In the Congo I grew up in, and left in 1970, there was a sister who was effing HUGE, she used to leave the mid-week evening meeting as the "Amen"still rang in the air to go get her humongous portion of fish and chips, if a car blocked her in, she was prepared to knock it out of the way!
She got bigger still, got diabetes, had bits amputated etc.
She is still, I can't say in good standing, she had a foot off !, but she is still a "sister". I do think she had an eating disorder that was never treated, but I don't think the Elders or mature sisters ever tried to help.
They just love an easy DFing, caught with your trousers down ? you're DF'd sonny! don't believe it's God's Org? You're DF'd sonny.
If it gets a bit complicated, like they might have to allow for the fact you are mentally unstable, and then they might actually have to give you some active help, they don't want to know.