Welcome! God is real IMHO...but you have to seek your own personal relationship with him. You'll get great info here, but it's only the begining.
Posts by kzjw
is there a true jehovah God
by mattbetrayed incan anybody help me i was brouhgt up a jw i pioneered went to bethel was a ms gave public talks but left because i knew they are false in every way god is good he loves us crhist saved us but these people want to see all killed except the "govering body " and the 1st and 2nd class witnessses the heaven bound and the earth bound i have stayed away from god and other faiths for yrs as felt should not but i have read some stuff about russell and rutherford and this has made me along with what i have found out about 1975 see that i need help from those who know what it is like being brouhgt up in this evil lie i hope that god will direct someone to help me god bless
My wife is gonna look at apostate info
by 10p ini never thought we'd be here.
after a long discussion last night, my wife now wants to know the 'other side of the story'.
what made me leave.
the Jehovah's Witnesses for Jehovah God website seems to be pretty tame while getting a JW the proper info...
The term "Jehovah God"
by kzjw ini'm having trouble with it...i accept that god has many different names, yaweh, allah, jehovah, etc.
imho, it doesn't matter what you call him as long as you him!
but what's up with "jehovah god" as i hear the term used in talks by certain elders.
I'm having trouble with it...I accept that God has many different names, Yaweh, Allah, Jehovah, etc. IMHO, it doesn't matter what you call Him as long as you Him!
But what's up with "Jehovah God" as I hear the term used in talks by certain elders. Isn't it redundant to use God's name twice? Is "God" Jehovah's last name? I don't think so! I subscribe 2 of the following possible answers;
- It's Idolotry...By placing a title infront ot the name of God, it implies a different "god". A clear Commandment violation.
- It's a substitute name for the FDS, WTBS or the governing body, from which ridiculous doctrines/policies are passed off as the will of God.
What do you think?
A JWD poll - Using the Forum
by Lady Lee ini'm interested in why you came and why you stay.
searching the net for info about jwscame from another websitefriend told me about otheron an emotional level where were you when you first came here?.
frustrated or fed up with jws and wts needed some info and support from other people who may feel the same waywas dfed or daed and felt lost and alonewas involved with a jw and needed info about this religion that was interfering with the relationshipotherhow long did you read before you started posting?.
4 4 1 1 3 4
Do black Americans claim Obama as one of their own?
by digderidoo ini was watching an interview with a black american recently about barrack obama.
interestlingly he said that black americans find it hard to claim him as one of their own.
he said that black people would much prefer to have someone who is from the stereotypical upbringing of a black american to be the presidential candidate.
I'm a white American, but Obama is 50% Caucasian -- so I'd say that the question "Do White Americans claim Obama as one of their own?" is equally valid. If it isn't equally valid, can someone tell me why not?
That's such a great point, look how many races are trying to claim Tiger!!
Do black Americans claim Obama as one of their own?
by digderidoo ini was watching an interview with a black american recently about barrack obama.
interestlingly he said that black americans find it hard to claim him as one of their own.
he said that black people would much prefer to have someone who is from the stereotypical upbringing of a black american to be the presidential candidate.
Hell no! I grew up withot a father, very fair skinned, and from the black & white picture of my biological, believing he was white. I was still black during the 60's, which means I was exposed to everything any other "black" person had to deal with in terms of that day's predjudices. Only 2 years ago did I discover that my biological was actually black, just fair-skinned like me. Like Obama(we're the same age). I'm so sick of other African-Americans making a distinctions about skin color or racial mixes, If you're not "caucasion" in appearance then you are black.
Jesse on the other hand, is full of s&*%, always has been. He wasn't even on the balcony when Martin Luther was taken, yet he went on TV making false claims. I was only 10, but I remember and never forgave him. Wouldn't have voted for him if he's gotten the nomination!
Color, or lack there of, doesn't matter. Humans do!
I'm proud of Obama's story, we share a common bond. I'll proudly cast my vote for this man!
Governments and voting - have there been reinforcments in this?
by insearchoftruth inwas wondering since this an election year in the us, if the wts has been reinforcing its position on the voting ban...i thought it recently had become a matter of conscience, but tonight my wife was talking about how she realizes there is a need for governments, but there will be only one government which will bring peace.
i asked her about selecting the government and she said that there will always be people who vote and they can select the governements since overall government really does not matter.. i am guessing that she has spent more time with the pesky sister in her free time than i had previously thought.
I've heard it stressed in Sunday talks during the Primaries, how ever can't force my self to return. My JW wife says it's a conscience matter, but she runs to email her elder everytime I bring up that I want her to share this experience with me. I don't expect to inaugurate the next President married to her....
Welp- Talked to an elder
by megawatt inspoke to an elder and mentioned i had some concerns that need addressing.
he asked if it's about the organization and i answered with a simple yes.
it's something i don't want to do, but for some reason the better half thinks it's necessary, as if i need a different perspective on my research and maybe he'll be able to shed some light on my doubts.
Mega -- don't forget to provide for the "New Light"(Proverbs 4:18) the JW's 2nd most powerful tool of deception. It is the get outta jail free card for failed prophecy. It is not a "dimmer" switch, but an"on/off" switch(Generation change). In actuallity, Proverbs is a discussion/proverb on the rites of passage from boyhood to manhood btw david & Solomon. Captives of a Concept by Don Cameron does an excellent job of destoying this JW tool.
Good -- we're all rooting for you!
Like a Lollipop!
by LouBelle inthat song by lil wayne makes me wanna dress up / down, heels and shake my money shelf!
dont know what he's saying sometimes, other parts are 'naughty', but the song is hot hot hot!
sexy hot.
"Shwaty" is used for any girl with a fat ass, by the way...the song is catchy, as well as "Sexy Can I?" but they are apostate songs! LMAOL!!
C u 2 morrow....