Topics Started by Uther
Death Metal PUPPY!!
by Uther in(uther comes charging into this room he hasn't been in before on his trusty steed, dismounting quickly he scans the forum).
"fair folk of the realm....i saw this vid and decided i would bring it's mirth to you all!........would that we all were as vibrant as this pup about that which we derive enjoyment from!".
Carl Sagan agrees with the Watchtower
by inkling inha, i knew that thread name would get your attention .
before you lynch me, hear me out.... found in the feb 1st 2008 watchtower p4, (and previously commented on here: ).
is this startling piece of rhetoric:.
Does "God" Jehovah hate us for leaving the Watchtower society? Why!
by Witness 007 indozens of false prophecies and doctrinal "flip flops" but witnesses still claim........"but its the truth!
so, if there is a god or jehovah can he blame me for having doubts????
if i was in the governing body i would have learnt my lesson from russell's false predictions 1879 1914 etc........instead it continued........rutherford 1925......w.w 2........and franz "god's oricle" surley he got the message..........nope.....1975 and the generation of 1914....surely god will be merciful and say:"hey witness 007, it's not your fault!...they weren't speaking for wonder you stumbled...come in to paradise!
A few wines and I hate the fact...
by sparrow ingenerally i am a cool, calm and collected kinda guy.
no one dislikes me.
i go out of my way to make sure of it.
not one for all of that sissy crap (email forward)
by chickpea inare you tired of those sissy 'friendship' poems that always sound good,but never actually come close to reality?well, here is a series of promises that actually speak of true will see no cutesy little smiley faces on this card-just the stone cold truth of our great friendship.. 1. when you are sad --i will help you get drunk and plot revenge againstthe sorry bastard who made you sad.. .
2. when you are blue -- i will try to dislodge whatever is choking you.3.
when you smile -- i will know you are plotting something that i must be involved in.
Would You Really Want To Live Forever With Dubs?
by shamus100 inhere is the hypothetical question of the day - would you, or more appropriately, could you live forever in paradise on earth with jw's?
with the hypocrosy, silly elders, silly people... feeding lions and cleaning up after animals... everyone living by waterfalls, like the jw's always portray in they're psychotic pamphlets..... or would you rather be dead.
i, personally, would much rather be dead.