you look very young.
Time will temper your enthusiasm, as well as give you wisdom to look at situations like this with a level head.
google alerts caught this..
summit ends with call for global peace .
you look very young.
Time will temper your enthusiasm, as well as give you wisdom to look at situations like this with a level head.
families with younger children had to sit in the last 3 rows or they were counseled!.
disfellowshipped persons were told not to sit next to each other and talk because it "looks like they're unrepentant"..
whenever we had a outdoor-cleanup day no kids under 16 were allowed
OK,,, but several years later when the PO's kids were older and wanted to help out at "special days" suddenly that rule of
being over 16 vanished.
Redmann is still the PO, but the majority of his KH is gone because of his inability to govern fairly and sensibly.
got back from the hospital awhile ago.
an older brother i know is very ill. in his 60's.
one of his family members is a girl in her 20's.
Thank you for posting your story.
So many times it seems people are bitter, and only look at the dark side of being/getting out of the witnesses.
Your story was a real inspiration to me, I appreciate it !!!
jacko's kids: let us prayposted jul 15th 2009 2:40am by tmz staff.
a week after speaking at her father's memorial, paris jackson (left) with older brother michael jr. (right) were spotted entering a jehovah's witness kingdom hall on tuesday.. .
She is wearing PANTS TO THE MEETING<
(Oh the horror)!
remember when the speaker from another congregation didn't show up?
i can still feel the good feeling it gave me at the thought of being able to go home early.
and all through the wt, every time the door opened i remember subtlely sneaking a peak to see if it was the speaker, and when it was just a latecomer, it kept my hopes up that he wouldn't show.
pretending to ring doorbells, while looking zealous for the ministry was my favorite thing.
i believe that this has been posted on this site before, but this afternoon i received this message,.
(after reading this i need to take several asprin and lay down.).
does jehovah know what is going on, and does he help?
I believe that this has been posted on this site before, but this afternoon I received this message,
(after reading this I need to take several asprin and lay down.)
No specific's just mindless chatter, and just who told this, Spangenberg, or Lauriz ???
(As told by Bro. Spangenberg , C.O.)
1. The bomb planted in the Kingdom Hall in Australia , where one Brother was killed, was meant to kill everyone, and would have; but the bomb rolled backwards so the force or the blast was away from the friends, rather than aimed at them.
2. A new Hall was built in Brooklyn. However, a large tree was inconveniently located in the center of the parking lot, and a city Ordinance forbade its removal. That night, a storm blew it down, and it conveniently fell in the middle of the street. No harm came to the Hall. Because it
blocked the street, the city of New York had to remove it, at no expense to the brothers.
3. In Florida , a Hall building was delayed, because the basement hadn't been back filled and the brothers had no means to do so. While the inspectors were at the site, a bulldozer showed up, did the job, and drove off. He returned to tell his boss; he'd finished the job at the Hall. The boss replied, 'Hall!? I told you to go to the mall!' The job was done at No expense to the brothers.
4. The brothers were building a 2-day project, and were short of roof trusses. None could be obtained for 3 days. Nearby, a semi-truck overturned, blocking traffic. What was it carrying? Trusses! The police wanted them removed. The brothers moved in and hauled them away. Although some were damaged, enough were gathered to finish the project, at no cost
to the brothers.
5. A Hall project was planned on an island. However, no sand was available for the mortar. (Many of these islands are formed from coral.). The only sand was on property owned by the Catholic priest , and he wouldn't sell to the brothers. A storm came up and washed the sand from the priest's land to where it was available to the friends. The project was completed, and everyone was happy but the priest.
6. In Poland , where the work was, at the time, done underground, 3 elders were working on a country road. The sky was cloudy. Suddenly a bolt of lightning killed the middle brother. The other 2 hurriedly hid his body in the bushes, to go and remove literature, etc. From his home before the officials came. (The officials would take over any possessions they found and would give them to whomever they felt could use them.) Among his possessions were found a complete list of all the Witnesses from miles around. He was not a brother, but an impostor, planning to turn this list over to the police!
7. In a country where the work is banned, a brother was trying to get through a series of roadblocks, with the trunk of his car loaded with literature. He was stopped by a policeman who asked him if he would take him to a certain destination as his car was broke down. The Brother agreed, the policeman got in the car, took his policeman's hat off and put it on the dashboard of the car as they drove along. They passed through five roadblocks and each time they were waved to go on through because of the policeman being with him. When they reached the end, the policeman thanked him and got out. The Brother asked him what the roadblocks were for and he said, 'Oh, those Jehovah's Witnesses try to get through with their literature and this is set up to stop them.' So he had escorted the Brother right through with his literature!
