised, 3rd gen.
Lots of 3rd gen. ex'es !!!!
i am looking for some assistance or resources on anger mangement.. i have known the truth about the truth for about a year now.. due to reasons of family i don't beleive i can make a 100% break at this time.. i seem to have a major problem getting past the anger.
i am not an angry person by nature and in the past when i have gotten angry it never lasted very long.. at times i feel that the reason i can't get past the anger is because i have not made a complete break.
i don't know if this is true since i see many here who have made the break and the anger persists.. if there is anyone here who has experienced this and has found a way to move past the intense feelings of anger without completly breaking from the borg due to family reasons and can offer some advice i would welcome it.. is it possible to get past the anger with one foot still in?
Randy watters taught me the best lesson on how to treat the whole JW thing. He shared a story of a man who got out of the borg but his wife did not.
He became so radical about trying to denounce the dubs to his wife that their marriage took a dive. I wouldn't have stayed with the dude either.
To me it is HOW you speak about them. You can be vicious...or you can expose them for what they are in a kind way and not run others off who are listening/reading what you say.
I agree it is hard to not call the dubs a bunch of #%&*#% sick $#%&%#
If you have been badly hurt by them as MOST of us have...it's real hard not to rip them apart.
So watch who is listening or reading what you are saying and remember to gain others weather it be a lurker or whoever. Going to the angry side could sway them back in because they feel you left...and look what happened to you! You went bonkers!
i wonder if jesus did exist?i just wanted to know if having faith that he did is enough,i mean i like to have you know concrete proof about things and there isnt much proof he existed except that in the bible,maybe he was just another wannabe prophet,just think what people believe in today like faith healers they supposedly have healing powers,believers claim to be healed then later resume back to there normal condition etc etc.
is it all in there mind and they want it to be real they believe it so much that they think there cured even though there not you see wat im getting at people might of thought about jesus the same way like maybe looking for a hope in this healer or prophet and then claiming to be better because they were maybe over emotional about jesus.
Fred:..But billions know that Jesus existed 2,000 years ago.
Billions BELIEVE he existed 2000 years ago but sadly many go off of what they are told rather than realize it by hard study and research that he did exist.
Nice to hear some serious posts from you fred.
here i go again!!!!
!think about it what makes an actor,popstar,author,etc popular, them or its believers i mean cmon anything sells today even if its crap,people go on and on about the bible being inspired and beneficial for teaching but are other self help books inspired or are counselers or therapists inspired so back to the question is the bible inspired by god or mans imagination?
Angie:..I believe in fact only- and fact and proof show that yes, the Bible is inspired by God.
Amen sister!!!!!!!!!!!!
i am looking for some assistance or resources on anger mangement.. i have known the truth about the truth for about a year now.. due to reasons of family i don't beleive i can make a 100% break at this time.. i seem to have a major problem getting past the anger.
i am not an angry person by nature and in the past when i have gotten angry it never lasted very long.. at times i feel that the reason i can't get past the anger is because i have not made a complete break.
i don't know if this is true since i see many here who have made the break and the anger persists.. if there is anyone here who has experienced this and has found a way to move past the intense feelings of anger without completly breaking from the borg due to family reasons and can offer some advice i would welcome it.. is it possible to get past the anger with one foot still in?
Stealth: Realizing the truth is not the truth anymore.....will bring anger with it weather you stay in or get out.
The reason is because the most important thing in your life (the truth) turned out to be false! It would be like finding out your parents were really profesional theives after you trusted them all your life.
The anger may remain for years to come, or you may get over it somewhat as some have claimed to.
If you still have family and many friends involved, then the anger is worse than if it's just you. The reason being is you want to tell all these ones and you can't.
If you leave and you are shunned....(if dfed or disassociated)the anger is GREATLY increased.
in another thread, i stated the three best things i ever did with my life, but i thought the topic would make a good thread.. what are the three best things you did in your life?.
mine are:.
third best: divorcing my first wife.
1. Marrying my sweet little wife
2. Leaving the Borg.
3. Keeping my faith in God
welcome to the test your morality post.. this one of the worlds tests and has been compialed by one of the worlds greatest scientific minds.. unfortunatly i've lost that test so here is my own.. you and group of friends/workmates have a lottery sydicate going.. every week you each have personnal set of numbers that you enter if any of those numbers comes up you share the winnings.. you take it in turns to go to the shop to by the tickets.. here are your dilemas.. 1.one week a work mate/friend is ill or on holiday (or something happens that makes it impossible for them to pay)and cannot to pay for their ticket.your sydicate wins.. do you share the prize with him?.
2.one week a work mate forgets to pay his share.. do you share the prize with him?.
3.one week the person who elected to by the tickets forgets .one of the numbers comes up.. do you forgive them?.
I would donate every penny to the society to further the good news, as this old system is soon to end and tell my friends to go to hell!
Yes....in all 4 questions
please keep telling us what is happening as you hear of news with european dubs'reactions to the borg ngo smoke screen.
if any place on earth can blow that whole thing sky high it is portugal, spain, and the german dubs.
the iberians are not going to stand for what is wrong, believe me, i know them, nor the germans who also laid their lives on the line.
Phillip. Try editing this post and quote the scripture in your text. You'll get more response.People are too lazy to look it up including me. Thanks
many on this board claim the account of jerico in the bible epitomizes a mean, murderous god, who killed women and babies.
also, they claim the whole account is bogus.
Hey! Hey! Hey! Slooooow down there all you posters! I'm having trouble answereing ALL of you at one time. Take it easy!
are you a true apostate?.
heres a test that has been put together by the worlds top scientists to determine your true level of apostateness.. you recieve the latest watchtower and awake do you,.
a.devour its contents eagerly.. b.have a look to find the errors.. c.throw it in the bin.. d.cover it in petrol, set light to it and dance around praising satan.. how do yo feel about the elders ?.
To me an apostate is one who willfully turns his back on a God he once knew for wrong reasons.
(eg,)He/She dosen't want to be accountable to anyone anymore.
But!....for those who truely are not convinced there is a God in their heart...I won't offer an opinion cuz I don't know.