Yea I'd love to recover my 20's while in the jws. But Because of what all happened and how it happened, I tend to not trust women so much. I mean if I were to get into a real relationship again leading to marriage I'd be terrified. yea it has left me with trusting issues. I believe it's called "baggage" ?
JoinedPosts by HSS1971
What's the worst thing the JW religion has done to you?
by lfcviking inonce having been a member of the jw religion and now that you have left, what is the worst thing that you realise it has done to you?
i.e has it left you mentally scarred?
has it left you with serious family trouble?
Do you find yourself kinda thinking conspiricy theorist are maybe correct?
by IreallydidwalkoutofaKH ini don't know if it is me or if it is becauce i was taught so much false teachings growing up, or maybe that the watch tower publications are about a 10th grade level and when i read a thoughtful article i want to believe it.
but boy, television media seems to present the public with truths the same way the watchtower presents its truth.
with 10 minute sound bites, never getting to deep and really not explaining very well the history of some of the subjects.just a thought!
My own observation--the higher the rate of pot smoking, the higher the probability in buying into conspiracy theories.
There was a movie out in 1988 called "They Live" starring Rowdy Roddy Piper. In the movie he finds a pair of sunglasses that allowed him to see the world as it really was. It's an interesting watch. I believe life imitates art and vice-versa. Maybe pot is what allows it's partakers to see through the crap and really see the world as it truthfully is.
Look at the musicians in the 70's who smoked pot and saw things for what they really were. I'm remembering a thread here not long ago about great protest songs.
I wish I were a JW in good standing again...
by zeroday inno thinking no decisions to make just work at my menial job scrubbing toilets and washing windows, go out in service every week attend all the meetings answer at the appropriate questions and no oral sex...yes times would be so simple for me now but then i would have to deal with my atheism and i'm sure i will go directly to hell...
If I were to be reinstated, which won't ever happen, I would partake. But I would'nt ever do it in a df'd state. I don't think I'd ever want to set foot in a kh again tho. It would be too creepy.
I wish I were a JW in good standing again...
by zeroday inno thinking no decisions to make just work at my menial job scrubbing toilets and washing windows, go out in service every week attend all the meetings answer at the appropriate questions and no oral sex...yes times would be so simple for me now but then i would have to deal with my atheism and i'm sure i will go directly to hell...
I'd start partaking of the emblems at the memorial. I'd down the entire glass of wine just to watch them pass the empty glass around after me. That would be interesting to see how I would be treated when the cong. thinks I think I'm annointed.
I'd go home, smoke a joint and puke the wine up.
Is this normal???
by amama2six ini joined a few days ago thinking "hey, maybe i will find people that i have something in common with!
" i did not come here expecting what has happened to me.
i am reading experiences and doctrine and suddenly getting very angry and confused.
I can attest to that. Yes it's normal. When certain subjects come up that I have had experience with, I find myself getting angry or moody. I think that it's good therapy to face these subjects rather than avoid them. By facing these subjects the healing can begin. I'm the sort of person that is prone to hold a grudge for an offense, so I really need to keep confronting my "demons", for lack of a better term, so that I can work on the forgivness part.
Yes, you are going through the normal thing. Let yourself feel it, All of us here have alot in common.
What's the best and worst advice you have had ??????
by karter inworst- don't do an apprenticeship the new system will be here before you finish that was 1978. best- go traveling when you come back and settle down buy a house.
The BEST advice I ever got was from the brother that studied with me. He was in a hospital bed waiting for a heart to become available for transplant. I visited him one day to tell him I was marrying a sister. He said he dealt with this sister in judicial meetings before. He told me "do not even think of marrying Cynthia, I would'nt wish her on anyone". When I said " well, she seems ok to me...". He then said "I pity you my brother".
I'm still kicking myself for not following his advice. He was right on the money too. It was a bad match.
Messing with the sound system
by Iwonder17 inanyone have any ideas that wouldn't get me arrested?