As Bro. Lauriz says, if these hadn't come from Bethel, we'd never believe them!
after reading the thread about strange field service experiences, i kept thinking about some of the strange stories.
when we would stop for break on a saturday morning:.
there was this brother and his wife who were uber-rightous about getting time in.
After reading the thread about strange field service experiences, I kept thinking about some of the strange stories
when we would stop for break on a Saturday morning:
There was this brother and his wife who were uber-rightous about getting time in. He had this really annoying habit of creating his own
personal "tag line for all his cutsie idea's.
His worst one was SO-SO, which stood for Saturday on, or Saturday off.
Him and his wife would put their nose to the grindstone one weekend and just go out in service, no breaks until noon, then the next Saturday
they would take a small 10 minute break for coffee, or soda. That was it, and they had small children at the time.
He was our BS conductor, and my kids hated working with him because of his quirky attitudes.
One morning it was about100 degrees, and all the kids were just miserable. I mentioned that we should stop and get something for them to drink.
Well this elder said nope, we need to focus on service because this is a Saturday on (non-stop service day).
Well, I looked back and saw my kids just miserable, so I ignored this guy and pulled into the donut shop and took my kids in to get something to drink.
This elder instructed his family to stay in the car, and practice a new presentation, he was VERY GOOD at making people feel guily if they did not agree with him. So my wife and I ignored him and his attitude and we took our kids in for a well deserved break.
And you know what ?
I had no bad feelings about it at all !
putting on a three piece suit to spend a 90 degree summer day knocking on doors and trespassing!dragging an entire family, including babies and young children to three or four day meetings in an outdoor stadium, living in a seedy motel room for the week.getting home from work and spending the next six hours cramming for a 'theocratic review', getting the entire family ready to go, gulping down dinner, and speeding off to the hall, and then finally getting home around 11 pm, hurrying off to bed so that everyone could get up for work and school in the morning!going to school to explain to the teachers why little johnny can't color pictures of santa, salute the flag of his country, eat birthday cake with all the other 5 year olds, bow his head when prayer is offered, or exchange valentines with all the cute 5 year old girls in class.
and then explaining with grace why he is not immersed in a cult!well, on and on!
these things were typical of my witness life - now i cannot imagine ever doing such silly things, and especially thinking that somehow they would bring pleasure to my god!.
Cominski park, in Chicago Illinois was MY nightmare.
First, getting two young kids ready early in the morning every day,
second, fighting bumper to bumper traffic going into the city.
Third, finding a seat in the "nosebleed" section, with two young kids, meeting bags, food for lunch, and several bottles of juice/water to help the boys make it thru the day. And getting the frown look from the attendants and other loyal JW's in the section because we were LATE.
fourth, Broiling under the sun, with a tie on !
And then the ride home, horrible traffic, and stopping along the way to get some dinner, we were sooo sunburnt that eating made us sick.
One of my boys threw up in the meeting bag on the way home, and guess what I did?
Went home, cleaned all the books, and bag and got it ready for the next "wonderfully spiritual assembly day"
What possesed my wife and I to do this, now I don't know.
My kids absolutly hate anything to do with the JW's now, and they have no qualms in bringing up the nighmare episodes like the one i just wrote about !
kingdom hall struck by vandals again story tools email storyrecommend storyprintable versiondiscuss .
/story tools article contentpublished on 6/26/2009.
the following reports were collected from georgetown police and county deputies:.
I wonder how many people will now use the "mold" excuse and not attend the meetings.
i discovered a site called which have pictures of individuals claiming to be jws looking for others jws to date.
based on the watchtower's anti internet stance and meeting people online, i doubt this website is real.
has anyone else seen this site?
Oh my God !
Just for fun I ent.ered my old hall Crystal Lake Illinois and there is a 20-something girl that has a VERY weird life.
When I attended a long time ago, she was an only child who was spoiled beyond belief.
She also had every imaginable ailment that she could think of.
Well, right after I left she ran away from her family, became homeless in downtown chicago, got pregnant and her parents found her on the street
They credited finding her to "jehovahs help", they also posted flyers in the CL trainstation stating that the girl was "disillusioned" and needed help.
She did need help but the JW's were not the ones to give it to her.
Anyway she was df'ed, married the teenage homeless guy, they moved in with her parents, and had the baby.
Now it looks like the guy bailed on her, left the kid with her also.
And now the kicker,,,
her profile states that she is healthy and mentally balanced.
From what I know, she is probably one of the most dysfunctional women ever !
Its uncomfortable to see what a wholesome / honest appearance she is trying to pass off. All those years as a JW must really have made an impression on her !
And her crazy parents,, they are no doubt filled with pride because she choose the truth over everything else.
Since her account has been frozen, they must be watching her every move, way to go when trying to raise a responsible adult.