lol should have just put my first thought...load of rubbish thread taking one thing and pretending it is a another with typical apostate oblivion to the truth.
in today's study watchtower there was, yet again, more demonization of the internet.
although the paragraph purported to be about guarding against pornography, it struck me that they are attempting to kill two birds with one stone here, without mentioning one of the birds by name.
here's a scan, check out paragraph 15:.
lol should have just put my first thought...load of rubbish thread taking one thing and pretending it is a another with typical apostate oblivion to the truth.
even though my attandance at meetings is lessening, i still have to attend so as not to lose my income, friends and family.
i've started playing games to make the meetings go faster, for example, i have started annoying the hall servant by making silly requests such as asking him to turn the aircon on, then 10minutes later saying things like , "thanks for that but it looks like sister elderly is getting cold - she has just put her jumper on".
i also look for brothers and sisters who haven't got one or the books or the okm and make a real meal at getting one to them (its amazing how much noise you can make fumbling around the literature cupboard).. i am running out of ideas, can anyone else suggest something to to take the dullness out of the meetings.
Would you go into the church of any other religion and disrespect their worship like you do witnesses at a kingdom hall with your childish games?
You excuses are for why you shouldn't be a witness anymore, they in no way condone you disrespecting others people's right to worship.
/sigh I shouldn't get drawn into these threads, yours surprised me because your first post seemed to be from someone with doubts and worries but a nice guy, you have changed if this latest thread is showing the influence of posters you have come into contact with from this site.
check out paragraphs 6 & 7; you could not make this stuff up.
congregations will be studying this next week.. .
lol when I have been asked many personal questions on these forum then had the info used against me and had pictures on here that I posted on myself used on other forums I fully understand their point. questions can be a weapon in the hands of those that would trip you up for their own agenda as Jesus knew, satan set the precedent.
1 Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, "Did God really say, 'You must not eat from any tree in the garden'?"
even though my attandance at meetings is lessening, i still have to attend so as not to lose my income, friends and family.
i've started playing games to make the meetings go faster, for example, i have started annoying the hall servant by making silly requests such as asking him to turn the aircon on, then 10minutes later saying things like , "thanks for that but it looks like sister elderly is getting cold - she has just put her jumper on".
i also look for brothers and sisters who haven't got one or the books or the okm and make a real meal at getting one to them (its amazing how much noise you can make fumbling around the literature cupboard).. i am running out of ideas, can anyone else suggest something to to take the dullness out of the meetings.
/sigh cantleave from doubter to despiser of people around you in just a few months. yet another reason why the apostate road would never appeal to me. I would never want to be someone that resorted to childish games with people I would once have called brothers and sisters and now only despise in my heart.
in today's study watchtower there was, yet again, more demonization of the internet.
although the paragraph purported to be about guarding against pornography, it struck me that they are attempting to kill two birds with one stone here, without mentioning one of the birds by name.
here's a scan, check out paragraph 15:.
lol paranoia much this is only refering to internet porn which if you read the papers newspapers etc is a massive issue in relationships now. It also costs a lot of money many people just giving out credit card details to porn website.
internet is "new science" and we are only just begining to be hit with the problems that come from it been available to everyone in everyway and having to deal with them. Only recently there was a massive search for a young underage teen girl that got lured into meeting with a man off the internet with a history of violence and mental health issues thankfully she was found safe.
One question would you consider it unfaithfulness if you found your husband did internet porn when you weren't around for his kicks.
for reasons i have posted on another topic i have become involved with a study with a rather knowledgeable jw.
i try to stay clear of the scripture (im an atheist who have never read the bible so i have desided to agree with his interpretation of the scripture for the sake of argument, however to say that when it come to interpretations of the bible, there are also many other ways to think about it, and it require significant research for me to commit to one particular view).
we talked about how you know jehovahs witness have the truth and ofcourse the conversation went into the usual topics like using the name jehovah (however, it did end where i felt it should, on jesus selection in 1918, more on that on another thread).
19 Nevertheless, God's solid foundation stands firm, sealed with this inscription: "The Lord knows those who are his," [a] and, "Everyone who confesses the name of the Lord must turn away from wickedness."'
5 and he spoke to Korah and all his company, saying, "Tomorrow morning the LORD will show who is His, and (A) who is holy, and will bring him near to Himself; even (B) the one whom He will choose, He will bring near to Himself.
here is another occurance and here the chapter makes it clear it is God we are talking about when it quotes from the hebrew scriptures.
for reasons i have posted on another topic i have become involved with a study with a rather knowledgeable jw.
i try to stay clear of the scripture (im an atheist who have never read the bible so i have desided to agree with his interpretation of the scripture for the sake of argument, however to say that when it come to interpretations of the bible, there are also many other ways to think about it, and it require significant research for me to commit to one particular view).
we talked about how you know jehovahs witness have the truth and ofcourse the conversation went into the usual topics like using the name jehovah (however, it did end where i felt it should, on jesus selection in 1918, more on that on another thread).
32 And everyone who calls
on the name of YHWH will be saved;
for on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem
there will be deliverance,
as YHWH has said,
among the survivors
whom YHWH calls.
13 for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." [a]
21 And everyone who calls
on the name of the Lord will be saved.' [a]
both Paul and peter quote this scripture from joel.
Jesus himself taught his followers to pray to God: YOUR name be sanctified.” (Matthew 6:9) And in prayer on the night before his execution, he said to his Father: “I have made your name manifest to the men you gave me out of the world . . . Holy Father, watch over them on account of your own name which you have given me.”—John 17:6, 11.
*** km 2/89 pp.
3-4 our identification as jehovah's witnesses ***.
as ministers of the good news, we are known publicly as jehovah's witnesses.
This is were have anti-witnesses have put something on witnesses that isn't there. We are literally trying to do Jehovah and his son's message and will, door to door so calling ourselves wts would be wrong lol how quickly would you lot use it against if we did do that. damned if we do damned if we don't in this case.
my jw elder friend said to me that the nwt is the best translation of the bible and that scholars have said as much.
is this true and is it the best?
are there scholars who disagree?.
hi TD
I cannot argue on your level of knowledge this site says certain things concerning the wording used.
but I agree on one thing the interlinear uses 'know' so it wouldn't be a big issue if NWT used know it's not theology changing for Jw's, but for christians use who 'know' in a specific theological viewpoint that isn't supported biblical on how we should continue growing in both "knowing" knowledge of God and Jesus it's more of an issue for them.
18 But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.
Colossians 1:10
And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God,
2 Peter 1:2
Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.
if anyone can disprove my conclussions please send me a letter in my inbox, or if you can think of other points please drop me a line.
feel free to copy and use part or all of this letter.
i started my biblical sereach after i was asked by a brother in my book study group why we could use fraction that was taken from coagulated blood, but can not auto-transfuse {store our own blood for later use} becasue the blood coagulates and then must be poured out onto the ground.
so if israelites had just drained a little blood to drink from the animal without killing it, it would be okay?
I doubt it. the blood issue is about sacredness to God and also a protection as most of his laws on principle are.
THis letter is just trying to find loopholes on the blood principle.
Ask yourself one question.
If blood transfusions were not life and death would you adhere to the blood laws? and just clearly see that taking blood into your body by transfusion is if anything worse than eating.