HA HA !! I remember carrying the mic. I was allowed to do it one time and one time only. I was having trouble keeping the wire raveled in one hand and somehow got my feet tangled up in the wire. When the conductor called on sister so-and-so, I had to raise one foot in front of me to reach her with the mic. I think I may have lasted 4 paragraphs. After that never again.
What were you "done" for?
by Amha·aret injust wondering what the most unusual or flippant reasons are for people being booted from the cong.
i know the org makes out that almost everyone who is ousted is guilty of fornication but they're hardly going to say that people are leaving coz of all the lies, deceit and propoganda they spin!
if your "crime" was apostacy, what exactly happened?
I'll set it up first.
First, my then wife, (now my ex-wife) moved out of our apt. and back with her mother. Nothing I did or did'nt do. Thats just what she does because of emotional/mental problems. After about a week alone, I moved out of the apt. into a motel room. Before I moved out, I went through all our things and packed the things I wanted to save. Anyways after I was done with that, I did'nt bother to tidy up and the apartment looked a mess. I admit I was angry and confused as to why she would just up and leave like that. There was no violence, no cursing, or anything like that. I did my best to treat her with respect. I was'nt a perfect husband nor was she a perfect wife. But I never cheated on her or treated her rough. I never even cussed at her. I did call her a hypocrate once. Both of us continued to go to the meetings although separately. She did'nt even sit beside me at the meetings. You can probably guess that this gave a lot of fuel for gossip and speculation among the cong. to see a married couple sit at opposite sides of the hall at a meeting.
About 2 weeks later I did meet with the JC. They never explained it was a judicial hearing at the time the elders asked if I would meet with them after a Thurs. night meeting. I thought I would get some help/counsel for my situation. It was explained to me that since I left the apartment a mess, I must have had a fit of anger, which I did. They explained to me that that constitues "loose conduct" on my part. I was defensive and asked what right did they have to judge me on how tidy or untidy my apartment was. They took that as unrepentance. This happened in July 1997, I was 26 yrs. old. I was only baptised 5 years.
There were a few factors in play. The elders on the judicial committee consisted of Leo Faust, elder for at least 10 years or better. Jason Faust ( Leo Faust's son), newly appointed, wet behind the ears. And Frank Clark, another long-time elder whom I felt was a decent human being.
The youger elder Faust got some judicial/disfellowshipping training at my expense. Also, God forbid there should be a married couple not sitting beside eachother at the meetings !! Too much of a "disruption".
After all this happend, I vowed to myself that if I ever saw the first two elders out on the street that I would beat the crap out of them until someone strong enough could pull me off and not care if I went to prison for it.
I did try to get reinstated for about 4 or 5 months in 2003 in a neighboring cong. But decided what the hell.
After reading Crisis of Conscience recently, my attitude has changed. I want to thank all three of those men for disfellowshipping me from their counterfeit congregation. If I were still in, I would still be blind. I have no more anger toward them anymore. Thanks to the internet and Brother Ray Franz I now see the truth behind the mask. I now see just how anti-Christian the watchtower is.
Top 5 posters you'd like to hang out and have a beer with...
by tresdecu ini'll start:.
awakened @ gilead .
billy the x bethelite.
Damn nobody mentioned me. I drink beer too.
What was the most laughable JW teaching??
by chuckyy inhi all.
in your opinion, what was the silliest , most laughable watchtower teaching/doctrine, since its beginning until now???.
The absolute funniest thing I read in a Watchtower or Awake, I forget which, was that the act of oral sex between a married couple was an imitation of homosexual relations. I remember thinking "How could that be since heterosexuals were here way before homosexuals" Even IF homosexuals did invent the act of oral sex/stimulation, there is absolutely nothing wrong with a married couple pleasuring eachother in that way.
I HATED that rule because I could never have really satisfying relations with my wife.
They come up with some funny ones sometimes.