So, I am now convinced, all the disparate governments, law enforcement agencies, banks and financial institutions, everybody down to the kindergarten teacher, all are controlled by this secret group.
Now what do I do ?
i first heard of the illuminati in, about 1979. a tape of a man named john todd was given to my family.
john todd said he was a defector of this secret society (notice the word, "society").
he did not mention the jehovah's witnesses.
So, I am now convinced, all the disparate governments, law enforcement agencies, banks and financial institutions, everybody down to the kindergarten teacher, all are controlled by this secret group.
Now what do I do ?
i was thinking about this yesterday.
when the wt claims that they are spirit-directed (not inspired mind you, whatever that means), and then they go and make a mistake, change doctrines and/or flip flop, where do they lay the blame?
do they say that they were the ones to make the mistake, or do they shift their blame elsewhere?
I have heard them almost blame Jehovah/Holy Spirit for their errors and false predictions, they do it in the ususal WT way, they are not actually saying what they want the R&F to infer.
For many years I asked the question of a number of Elders and others, "When we taught So and So, which is now seen as incorrect, what was the Holy Spirit doing , playing around with us ?" (Maybe not in those exact words, but similar)
I very rarely got a straight answer, you could see the old cogs in their brain struggling with that one.
It still amazes me that I could see all these problems, but I still stuck with the religion for so so long, fool that I was.
I am awaiting the spin they will still have to dish out when 2014 comes and goes, they have laid some groundwork, overlapping doodahs and such, but I bet they say that any who cry "Enough!" at that point are lacking in faith and "weak".
Is it possible for someone to return to a firm belief in Santa Claus once they have learned the truth about that old story told to kids ?
not really, is it.
The vulnerable are the ones who are not really "Apostate", who have never really "stood apart" from the WT teachings. Perhaps they still have a fear of Armageddon, or Judgement Day, or they feel the need to expunge Original Sin, such ones may get sucked back in, but only because they felt there was "some truth" in the Santa Claus like teachings of the WT.
Such ones are the mentally lazy, who will not research or think for themselves, so back to the cult they go, poor saps.
i first heard of the illuminati in, about 1979. a tape of a man named john todd was given to my family.
john todd said he was a defector of this secret society (notice the word, "society").
he did not mention the jehovah's witnesses.
Just like denying the existence of Satan the Devil enables him a ?
so an apostabuddy wanted to stage a silent protest at the assembly hall where she was baptized.
we went today.
the plan was to wear these apostate t-shirts that had stuff printed on them about thinking for yourself, and a bunch of websites.
Very well done !! I am full of admiration for you both, and the baby !
What I find strange about the story is the "group think" of the audience who all just sat there, until you had gone.
Were they instructed in some way to do this, or was it just a weird response ? Usually at the end of an Assy. session people are so keen to leave that they just leg it, regardless of what is going on. Strange.
the ancient jewish cross by al garza phd is a groundbreaking book just published by createspace (isbn-13: 978-1461133896; april 27, 2011).. i'm about to order this book because it means a lot to me personally.
i was completely unaware of the history or meaning of ancient hebrew letter taw.
shaped like a cross and avoided by various jewish rabbi today due to its ties to jesus christ's death since his execution, taw is a pictorgraph used prior to babylonian captivity meaning "mark," "sign," "covenant," "seal," or more specifically, "sign, covenant, and seal of yhwh god" -- and fulfilled when jesus the messiah finalized the covenant on it through his blood so that we could have eternal life.. is the cross jewish or pagan?
Dear brit93108,
Interesting though your posts have been,I feel you need to research a little more the matter of the Historical Jesus.
We do not know for sure that such a person existed ,let alone how , or why he died.
My own gut feeling, is , yes, there was such a man, a great preacher (though far from original) and doubless charismatic, but beyond that we cannot be sure of anything. (of course my "gut feeling" may be wrong too,he may not have existed)
To start to analyse every jot and tittle of scripture about Jesus, or any subject, is an abysmal waste of time, unless it is all fun to you, then , O.K have fun with all sorts of theories, but no conclusion could ever be reached.
i first heard of the illuminati in, about 1979. a tape of a man named john todd was given to my family.
john todd said he was a defector of this secret society (notice the word, "society").
he did not mention the jehovah's witnesses.
Oh boy, do some people just love conspiracy theories.
Unfortunately, there are no illuminati.
revelation 7:9nwt - after these things i saw, and, look!
a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of allnations and tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the lamb, dressed in white robes; and there were palm branches in their hands.. every year, as an adolescent witness, i would eagerly await the arrival of the annual "watchtower world report" issue to come out.
it had always bugged me that we were not in all the lands even though purporting to be the one and only "great crowd" decribed in the verse above.
Cog. Disss. is the ability to hold two or more conflicting ideas at once, and rationalise them to your satisfaction.
There are various methods of doing this, but all involve not facing up to facts and reality.
Just as a fairly neautral example, take the smoker who has puffed for forty years, he /she knows that the chances are it will get them in one way or another, but they look to the example of the cousins friends uncle who smoked more than them and lived to be a hundred twelvety.
I think that the sad part is that deep down, all practitioners of Cog. Diss, know that they are fooling themselves at least a bit.
It does no harm to shake them up a bit and make them face reality, especially JW's, tell 'em like it is, they need to face the real world.
the latest moniker to describe us is making the rounds at a circuit assembly near you: w.a.w.
wicked apostate worldlings.. sat through a saturday circuit assembly, haven't been to one in years, stunningly it was a mix of deja vu and cloistered brainwashing.
deja vu in that the talks could have come from 1966, nothing has changed about the end being near, and harsher with respect to family who are not jws.
I couldn't sit and listen to that crap without throwing up.
I will never attend another Meeting of any sort, except I may attend a family members funeral, but if there is going to be a graveside talk or similar, a shorty in the Crem say, I will probably just attend that, even then nausea will not be far away.
i've recently been reunited with some close family and friends having been away from them for some time in another country.
to begin with, i was a little apprehensive as to how they would treat me.
they don't know the extent of my feelings or knowledge (or what i've been up to!
I have felt exactly the same emotions that you felt Cedars, and because of those very emotions I avoid too much contact with my Jw family.
What is so very hard for me is biting my tongue, for instance my older sister will delight in telling me how well a B/study is "progressing" and "doing so well in the ministry".
It is on the tip of my tongue to say something like "Oh dear, another life wasted " or something similar, but I hold my tongue, usually.
The funny thing is , I resolved awhile ago not to be so considerate of their feelings, they do not consider mine, but the opportunity has not arisen yet to put them in their place.
I think I will do it in a fairly kindly way by saying something like "I have moved on now, as you know, and I am really not interested in that sort of thing "
In your position at present it is not as easy for you as for me, but before long you will be where I am, and able to say a little more.
Be assured that the emotions sort themselves out as time goes on, you will feel better.
As said so well above, it is not you who are in the wrong, even though they do not know it, it is them.