Phenominal Mary!
Posts by kzjw
by Mary in" (this would harmonize with matt 10:9 that tells them not to take any money with them).
" the interpretation of the acts of the apostles, 1961, pp.120-21.
it became evident, however, that further personal training in the house-to-house ministry was needed.
Help Requested PO and his wife coming over tomorrow for 'study'
by insearchoftruth inmy wife had a bible study with the sister and her daughter actually yesterday evening (i am guessing that the daughter needed some time), i was in the living room at the time, and i will post the notes from this conversation later this evening (at work now, don't have them here).
my wife had wanted to learn how to read the bible from them, but they of course manipulated her to a book study within two weeks!.
at the end of this bible study (they started the bible teach book, got to paragraph 13 in chapter one) the sister asked my wife if i still wanted to talk to her husband on wednesday, i said i would be very interested, but i want my wife and i to both be involved in the discussions (want to have her hear what we are talking about, firstly if i can ask an interesting question, and secondly i want her to see i am not a raging apostate to the gentleman - and he is a pretty nice guy).. .
If you're hoping to do Michael=Jesus you might want to look at my thread from earlier in the week...
Just be a little stonger and take control. If the PO insist on Bible Hopscotch, explain that you feel reading just a verse does not allow for the interpretation in the context of the scripture written. This is known as eisegesis . Tell him that you find that method of teaching unfair, and it surely must allow for man's interpretation. Assure him that you want to follow, God and not lend to man's understanding, surely the PO would want to do likewise.
Just want to introduce myself
by cjones inhi everyone, i have been lurking for a very long time and have been pretty much blown away and sickened by what i have learned on this discussion forum (this is actually the first forum i had ever visted).
i am married to man who was not a jw when i met him (although he was raised as one from his early teens but left when he was in his 20's, oh and that was when he started attending college), to make a long story short we met, fell in love, got married, had a few children and then 20 yrs later he started attending the "meetings" or better yet "the indoctrination sessions" again, which btw he did not tell me that that was what he was doing!!
shortly thereafter i began noticing changes in his personality, and it wasn't for the better.
I'm one of those UBM's Hal9000 spoke of, you said you read COC(I aausme you meant Crisis by Franz) You should read Captives of a Concept as well. This book allows you to get to a place where you understand it's not your husband's fault. It's what made me stay with my wife so far. We've also done counsellng. But if your Hubby's in "headship mode" he'll side with the BOE who'll tell hime he only need Jehovah. You made need to do something to shake him up, but only you know what might work.
I hope you find peace...
Gin is best drunk with?
by stillajwexelder ingin is best drunk with
1)ice only
2)tonic and lemon slice
10/15/08 WT - (Finally) seeing the light on out of context quotes?
by sir82 inin the 10/15/08 wt, page 16, there is a very small filler article on a 15th century german cardinal who used the name "jehovah" (or its equivalent in 15th century german, at least) in a sermon he wrote.
sorry, no scanner.. anyway, part of that sermon he wrote, in which he references the name "jehovah", is quoted.
but wait a minute, what's this?
Thanx 4 reading past the double post...the blood issue is erally touchy -- her mom had surgery adn when a nurse came forth during the surgery to ask about just making an addition to the blood to avoid clotting, she quickly dismissed the nurse with no hesitation. I'm not even sure she knows of the changes in the blood doctrine. I am however hoping we can have our studies weekly.
So, it's Sunday morning and the wife is going thru the routine to go to the meeting(I quit going 2 months ago). We agreed that she'd not do field service on Sundays, it's now "our" day. So I suggested as she leaves that we'd discuss the JW belief that Jesus is archangel Michael when she came back. Around 2pm, we head to the basement computer for our study & I pull up the JW's for Jehovah God website , then and Bible Gateway and start reading (she's got her trusty NWT) So we do the comparisons & she listens(without the 1000 yard stare). I'm amazed!! Now it's her turn, and she takes me to Proverbs in the OT;&version=50; to account for Michael's existence, but found her own fatal flaw...that even in her interpretation the "one" being referred to was indeed Jesus. We then reviewed Revelation and the appearance of Jesus "with the voice of an archangel with the trumpet of God". I explained that the fact that Jesus is coming with the archangel's voice doesn't mean that He is the archangel, notiing that the verse also says also says that Jesus is coming with God's trumpet, but I wouldn't argue that Jesus is God simply because He is coming with God's trumpet. I pointed to the Trinity issue she once disproved to me, by saying "You can't have it both ways can you?" She grew a little silent, realizing that the FDS interpretation might actually be man-made.
In the past, we've had knock-down drag out battles about biblical issues, but today was different. I showed repect for her knowledge, but was able to hold my ground. The study was a grueling 5 hours, discussing not only that issue, but she actually viewed a few falicies set forth by the WTBS on JWD (I showed her most of Awakened@Giliead's profile) and we briefly discussed Captives of a Concept (I'm going to try to get her to read it). I'm so glad I heeded advice from those of you who said "be patient".
She showed me some of her spiritual side, though she loves to do FS, she does not always agree with everything the FDS says, and admitted when she has a problem with something, she will speak out about it to some one in the congregation. I asked if she get the answers, or if she's told it will come in time. She said it's usually the latter(of course that's the FDS buying time till she forgets, or it becomes a non-issue). As best I can tell, this is not one of those congos where the BOE freaks out because someone has a doubt or two.
At the end of the discussion, I asked her, "so when food or doctrine is given from the FDS, it is coming from?" And her answer was "Man"
I told her that I can accept her as a witness, as long as she understands that the WTBS is not what it appears to be. I'm beginning to think she does.
The question; Do you think this JW wife of mine may one day see clearly? Now that we can discuss JW doctrines calmly without WW3, what is my next issue to discuss?
Some People Enjoy Being Jehovah's Witnesses For Various Reasons
by minimus insome individuals truly enjoy being jehovah's witnesses.
i think about those that would have liked to be in acting.
well, having a part in a demonstration in the service meeting or giving a talk in the theocratic ministry school gives one the opportunity to act, be melodramatic, show a little comedic talent,etc.
My wife says she enjoys field service...out 3 days this week so far, I'm sure it's more of the boasting sessions with her "sister". I just cringe to nkow that if I have my way she'll one day come to realize that she shared things that were man made with her BS, and not the true word of God...
Update KH explosion
by stillajwexelder ini wont bore you with all the details.
however the dedication went ahead on schedule this weekend.
talk was given by john (???