Hi Itsallwrong (great screen name) welcome to this happy if eclectic band of nutters !
You will find that the majority on here are not believers in any conventional sense, though the odd one or two are, church going and such.
I walked away from the JW crap in early 2008, born in, and in for 58 years. When I first left I still believed in "God" though not the "Jehovah" that the WT presents.
When I first joined this forum there was a lot of talk about critical thinking skills being important in gaining a correct understanding of anything, and how JW's have had their CT skills surgically removed. I made an effort to learn how to use such skills, and very soon came to the conclusion that, so as not to be fooled and controlled again in my life by scammers like the WT, or any other kind of conman, it was best if I did not "believe" in anything, belief meaning trusting something to be true without sufficient evidence.
This quickly led me to realise that there simply is no evidence for God that I will accept as satisfactory.
I don't like to label myself an Atheist to people I meet,simply because they jump to conclusions about a persons intellectual attitude based on that label, I style myself a Rational Humanist.
The Bible too. I examined, and found it not to be anything more than a rather wonderful and fairly unique collection of literature, produced by men , with no outside input.
Welcome again ! you are among many like minded people here.