velvetann, I'm sorry to hear your story.
Are you doing alright now ?
Excuse me if I'm crossing the line here.
JoinedPosts by lancelink
How many were strongarmed by elders over inheritance, etc?
by avishai inon another thread, i saw how elders were after someone for money as soon as someone died in their family, more than once.
this happened to my mom for years after my dad died, insurance settlements, lawsuit settlements, they wanted as much as they could possibly squeeze from a widow with three kids.
anyone else see this?
using your car in service
by megaflower ini did not mind occasionally useing my vehicle out in service but the elder who did the morning text use to volunteer my car all the pet peeves were:.
1. people walking through mud, grass clippings(rural territory) and just hoping back into the car.
mudd all over carpet.
Once a sister mad mention to my wife and I that she had a very bad yeast infection, and as the morning
wore on there was an odor in the car.
Instead of going home, she wanted to stay out in the ministry,(she was a "nothing gets me down" pioneer type) well it was about 95 degrees out and one brother who was mr. gung - ho pioneer started to make really snide, nasty comments about the odor that he was beginning to notice.
He just did not get any of the suggestions from some of us to shut up, he just went on, and on about it, what an ignorant person he was)
That poor lady was mortified, I made the decision to quit early that morning out of embarrassment for the poor sister. -
Elders want to visit after memorial !!
by lancelink inwell, i attended the memorial last night, and since i have been inactive for some time two of the elders came up to me afterwards.
they want to get together and discuss how to get me active again.
since i am going thru some withdrawal pains, i spinelessly agreed to talk with them this friday evening.
Well, I attended the memorial last night, and since I have been inactive for some time two of the elders came up to me afterwards.
They want to get together and discuss how to get me “active” again.
Since I am going thru some withdrawal pains, I spinelessly agreed to talk with them this Friday evening.
Here is my major dilemma; I don’t want to talk to them in a ridiculing way, but I need to make my current situation clear to them,, I really am not interested in getting “reactivated”, I’m just not there anymore.
I believe that at this point of my life, spirituality is something that I need to develop myself, and the issues that I have seen in the WT society / congregation / and individuals has proven to me without a doubt that this religion is not the avenue that god uses today.\
Yet, there are certain people that I am not ready to shock in this manner,
I realize that I seem to have painted myself into a corner, but I am slowly but surely making this decision in a forward moving manner.
I was reading a newspaper column last week regarding spiritual growth at Easter time, and the example of a egg hatching was used. As the chick grows they have to break free of the egg, and move out into the world. If the chick stays in one place too long it will eventually die, so breaking free at the correct time is a natural part of its development.
This was reflected in a person’s spiritual growth, in time they have to break free from preconceived notions and move on, yet I don’t feel that I am totally ready to move on, or break free right at this moment.
How can I speak to the elders, be courteous, and still continue my breaking out in my own schedule?
I’m not ready to drop the bomb right now, how can I do this in a decent way??? -
I had a really interesting experience around 17-20 years ago. (don't laugh, this story is the honest truth) I had a job where I was working evenings 3pm-12am and while coming home I would drive down a long, dark country road,(around 2 miles.) There was a gravel pit on one side, and a forest on the other Anyway, one night in late September I was driving home and I saw something up ahead in the headlights, at first i thought it might be a deer, so I slowed down. As I got closer,I realized that it was walking along the ditch that ran alongside the road,, pure white skin AND walking upright. When I was about 50 feet away I turned on my brights,and it turned to face me. My first thought was that it was someone who had been in a really bad car wreck, and they were burned and wandering around in shock. he,she,it was about 4 feet tall, long skinny arms and legs, very large head with black eyes, no nose and a small rectangular mouth, almost no neck.Its walk had a certain jerky movement to it. It stepped out of the ditch and started to walk toward my car, I was going about 5 mph and when I was close I stopped. It was walking on the drivers side, crossing the road, looking at me. I just remember wondering what the hell happened,it was a very strange feeling I had, no fear just a sort of puzzlement trying to figure out what it was (remember, I kept thinking it was the result of an accident) The top of its head was even with me sitting in a small Honda civic. When it was several feet away still walking toward me, I freaked out somewhat and started to drive away slowly. All I could think of was that there must be an accident up ahead. But the farther I got I noticed that there was nothing wrong, even the whole area seemed really, really quiet. For the next several nights while going home I always slowed way down and had my camera ready to go, but I never saw it again.And there was nothing in the paper about anyone getting injured on that stretch of road Even now I still get the creeps, and the hair on my neck stands up if I drive down this road at night. Thats my story, and every sentence is true, take it for what it is!
I'm trying my best to fade with some grace, it is hard but it is working.
I'd like to know where to find the book, Crisis of conscience. I'd really like to read it.
I got the crisis book at Amazon, there seems to always be several copies available here is a link, -
\\ could you clarify what you mean by abductee ?
Hey they didn't specifically mention ninja suits as "unacceptable"!
Nor pirate costumes!
That is very very funny !!!! -
Does the Watchtower have any Credibility left?
by JH indid the watchtower ever have any credibility, and if they did, when did they lose it?.
when i look back over the years, I learned much about living a decent, moral life which I believed was from the wt.
yet, when I honestly look at the years, it was the bible principals that made a difference, not the wt.
so the credibility has gone down in my estimation. -
Why exactly do you come to this board?
by R.Crusoe ini wondered if anyone, after starting to post here after so long being worried about doing, now just does it because they acn and hasn't stopped to ask why the still feel the need or even pleasure.. so why do you come here?.
do you know?.
it's not easy to completely explain what it is substiruting for imo!.
because I'm trying to figure out why i remaned in this religion for so long, put up with all the
But yet there is a weird feeling ( probably from being a witness for 30 years)
that I'm doing something wrong, and so many comments posted here help me to see the reality of this religion,
and move on in a positive way.
So in answer to your question, it is the encouragement i get from the comments !! -
joke of the day - hope you havent heard this one
by MOG inpastor's business card .
a new pastor was visiting in the homes of his parishioners.
at one house it seemed obvious that someone was at home, but no answer came to his repeated knocks at the door.
very nice, thank you for sharing it.